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The “Bandit Wars” 1900-1920.

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1 The “Bandit Wars”



4 Juan Cortina The Rio Grande Valley has seen its share of border conflicts. The First known as the “Cortina War” pitted Mexican Colonel Juan Cortina and his irregular army against the United States and at times the Mexican Army.

5 The Cortina War The root of both Cortina’s and later the Bandit Wars was the loss of land by Mexicans to Anglos after the end of the Mexican American War. The Climax of the Cortina War was his capture of the border city of Brownsville, Texas on Sept. 28, 1859. Cortina was eventually removed by the Mexican Army from the city and later pursued by the American Army.

6 The Rio Grande Valley

7 Tejano Ranching in South Texas
The earliest industry in the Rio Grande Valley was ranching and the earliest landholders and ranchers were Tejanos or Mexicans. Even after the Mexican American War, Hispanics continued to be the primary landholders.

8 Transition of lands Since most land was owned by Hispanics the earliest Anglos in the area had to marry into Mexican/Tejano families to become prosperous both financially and politically. This created an Anglo population that was either tolerant or became part of the Hispanic culture. However, in the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s due to financial losses in the ranching industry, the Valley began to change towards an agricultural economy.

9 South Texas Farming During the ranching financial crisis many Hispanic ranchers were unable to gain access to credit and through sale and non payment of taxes they began to lose their land to Midwestern farming families who were drawn into the valley through advertising campaigns.

10 The new population in the Valley
Anglos from the north who moved down into the valley brought with them many racial prejudices. In addition the population went from one which one which contained over 50% mixed race to one of only 12% mixed. Also within a decade there was an over 450% percent increase in Anglo population. Consequently, in the space of one decade the entire society of the Rio Grande Valley changes. To add fuel to the fire, Mexicans went from full time vaqueros to part-time farm workers. All of the above led to a high level of tension between these two groups of people.

11 Direct causes of the Bandit War
Revolution in Mexico. The discovery of The Plan de San Diego which was a document calling for Mexicans to rise up against their Anglo oppressors and take back Texas, New Mexico and California. These two events led to suspicion that any cattle rustling or other “bandit raids” were actually something far more sinister.


13 The Texas Rangers

14 “Los Rinches” The first to respond to this new threat were the Texas Rangers. However, many who came to the valley were only politically appointed Rangers and not true law enforcement officers. They shot first and asked questions later. The most notorious was Henry Ranson ex-chief of police of Houston who fled the city after he shot a defense attorney in a courtroom.

15 Tensions and Violence rises
Ranger raids and Bandit retaliation resulted in a large cycle of violence with innocent Mexicans, Mexican-Americans caught in the middle. In addition land hungry Anglos labeled innocent ranchers as bandits so that they could take their land through violent means.

16 The U.S. Army arrives Tension grew so high that the United States Army was stationed in the valley. Within a year there were more American troops along the border than anywhere else in the nation.



19 The results of the War Thousands died, so many that residents in the Valley began to get used to the sight of dead bodies along the side of the road or hanging from trees. The army quickly pointed out that the Texas Rangers were the catalyst to most of the killing if they were removed tensions would cool down. Laws were passed regulating the numbers of the Rangers and regulating their behavior and in time the violence subsided. However, the land, economy, and the political system now shifter towards Anglo dominance.

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