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Student voice… begins with you!

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1 Student voice… begins with you!
Lacee Peterson & Jonah; Blaine County School District

2 teamwork Goal setting with your students Victory Journals-
* share your vision for student success with your students Goal setting with your students Victory Journals- Academic/personal goals “ I will improve my reading to a score of a 4.0 by the end of 2nd grade.” “My goal is to be a better reader!”


4 Student victory journals
Each student has a victory journal to use for their goal setting. Students set goals in areas of their academics and personal achievement.

5 Progress monitoring Students play an active role in their progress monitoring At times students enter their own data into Mileposts to reflect on their graph Setting end of the year goals as well as interval goals

6 Jonah- student spotlight
My name is Jonah, and this year I was in Mrs. Peterson’s 2nd grade class.  We used Victory Journals to help us set goals for the school year.  Some of my goals  helped me get better at math, and some of my goals helped me to learn more words.  Today I want to share with you how I did with my reading in 2nd grade.   When I first took my STAR Reading test I scored a 2.7 then I set a goal to reach 4.0 by the end of 2nd grade.  When I took the test in November my score was a 3.0 and in May I scored a 4.4. By May I had improved 220 points and made almost two years growth.  I also met my reading fluency goal this year and I could read 136 words in a minute.

7 Jonah- student spotlight
 I set a goal to read 100,000 words in a year. When I started 2nd grade I liked to read the Bernstein Bear books and then I would take an AR test working towards my goal. Then I started reading the Magic Tree House books. I liked reading longer books because I could imagine what was happening in my head. This year at the end of 2nd grade I had scored a 3.9 in STAR Math. Some of the work that I was doing was multiplication. I also learned how to solve perimeter and area of shapes. This year my favorite day in 2nd grade was our end of the year field trip to Shoshone Falls. This day was fun for me because we went to the park and had pizza and went to the Gift Shop.

8 Your Voice Counts! We want your feedback.
Session Title: Student Voice Presenters:  Lacee Peterson Please make the Summit great. Participate by taking a 1 minute session survey after each session attended. Use the QR Code or the URL to access.


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