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The Rise of Dictators Crisis of Democracy.

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1 The Rise of Dictators Crisis of Democracy

2 Japan Nationalism Ultranationalists- extreme nationalism
Economic crisis Resented being treated as second class country Manchuria- Northern Chinese region Blew up Japan railroad tracks and said China did it Conquered Manchuria *Rich in natural resources Built naval Armament

3 Militarists in Power *Military domination Ancient warrior values
*Used schools to teach absolute obedience to the emperor and service to the state *Started campaign in China Allied with Germany and Italy in WWII

4 Western Democracies Stumble
Irish Independence at last, IRA US “Red Scare” Limit immigration to USA

5 Postwar Foreign Policy
Maginot Line, French fortification along German border France built military and strictly enforce treaty of Versailles, Britain afraid of France and SU becoming too powerful with weak Germ. Kellogg-Briand Pact: renounce war as an instrument of national policy, US Sponsored Disarmament- reduction of armed forces and weapons

6 Postwar Foreign Policy
Limited size of Navy but not army Outlawed war League powerless to stop aggression

7 Postwar Economics Britain had economic issues, debt, high unemployment
General strike- strike by workers in many different industries at the same time Fr. Slowly recovers after war USA. Leading economic power Investment in Europe recovery USA prosper the global economy remained stable

8 The Great Depression Falling demand and overproduction after war
Overproduction- production of goods exceeds the demand for them Federal Reserve- central banking system in USA, regulates banks and sets interest rates *Oct stocks sold all at once, markets crashed Great Depression- painful time of global economic collapse No loans abroad, massive unemployment world wide

9 The Democracies React to the Depression
Br. Unemployment benefits, failed, 1 in 4 unemployed Fr. Decreased production unemployed, lack strong leadership USA. Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal- a massive package of economic and social programs Regulate stock market, protect bank deposits, Gov. created jobs, Social Security Many lost faith in Democratic governments

10 Fascism in Italy Unemployment, peasants seize land, workers seize factories Benito Mussolini Organized veterans and discontent Italians into the Fascist party Charismatic Speaker Black Shirts - party militants Smashed socialists *March on Rome- Appointed by king to lead Italy, fear of Civil war *Took title: II Duce

11 Mussolini Rule Suppressed rival parties, muzzled press, rigged elections Critics thrown into prison, exiled or murdered Economy under state control Loyalty to state “Believe! Obey! Fight!” Fascists youth groups

12 Nature of Fascism Totalitarian state- one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens Fascism- centralized, authoritarian government that is not communist whose policies glorify the state over the individual and are destructive to basic human rights “survival of the fittest” Democracy led to corruption and weakness

13 Fascism vs Communism Nationalistic goals International Change
Defined classes International Change Classless society


15 Soviet Union Under Stalin
Totalitarian State Five-year plans: building heavy industry, improving transportation, increasing farming output Command economy- government officials made all basic decisions Rise in production, standard of living low Low quality goods Forced collectivization in agriculture Collectives- large farms owned and operated by peasants as a group

16 Stalin’s Terror Tactics
Terror Famine Secret police, torture, violent purges to ensure obedience No free press No protest Gulag- a system of brutal labor camps Cracked down on old Bolsheviks, targeted possible party opposition Stalin’s power increased Military leader loss hurt them later

17 Communist Attempts to Control Thought
Propaganda, cult of personality to make himself godlike Used radios and loudspeakers Evils of capitalism Socialist realism- show soviet life as positive, No satire Russification- making a nationality’s culture more Russian Destroy religion Atheism became official state policy

18 Soviet Society Under Stalin
Required school attendance, technical schools and universities Sports, free medical care, day care Single family in one room home Women won equality under the law

19 Soviet Foreign Policy Two different Goals
Worldwide communist revolution Guarantee national security Comintern- communist international Joined league of nations

20 Hitler and the Rise of Nazi Germany
Weimar Republic Constitution Parliamentarian system head by a Chancellor Was hit by extremists and blamed Runaway inflation 100 marks in 1922 was 944,000 in 1923 West helped inflation recovery, great depression ended help from USA Germans turn to energetic Adolf Hitler

21 Nazi Party’s Rise to Power
Hitler developed anti-semitism while living in Vienna Fought in WWI, become leader of National Socialist German workers (NAZI party *Hitler wrote in prison: Mein Kampf- basic book of Nazi goals and ideology *Blamed German WWI loss on Jews Charismatic, great depression plays into his hands Turned to Hitler in fear of Communism Appointed Chancellor Dictator of Germany in a year

22 The *Third Reich Controls Germany
Appealed to nationalist glories *Boasted that German master race would dominate Europe for a thousand years Works programs to combat depression Rearm Germany and schemed to unite Germany and Austria *Totalitarian rule SS enforced the Fuhrer’s Gestapo- secret police

23 The Third Reich Controls Germany
Nuremberg Laws- deprived Jews of German citizenship and placed restrictions on them Night of broken glass- German mobs attacks Jewish communities Nazi Youth- indoctrinated young people with their ideology *Women were to be mothers Purged German culture- no Jazz, replace Christianity

24 Authoritarian Rule in Eastern Europe
Ethnic rivalries in Yugoslavia Dictators rise in the East

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