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P-2 FMS Game Cards (c) AcePE2016

2 Survivor Series Tag When to Use ; Warm up Game
Focus : Spatial Awareness, FMS (Run and Dodge) Equipment : Cones x 10, Sashes x 10 Game Description Set up area to play. Depending on the amount of children, look at ½ basketball court for 20 children Select two teams The object is each team to try and tag out the opposition team When tagged the team members sit out until a member of their team who is still free tags them back in Game Modifications Elimination Chamber : Players are tagged out and stay out until you say “ Chamber open” They then have 10 seconds to tag as many people back in until “Chamber closed is spoken Grade Level : Grade 3 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

3 Survivor Series Tag Focus Questions
As a team what is your strategy in the game Explain some of the skills you must have to successfully play this game. Do you have to talk to your team mates while playing this game. What are you saying to them and how does this help you win the game. (c) AcePE2016

4 Crue Convoy (Rock, Paper Scissors Challenge
Conga Line Aka: Crue’ Convoy (Large Group Rock Paper Scissors) When to Use within lesson : Warm up, Ice Breaker, wet weather and recall skills Equipment: None Game description and Instructions Students pair up Proceed to play Rock, paper scissors Loser stands behind the person , placing their hands on their shoulders and start chanting their name and the winner moves around to find someone to play. This process continues through. Ends up with the final two people to determine a winner (c) AcePE2016

5 Rob The Tribe When to Use within lesson : Warm up, Team work strategies and Listening Skills Equipment: 4 Hoops (different colours), Treasures (Comprising of at least 25 beanbags or alike), full basketball court or equivalent Sport Focus : Can be used in basketball (dribbling) Game description and Instructions Split Group into 4 Teams (Y.M.C.A) Place hoops in the four far of the basketball court Treasures in centre On call one person at a time runs out and collect one treasure Places that in the hoop and tags next person Once all treasures are gone, on TEACHERS COMMAND one person at a time can steal another groups treasures (one at a time) (c) AcePE2016

6 Rob The Tribe Focus Questions
What was the easiest FMS to use when playing this game If as a teacher I added an extra skill, eg : Dribbling the basketball while running to pick up a treasure, what effect would that have on the game and on your performance (c) AcePE2016

7 Bears and Eagles Same set up as Rob The Tribe
Sashes will be better to designate group members Choose 3 Eagles to guard the treasures One command two people from each group can run out to get Eagles treasures Can go anywhere in the designated playing area If one of the group members gets tagged they must return to the group and next person comes into the game. If that person has a treasure they must return that treasure before exiting game. The Eagles nest is a safe zone (Cannot be tagged while in there) Eagles cannot hover around and block people when they are in the nest. Grade level : Grade 3 to Year 9 (c) AcePE2016

8 The Hunted When to Use within lesson : Warm up or skill based game
Sport Focus : FMS (Running, Dodge, Throw and Catch), Teamwork Equipment: Sashes (3), 2-3 Ball (Rubber Ball or equivalent) Game description and Instructions Select 3 Students to be the Hunters Students will run in designated Area (good start Half a basketball court) Hunters start at the opposite end of the playing area Object is for the Hunters to throw students out with the ball When hit, that person becomes the hunter Hunters can throw the ball between each other but can’t run with the ball Modifications Increase the amount of taggers Implement a skill base like Rugby pass Place skipping ropes out. Pretend they are “Snakes” and students must leap over them. If they step ion them they are also out Grade level : Grade 4 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

9 The Hunted Focus Questions
What is the main skill that people need to know when trying to avoid being hit by the hunter When you are the hunted against 20 hunters, do you have to move into an open space to be safe, Why would you do that? (c) AcePE2016

10 The Reverse Hunted When to Use within lesson : Warm up or skill based game Sport Focus : FMS (Running, Dodge, Throw and Catch), Teamwork Equipment: Sashes (3), 2-3 Ball (Rubber Ball or equivalent) Game description and Instructions Select 3 Students to be the Hunted Students will run in designated Area (good start Half a basketball court) Hunters start at the opposite end of the playing area Object is for the Hunters to throw students with an allotted time ( eg: 60 seconds) Hunters can throw the ball between each other but can’t run with the ball Modifications Increase the amount of taggers Implement a skill base like Rugby pass Grade level : Grade 4 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

11 Fools Gold When to Use ; Icebreaker activity, decision Making
Description Take an area the equivalent of Half a basketball Court Place a different coloured cone in each corner of the area The Instructor turns his back and the children have 10 seconds to choose a cone to stand on The teacher or instructor calls out the colour of the cone Those children on that cone are out of the game The game goes till last person is standing (c) AcePE2016

12 King of the Mountain  When to play / Teaching Focus: End Game, Team Work Sport Focus ; Any team orientated sports Equipment: 20 Treasures (Balls or bean bags), Sashes Game description and Instructions Cone off two zones, 2 meters in from the end line and 10 bean bags placed in each area Teams start off with 3 players each Rest of the team mates line up on the sideline (see diagram) Players will attempt to collect the oppositions bean bags and get back to their side without getting tagged The end zone is a safety zone, can’t be tagged  Modifications Players can only stay in the safety zone for an allotted time Coin toss upon entry of new players. Winning of that toss can take an extra player in When tagged go to the end of the line of waiting players Grade level : Year 8 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

13 King of the Mountain When to play / Teaching Focus: End Game, Team Work Sport Focus ; Any team orientated sports Modifications Players can only stay in the safety zone for an allotted time Coin toss upon entry of new players. Winning of that toss can take an extra player in When tagged go to the end of the line of waiting players Add in one dodgeball for each side (Dodgeball rules apply)    Grade level : Year 8 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

