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Vision and Mission Vision - Support all Tennesseans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. Mission -

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Presentation on theme: "Vision and Mission Vision - Support all Tennesseans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. Mission -"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vision and Mission Vision - Support all Tennesseans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to live fulfilling and rewarding lives. Mission - To become the nation’s most Person-Centered and cost-effective state support system for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

3 Waiver Services Arlington Waiver Statewide Waiver
Self-Determination Waiver Effective December 5th, the Arlington lawsuit has been dismissed. DIDD has succeeded in their efforts to assist the class members to transition into community living and employment.

4 Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program
Employment First is the premise that all citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life. States receiving TA: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, D.C, Hawaii, Iowa, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Utah

5 TN’s Employment First Evolution
2012 – Protégé State 2013 – Protégé State 2014 – Core State 2015 Core State Video -

6 Employment First! Twelve providers working on “transformation”
Training for additional agencies to participate Movement of segregated services to integrated services Technical Assistance from nationally recognized Subject Matter Experts Employment First Task Force Employment First Provider group

7 Employment First! Policy development to incentivize community integrated employment Waiver redesign & renewal Cross departmental collaboration Development of 3 parent coalitions Data collection for accurate numbers Employer outreach Publicizing and Marketing efforts

8 DIDD Employment Data Number of persons with employment services = 1,312 Number of persons actually working = 635 Average weekly hours = 10 Average hourly wages = $7.80 Most hours worked = 45 Least hours worked = 1 What does the data tell us? Explain the baseline, opportunity for growth, power of numbers in what needs to progress, etc. increase expectations, increase work hours and support the person to be successful in employment.

9 National Disability Employment Statistics
Labor Force Participation Unemployment Rate People with disabilities = 19.8% People without disabilities = 68.3% People with disabilities = 11.7% People without disabilities = 5.3%

10 Myths – Fact or Fiction? People with disabilities can’t work
People with disabilities are “too disabled” to work People with disabilities just want to “draw” checks It is too risky to hire a person with a disability Accommodations cost too much People with disabilities can’t communicate People with disabilities do not practice work place safety

11 Myths – Fact or Fiction? People with disabilities CAN work
People with disabilities ARE NOT “too disabled” to work People with disabilities DON’T just want to “draw” checks It is NOT too risky to hire a person with a disability Accommodations DO NOT cost too much People with disabilities CAN communicate People with disabilities DO PRACTICE work place safety Average accommodation is $25

12 Benefits to Hiring People with Disabilities
Work place diversity Increased productivity Dependable Punctual Passionate Team players Safety Consistent work attendance Increased revenue – community finds it appealing

13 Disadvantages to Hiring People with Disabilities
NONE It’s a win-win situation

14 Veterans with Disabilities
American Job Centers help with employment Improve resumes, network, interview, connect with training and find a job 2,700 AJC’s across the county Want to connect with an AJC? - Enter a zip code and locate a center near you

15 Steps for Hiring Veterans with Disabilities
1- Design a strategy for your hiring program 2- Create a welcoming & educated workplace 3- Actively recruit Vets, Wounded Warriors & Military Spouses 4- Hire qualified Vets & learn about accommodations 5- Promote an inclusive workplace to retain Vets 6- Keep helpful tools at your dispose

16 Person First Language: Puts the person before the disability
INSTEAD OF: SAY: Disabled person Mentally Retarded Wheelchair bound He’s in Special Ed Person w/ a disability Individual w/ cognitive disability Uses a wheelchair He receives Special Ed services

17 Do you have unmet needs? Unmet needs are in every workplace
Identify needs & hire a person with a disability to met those needs Win-Win for both employer and person working Can create job descriptions based on needs Through process of Customized Employment

18 Customized Employment
A flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. Based on an individualized match between the strengths, conditions, & interests of a job candidate & the identified business needs of an employer. Utilizes an individualized approach to employment planning & job development — one person at a time one employer at a time.

19 Customized Employment
Task reassignment: Some job tasks of incumbent workers are reassigned to a new employee. This reassignment allows the incumbent worker to focus on the critical functions of his/her job (i.e., primary job responsibilities) & complete more of the central work of the job. Task reassignment typically takes the form of job creation, whereby a new job description is negotiated based on current, unmet workplace needs. Job carving: An existing job description is modified — containing one or more, but not all, of the tasks from the original job description. Job sharing: Two or more people share the tasks & responsibilities of a job based on each other's strengths.

20 Where to start Identify target population Identify & select partners
Build capacity Implement policies and procedures Identify needs Hire people with disabilities Grow in your success!

21 Questions

22 Contact Information Amy M. Gonzalez, M.S., CRC Office – (615) Cell – (615)

23 Sources

24 Sources

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