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IGNITE SCHOOL CULTURE: Start with Staff & students

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1 IGNITE SCHOOL CULTURE: Start with Staff & students
Self-Reflection Through Video Student Victory Journals School Celebrations Corey Davidson – Silverback Trainer Lacee Peterson-Silverback Trainer Editor notes: “PLC’s” changed to “PLCs” “Changes” edited to “Change”

2 IGNITE SCHOOL CULTURE: Start with Staff & students
Books for Teachers: Gerry Brooks

3 Expectations for growth
Identify: Teachers get a clear reality of their teaching and set specific goals. Learn: Teachers focus on a strategy to implement. Improve: Teachers implement and practice and gather data. Follow up: Teacher and Instructional Coach meet and plan next action steps.

4 The 3 video types at douglas primary school
Student Engagement Video Cycle Peer Collaboration Editor notes: “PLC’s” changed to “PLCs” “Changes” edited to “Change”

5 The Keys to successful Video
Establish trust Concentrate on the most important areas of improvement Use of feedback Hattie’s 10 mind frames

6 The Keys to successful Video
Establish trust: My behaviors must match habits- Be authentic, Video myself, Communication is the key, Safe environment with snacks, Non judgmental, Open ended questions and listen, Take notes and Have a connection: Empathy Concentrate on the most important areas of improvement: Academics, Transitions (Instructional vs non instructional), Behavior (time in task), Engagement (Authentic or compliant) and Build on strengths

7 The Keys to successful Video
Use of feedback: Feedback isn’t praise, it’s information to help reach a goal. If teachers know it’s a safe place, they are more likely to use it. The video doesn’t lie, use that tool for immediate feedback. Teachers must have say in their goal and target, otherwise it’s just someone telling them what to do. Hattie’s 10 mind frames: My fundamental task is to evaluate the effect of my teaching on students’ learning and achievement. The success and failure of my students’ learning is about what I do or don’t do. I am a change agent. I want to talk more about learning than teaching. Assessment is about my impact. I teach through dialogue not monologue. I enjoy the challenge and never retreat to “doing my best”. It’s my role to develop positive relationships in class and staffrooms. I inform all about the language of learning. I recognize that learning is hard work. I collaborate.

* Share your vision for student success with your students Goal setting with your students Victory Journals- Academic/personal goals “ I will improve my reading to a score of a 4.0 by the end of 2nd grade.” Each student has a victory journal to use for their goal setting. Students set goals in areas of their academics and personal achievement.

Leadership Roles: School & Classroom Job Applications * Personal Goals: “Score more touchdowns at recess!” * Academic Goals: Goal setting aligned with benchmarks * “Pride Pages:” Project Based Learning Animal Habitat Brochure & Open House Pictures * Data Tracking: Goals, Charts, & Graphs that are student created

Monthly VIB, Morning meeting, Stickers, Warm fuzzies, Run the halls, Testing (hardest worker, most growth and highest score), Celebration room, Perfect Attendance, PARENT CONTACTS 3 POSITVE EACH SEMESTER. Staff: Monthly staff spotlight, Sticky notes, POP, Cart of Kindness and Random surprises (Recess coverage, 1 hour nothing, and treats). FISH Book- Make someone's day- Choose your attitude- Play - Be there

* Panther Pride Assemblies- Monthly ~ Recognize student achievement ~ The assembly is led by our “Student Leadership Team” with grades K-6 End of the Year “Passport Party” ~ Students set and complete “Leadership Goals” in the areas of: LEADER OF ACADEMICS: math facts, student created projects LEADER OF SERVICE: write to a soldier, volunteer duties, school jobs, friendly letters LEADER OF SELF: personal care routines, exercise, participation in sports, music, clubs, etc.

12 BECAUSE OF YOU……………. Teacher Appreciations
~ Thank you for attending our Summit Conference. Because of YOU, it is possible! Many thanks, Your Silverback Team Members

13 Your Voice Counts! We want your feedback.
Session Title: Igniting School Culture Presenters:  Lacee & Corey Please make the Summit great. Participate by taking a 1 minute session survey after each session attended. Use the QR Code or the URL to access.


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