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The 2nd Party System & Westward Expansion

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1 The 2nd Party System & Westward Expansion

2 Warm Up What created the anti-Irish feeling in American society after 1840? How was the Know-Nothing Party a reaction to this immigration What was the Missouri Compromise? How did it try to ‘settle’ the slavery issue? What does the phrase ‘Manifest Destiny’ mean? What were the causes & effects of ‘Oregon Fever’? What are the capitals of California & TX today? How do these cities connect to their early history? How did the horse and the buffalo shape Native American society in the west? What does the phrase “54’40 or fight!” mean? How was annexation of TX connected to the slavery issue?

3 What are the symbols of ‘American Progress’ in John Gast’s painting?

4 Presidents after Andrew Jackson
All one term!

5 Tyler presidency –foreign policy
Disputes with GB Canada as a British territory offered freedom to escaped slaves Oregon boundary 54’ 40 or 49’ parallel? Eventually 49’ parallel will become boundary Oregon Treaty of 1846 Maine boundary with Canada –settled by Webster-Ashburton Treaty Congress wouldn’t annex Texas, so GB made overtures to Texas to help defend & get a free-trade, abolitionist foothold in the South Congress relents in 1845 –Texas becomes 28th state



8 Manifest Destiny Idea that God manifestly destined the American people to spread their democratic spirit across the continent ‘Empire & liberty” Exemplified through policies of President James K. Polk ( ) Desired California, Texas & Oregon

9 Texas Abandoned by US in 1819 for FL (Adams-Onis Treaty)
Mexico declared independence in 1821 Contracted with Stephen Austin in 1823 to bring US settlers Must be Catholic Must become ‘mexicanized’ By 1835, nearly 30,000 settlers In 1830, Mexico outlawed slavery & slave trade –Texans refused to comply By 1836, full scale rebellion Santa Anna leads Mexico to victory at The Alamo Sam Houston’s Texans capture Santa Anna & his army at San Jacinto Rio Grande River becomes ‘border’ b/w Texas & Mexico Houston becomes 1st president of the Lone Star Republic Never really enforced

10 War w/Mexico President Polk tried to buy California in 1846 for $25 mil. Offer refused by Mexico Gen Zachary Taylor put on Rio Grande border leading to bloodshed; Polk asked Congress to declare war Anti-war Congressman Abraham Lincoln called for a -‘spot resolution’ to know where in the US blood had been drawn Congress declared war in 1846 (2nd time in US history) US army fought all the way to Mexico City, John C. Fremont captured California Settled by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 $15 mil for all of the Mexican Cession Wilmot Proviso passes House, but not Senate –no slavery in Mexican Cession


12 Mexican Cession of 1848

13 Padlet –Short Answer Exercise

14 Territorial Expansion 1783 - 1848
Territory Date Acquired Previous Owner How Acquired? Original United States 1783 Louisiana Purchase 1803 Texas Annexation 1845 Oregon Country 1846 Mexican Cession 1848

15 Close How did the industrial revolution give reinforce a southern commitment to slavery? How was American society transformed in both the North and the South by this economic issue? How did western expansion fuel this sectional divide?


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