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Finishing Unit 4.

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1 Finishing Unit 4

2 SCHEDULE Intro to 5-Paragraph writing Last Classes HW
Compound sentences Final Presentations (Q & A) Time Provided Who is your team? What is your topic? Who is team leader? What homework is being provided for the next class?

3 5-Para Intro ~ A Brief Intro ~

4 Why Learn the 5-Para? Easy to create
Organizes your findings, thoughts, or opinions Format can be used for any subject Basic tool for any essay Incorporates many of the basics of good writing Speeds up the writing process because of its formulaic nature Can be used for structure of a research-based essay when expanded

5 The Basic Format Paragraph 1:
Introduces the thesis and directs the reader to the three main supporting subtopics (argue) Paragraph 2-4: Each paragraph restates the subtopic and provides a supporting argument with examples. Paragraph 5: Restates the main thesis idea and reminds the reader of the three main supporting ideas that were developed.

6 PART ONE: Paragraph 1 Introduction

7 THE INTRODUCTION Consists of: The Hook
General Topic Sentences (2 or 3) which are more specific than the hook A thesis statement including three supporting ideas, all written in parallel structure


9 THE INTRODUCTION important definitions
Hook: 1-3 sentences that ‘grab’ the attention of the reader Examples: Historical information An anecdote A surprising statement A quote A statistic

HISTORICAL INFORMATION: Some topics are better understood if a brief historical review of the topic is presented Make sure it’s factual Keep it brief

11 Example In the spring of 1975, skateboarding started on its journey to become one of the most popular sports that we see today.

ANECDOTE: An interesting little story OFTEN very personal Include sights, sounds, smells and other sensory images Keep it brief (2-3 sentences)

13 Example of Anecdote When Randon was 12 years old, he saw a new sport on television called skateboarding. Since then, he has done nothing but skateboard, and now, he is a local legend for his amazing skateboarding skills.

A SUPRISING STATEMENT: Sometimes the statement is surprising because it is disgusting. Sometimes it is joyful. Sometimes it is shocking. Sometimes it is surprising because of who said it. Take care to explain how the statement relates to your topic Description is great, over- exaggeration is not Make sure that the statement is relevant, not just shocking

15 Example of hook with a Surprising Statement:
If I wanted to inform parents of ways to protect their children and prevent accidents: Skateboarding accidents kill nearly 8,000 children each year. These injuries however can be avoided.

A QUOTE: When a writer uses the words of another to help illustrate a point Your quote should be unusual, funny, or obscure Don’t choose a long quote Your quote should have a meaning you plan to reveal to the reader as the essay progresses Remember to put an opening and closing quotation marks around your quote Include who said or who wrote your quote

17 Example of hook with a Quote:
“You might not make it to the top, but if you are doing what you love, there is much more happiness there than being rich or famous” (Tony Hawk).


19 General Topic Sentences Why do we need them?
They keep the reader focused on the point of the essay They serve as a transition between the hook and the thesis statement

20 Introduction: Moves from the General to Specific

21 Introduction: From the General to the Specific
Begin generally. Begin with a hook: Anecdote, Quotation, Question, Statistic GENERAL Explain how your hook applies to the specific topic. SPECIFIC Give some brief background information on the plot, setting, and characters. THESIS Thesis: Your specific argument. Thesis is the last sentence of the introduction.

22 Thesis Statement

23 The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph
Every 5-paragraph essay has a THESIS STATEMENT. 1 sentence Clear and concise Main point of the paper ARGUE A POINT/POSITION DON’T summarize information or facts The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph

24 Thesis is a claim, not a fact or observation
Fact or observation: Star Wars is a science fiction movie. Thesis: Therefore, Star Wars is one of the best movies which shows the classic battle between good vs. evil.

25 A thesis takes a stand rather than announcing a subject
Announcement: The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our environmental problems. Today, I’m going to talk about… Thesis: Solving our environmental problems are more difficult than many people believe. X X X X X

26 Example It should have 3 (for a 5 paragraph essay) points specially laid out in the order you want to discuss them: Dogs are great pets because they help owners get exercise and are loyal and friendly. The paper should follow the format it lays out: Paragraph 2 :about dogs helping owners get exercise, Paragraph 3: about dogs being loyal, Paragraph 4: about dogs being friendly

27 Real Student Examples

28 1

29 Few days ago, I was using Facebook and I saw a
beautiful place to live, Minnesota. I wanted to go there but I couldn’t. So I thought, “How about make our city better to live like Minnesota?” Actually, there are already a few places which have become beautiful in the world. For example, Germany, Philadelphia, Japan and Korea are good cases. Ttukseom in Korea has become beautiful by urban regeneration. So, there are three suggested methods to creating a better city environment.