14 King of the Mountain Focus Questions
If you wanted to attack someone else’s ship what is your strategy? Is there team work involved in this game. If so explain how team work is used If you were to defend your area what is your role in the game. Explain it in detail. (c) AcePE2016

15 Great Barrier Reef When to Use ; End of session game Focus : Co operative game, Team work, cognitive problem solving, strategies to attack and defend, accuracy Equipment: 4 sets of 10 Cones (must be different colours), single crash mats(if available), bean bags or tennis Balls (These are treasures) Grade Level : Grade 1 to Year 8 (c) AcePE2016

16 Great Barrier Reef Game Description
Set up area to play. Depending on the amount of children, look at full basketball court Set up exactly the same as Rob the Tribe 4 islands will be set up about 2m x 2 m by cones or you could use a crash mat and place cones equally around the outside of the mat Select 4 teams of 6 Bean bags / Treasures are spread around the playing area. Students can collect the treasures and place them on their island Students can be tagged out at any time Once they get tagged they go to the Aquatic Jail (Same as Jail Break) and stay in there for 30 seconds or wait for a tag from a team member (teacher decides) At the same time students can steal one treasure from another teams island When they are on or in another teams island they are safe and can’t be tagged Game is played until the whistle blows. Usually running time per round is about 5 minutes. (c) AcePE2016

17 Wolfs Den When to Use within lesson : Skill application in Game Play, Warm up Focus : Warm up Equipment: 20 cones, 2 to 3 sashes Game description and Instructions Set up in full basketball court Have a middle area where the taggers will stand (eg : Middle netball third or equivalent) Set up students half on one baseline, half on the other Focus on the skill; basketball passing or soccer dribble and start with 3-4 balls Select two wolves for the middle and they will defend the area specified Students will attempt to get past the wolves to other side If caught they will swap roles with the wolves Modifications Change from pairs to threes Increase the amount of wolves Grade level : Grade 3 to Year 8 (c) AcePE2016

18 Wolfs Den Focus Questions
If you are on the batting team what strategy did you use to score runs. Dis you maximise the amount of runners in scoring positions from 1 to 3? Was there any other strategies you were using to score As defenders what did you do to maximise the amount of people struck out? Did you increase passes or did you close down space? (c) AcePE2016

19 Zookeepers When to Use within lesson : Skill application in Game Play, Warm up Focus : Warm up Equipment: 20 cones, 2 to 3 sashes Game description and Instructions Set up in full basketball court Place three sets of cones in 3 squares up one end of the basketball court on the baseline Have a middle area where the 3 taggers will stand (eg : Middle netball third or equivalent) Set up students in three different animal groups Select two zoo keepers for the middle Students will attempt to get run away from the zookeepers for an allotted time If caught they will be placed back in their square Object of the game is for the zoo keepers to round up the animals in an allotted time Modifications Change from pairs to threes Increase the amount of wolves Grade level : Grade 2 to Year 8 (c) AcePE2016

20 Messy Neighbours When to Use ; End Game, Skill Development and Application, Teamwork, offensive and defensive strategies. Sport Focus : Any sport involving FMS ; throwing and catching Equipment : cones, 20 bean bags / or Tennis balls, Game Description Set up two teams simular to dodge ball Make sure you have a line of cones along the midline of the court Ask students to stand still while you throw out objects On the command “Messy Neighbours” Students will start throwing objects to the opposition side. Students must complete the KTP’s of the FMS of the Throw Make sure that all throws must be high and deep Grade Level : Grade 4 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

21 Trash compactor When to Use ; End Game, Skill Development and Application, Teamwork, offensive and defensive strategies. Sport Focus : Any sport involving FMS ; throwing and catching Equipment : cones, 20 bean bags / or Tennis balls, for Trash Compactor you will need two goals, or cones to make up a goal area. Game Description (See Messy Neighbours for game set up) Set up a goal area, either with portable goals or coned area Set up cones in a half circle, 4 feet from the goal No student is allowed into this area as they can defend anything from outside the area 5 points for getting an object into the back of the goal. Goalie can only go into the coned area if the object comes to a complete stop before the goal Grade Level : Grade 4 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

22 The Plague When to play / Teaching Focus : End Game / Skill Development, wet weather Sport Focus : Soccer Equipment: 4 – 5 Soccer Balls Game description and Instructions Divide children into 4 Groups (YMCA) Designate Boundaries, preferable half basketball court to start Students will make a circle within their group They will kick and pass the ball between teammates While doing this the circle must move around the playing area at all times Aim of the game is to keep the ball in your circle and avoid contact with other groups Modifications Shorten or lengthen playing field Make one team a tagging team Grade level : Grade 2 to Year 12 (c) AcePE2016

23 The Plague Focus Questions
What is the most important aspect of this game? Explain your answer If we increased the number of groups from 4 to 7 what difference would that make to you playing the game? To extend on that, will it be easier for the group with the ‘Plague’ to catch groups (c) AcePE2016

24 Fly Swatter When to Use within lesson : Warm up, Wet Weather and recall skills Equipment: Tennis ball Teaching points ; reaction time, catching Game description and Instructions Students set up in groups of three. Number each team member Set up a circle. Group members stand next to each other Teacher goes in the middle of the circle Teacher throws the ball underarm to child Once the throw it back the teacher palms it to someone else (Simular to a hot potato) When they drop it they can do A lap of the circle Hold a push up for 10 seconds If its elimination, nominate one child and when they catch it the whole group is back in Grade level : Grade 1 – Year 10 (c) AcePE2016

25 Fly Swatter Focus Questions
As a catcher what position do you have to be in to be ready to catch a ball that comes to you What skills do you need to be successful at this game (c) AcePE2016

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