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Presentation on theme: "PORTFOLIO PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

Structure and Overview

2 Introduction (1-2 Slides)
Use A LOT of pictures pictures of you, your family, your friends, your clubs Talk about the types of thing that make you….you Hobbies likes/dislikes pets Give general information about yourself AGE birthplace previous education ONLY 3-4 BULLET POINTS, MAXIMUM ON ANY SLIDE

3 Introduction (2-3 Slides)
Obstacles you have been through (SLIDE 1) THIS IS THE TIME TO GET PERSONAL what hardships (if any) have made it hard for you to focus on education? (Think about your Story of Self, or your SOP). Things you have done to overcome these obstacles (How did you get through your issues?) (SLIDE 2) support systems therapeutic activities which you have found comforting/strengthening MOTIVATIONS - what has inspired you to work harder and push past those most challenging aspects of your life? HOW HAVE YOU GROWN?

4 Philosophy of Education (1 Slide)
Should answer one or more of the following questions: Why is education important? How do you think of your own role in your education? What is your definition of education? What do you expect to learn by the time your education is over? QUOTES ARE GREAT!!!!

5 Goals (2 Slides) Short terms goals Long term goals summer plans
college plans/post-graduation plans Long term goals future career hopes (with concrete steps to get there) travelling plans/goals fun goals! (learn a language, try a new sport, etc.)

I DESERVE TO GRADUATE BECAUSE… (Explain why you are adequately prepared for college/career/next step)

7 The Problem (1-2 Slides) What is the general problem that you researched for your paper? What is your research question specifically? Brief history about the problem Why you chose it? Why does it matter? Remember, summarize this in only 3-4 bullet points

8 Artifact 1--Research Paper
(Have your Research Paper with you/Shared with Panel) Expectations for Discussion: Explain the process you went through in order to write your research paper. What were the steps? (How did you build your paper? From step 1-5) Identify the thesis and discuss the significance of the problem you researched Discuss the specific ways you supported your thesis throughout the essay. Why are research skills essential in college and or career?

9 Artifact 3--Stats Analysis
Expectations for Discussion: Explanation of Burning Question Methodology Analysis Conclusion Why was this project important What did you learn from doing this project What skills did you learn from this that have prepared you for college or career

10 Application of this Work
How have you improved by doing this work ? AT LEAST 3 academic skills that have improved as a result of working on this portfolio. Academic skill examples: Time management, inquiry, research skills, ability to infer, read informational text, ability to analyze data etc.

11 My Legacy Quotes that present your philosophy of life.
Verbally talk about these topics: Through this project, what have you learned about yourself and your education? As you reflect on your high school experience, how have you grown/changed in your 4 years here? What has caused this growth? If you met your 9th grade self, what advice would you give him/her? What will be your outlook going forward? What do you want to be remembered for?

12 The Future PICTURES! College Life goals professional familial
Kids? Home? Marriage? Travel?


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