30 Few days ago, I was using Facebook and I saw a
beautiful place to live, Minnesota. I wanted to go there but I couldn’t. So I thought, “How about make our city better to live like Minnesota?” Actually, there are already a few places which have become beautiful in the world. For example, Germany, Philadelphia, Japan and Korea are good cases. Ttukseom in Korea has become beautiful by urban regeneration. So, there are three suggested methods to creating a better city environment.

31 Few days ago, I was using Facebook and I saw a
beautiful place to live, Minnesota. I wanted to go there but I couldn’t. So I thought, “How about make our city better to live like Minnesota?” Actually, there are already a few places which have become beautiful in the world. For example, Germany, Philadelphia, Japan and Korea are good cases. Ttukseom in Korea has become beautiful by urban regeneration. So, there are three suggested methods to creating a better city environment.

32 Few days ago, I was using Facebook and I saw a
beautiful place to live, Minnesota. I wanted to go there but I couldn’t. So I thought, “How about make our city better to live like Minnesota?” Actually, there are already a few places which have become beautiful in the world. For example, Germany, Philadelphia, Japan and Korea are good cases. Ttukseom in Korea has become beautiful by urban regeneration. So, there are three suggested methods to creating a better city environment.

33 2

34 John Gunther, an American author once said,
“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast”. These days it would seem that skipping breakfast is not a big deal to modern people because they are too busy every morning to eat breakfast. In Korea as well, more and more people are getting used to skipping breakfast. Usually, they skip breakfast because they need more sleep or they don’t have enough time. In fact, as John Gunther said, breakfast has a strong influence over a lot of things. So in my opinion, people should eat breakfast necessarily for several reasons.

35 John Gunther, an American author once said,
“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast”. These days it would seem that skipping breakfast is not a big deal to modern people because they are too busy every morning to eat breakfast. In Korea as well, more and more people are getting used to skipping breakfast. Usually, they skip breakfast because they need more sleep or they don’t have enough time. In fact, as John Gunther said, breakfast has a strong influence over a lot of things. So in my opinion, people should eat breakfast necessarily for several reasons.

36 John Gunther, an American author once said,
“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast”. These days it would seem that skipping breakfast is not a big deal to modern people because they are too busy every morning to eat breakfast. In Korea as well, more and more people are getting used to skipping breakfast. Usually, they skip breakfast because they need more sleep or they don’t have enough time. In fact, as John Gunther said, breakfast has a strong influence over a lot of things. So in my opinion, people should eat breakfast necessarily for several reasons.

37 John Gunther, an American author once said,
“All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast”. These days it would seem that skipping breakfast is not a big deal to modern people because they are too busy every morning to eat breakfast. In Korea as well, more and more people are getting used to skipping breakfast. Usually, they skip breakfast because they need more sleep or they don’t have enough time. In fact, as John Gunther said, breakfast has a strong influence over a lot of things. So in my opinion, people should eat breakfast necessarily for several reasons.

38 3

39 According to Mother Teresa, “The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good any ways.” Some people think that voluntary service is only good for people who accept the service. I don’t think that is the case. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. Many volunteers say that volunteer work helps them achieve their psychological maturity. Especially, it is helpful for them to have high self-esteem. Thus, voluntary service is important for building your self-esteem for three reasons.

40 According to Mother Teresa, “The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good any ways.” Some people think that voluntary service is only good for people who accept the service. I don’t think that is the case. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. Many volunteers say that volunteer work helps them achieve their psychological maturity. Especially, it is helpful for them to have high self-esteem. Thus, voluntary service is important for building your self-esteem for three reasons.

41 According to Mother Teresa, “The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good any ways.” Some people think that voluntary service is only good for people who accept the service. I don’t think that is the case. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. Many volunteers say that volunteer work helps them achieve their psychological maturity. Especially, it is helpful for them to have high self-esteem. Thus, voluntary service is important for building your self-esteem for three reasons.

42 According to Mother Teresa, “The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good any ways.” Some people think that voluntary service is only good for people who accept the service. I don’t think that is the case. In fact, I think it’s just the opposite. Many volunteers say that volunteer work helps them achieve their psychological maturity. Especially, it is helpful for them to have high self-esteem. Thus, voluntary service is important for building your self-esteem for three reasons.

43 Compound Sentences p.100

44 Final Presentation Q & A

45 HOMEWORK Choose 1 of these… The benefits of advertisements
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