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We would like to, but how? Copy others? Read, find resources?

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2 We would like to, but how? Copy others? Read, find resources?
Talk to Erik and Courtney Church community conversations Get TASH to hold a conference. Call in the experts!

3 But maybe they’re just…

4 Hidden in Plain Sight: Strategies for Welcoming People with Disabilities and their Families into Congregations

5 We’ve gone.. “We don’t have ‘any’ here!” to “ ‘they’ are all around.”
Now what?

6 How you start anything new in your faith community
How you start anything new in your faith community? How do we do it already?

7 Our pot-luck is bigger than we think!

8 Practice hospitality: Who’s doing who a favor?

9 Name and share moments of revelation. In Baptist parlance: “Witness”

10 85% of what you teach is not written down
85% of what you teach is not written down. Find your hidden curriculum and teach it.

11 Recognize and befriend your limits and boundaries

12 Tom Reynolds: “Learn how to see provocation as invocation.”

13 Invite everyone to act out??

14 Recognize that the worship service lasts a week.

15 The greatest gift is being present for the journey and missed when you are not.

16 Journey with us and us with you:
National Collaborative on Faith and Disability, SITD Facebook: Editor: Gleanings, Bill Gaventa, M.Div. Summer Institute on Theology and Disability, Telephone:

17 To a new “We don’t have any here”
That’s Sue our deacon That’s Yousef, aide to the Iman That’s Jason our greeter

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