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SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD

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Presentation on theme: "SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
2nd Grade Science Lesson 16 Day 1 Food Chains SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

2 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Engage 1 With a partner, talk about what you see in this picture and how it might be used. How would you make a chain out of 3 paper strips and tape? Tell students we will use these chains later in the lesson. Label the strips 1, 2, and 3 and make an interlocking chain out of them? SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

3 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Engage 2 Create a paper chain with 3 paper strips and glue. Label the chains 1, 2, 3. Glue the strips together linking them in order 1,2,3. SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

4 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explore 1 With your table group, discuss what this picture is trying to convey? (Turtles eat plants and small insects. Picture is trying to convey what the turtle consumes.) SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

5 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explore 2 Do you think turtles actually eat hamburgers? With your table group, discuss what this picture is trying to convey? (Turtles eat plants and small insects. Picture is trying to convey what the turtle consumes.) YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

6 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explore 3 Look at the row at the bottom. What is at the beginning of the row? (the sun) How does the sun help the plants? (The sun provides the energy needed for the plant to make food.) What is next in the row after the arrow? (plants) Why do you think the plants come next? (They get energy from the sun to make their own food.) What do you think the arrow represents between the sun and the plants? (Energy from the sun going into the plant.) What comes after the arrow behind the plant? (an animal, a mouse) What does the arrow between the plant and the mouse represent? (Energy moving from the plant to the mouse as the mouse eats the plants.) How did the mouse get the sun’s energy? (The animals eats plants which have stored energy that is then passed on to the animal.) What comes after the arrow behind the mouse? (an owl) What does the arrow between the mouse and the owl show?(the movement of energy from one animal eating another) SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

7 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explore4 Day 1 1 = Sun 2 = Plant 3 = Animals Look at the chain with the pictures. Using the chain you made earlier, what does link 1 represent in a food chain? (the sun) What does link 2 represent in a food chain? (a plant) What does link 3 represent in a food chain? (an animal) Why is the animal last in the food chain? (It eats the plants that makes its food using the sun’s energy.) How is energy shown in a food chain? (by the links on the chain) SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

8 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explain 1 Day 1 How does this food chain show the movement of energy from the sun to plants, and plants to animals? (The movement is shown with arrows pointed from the sun to the plant, and from the plant to the animal eating it.) How are the water plants making food? (They use the water, sunlight, air, and nutrients to go through photosynthesis.) How is the turtle meeting his needs? (The turtle eats the water plants and gets the energy stored in the plant from making its own food.) How is the eagle meeting his needs? (The eagle eats the turtle and then the energy from the turtle is passed to the eagle.) SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

9 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explain 3 Day 1 Stacking Cups sun The first cup represents the energy that the sun provides Draw the SUN on their first cup Label the cup boldly with number 1 and the word SUN. The second cup represents plants. Plants make their food from the sun’s energy Cut and paste the plant on the second cup Label the cup boldly with number 2 and the word PLANT. The third cups represent animals. Animals eat plants or animals Cut and paste the animals on the number 3 cups Label the cup boldly with number 3 and the word ANIMAL. 3 3 Students will need 3 or 4 small Styrofoam cups and Explain3 Day1 slide for food chain cards. Teacher Note1 It is helpful with the food chain cards to have them backed with different colors for each food chain so that students know that others with the same color are in their group. Teacher Note2 Food chains with more than 3 cards, all the animals would be number 3. Allow the students to figure out the order of the animals within number 3. 3 3 2 1 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

10 SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT 2014 CFISD
Lesson 16 Explain 4 Day 1 corn locust lizard snake lichen slug toad snake grass grasshopper shrew hawk bird snail thistle berries mouse slouth SCIE_2_A_Les16FoodChains_MAT CFISD

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