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Presentation on theme: "THIS WEEK: WRITE A PERSONALITY PROFILE"— Presentation transcript:

Weds. 2 /8 SLIDES ARE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE THIS WEEK: WRITE A PERSONALITY PROFILE ATTN: DUE DATE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT CHANGED TO MONDAY 2/13 Today: Journalism: Writing a lead - workshop with pictures - Journalism QUIZ Thursday, vocab p.2 - HW due Thurs.: Book Report 3, paragraph 1 HW due Mon.: Personality Profile

2 Cloud Little girls Rescue

3 Photo finish #801 running Dog

4 Remember, the newspaper is a business
Remember, the newspaper is a business. The weekly edition is for sale to the public, by subscription, where you pay monthly and get it delivered, or from a newsstand at $1.00 apiece. To successfully sell to consumers, newspapers have to deliver catchy interesting content. News stories that sell have “hooks”: headlines, first sentences, and first paragraphs that provoke interest and curiosity right at the beginning of the story. The idea, of course, is to get the consumer to stop, look, and buy the paper. When you write your personality profile, it also should have an interesting lead. Today we’ll practice writing leads.

5 2/8 Journalism Assignment - 20 points - due today (1 page. Proper heading always.) First, take a look at the 6 pictures. Ask yourself: what’s the story here? Choose one picture. On your paper, name the picture you’re using. Write a short Personality Profile headline and lead sentence for one of these pictures. Use your lead to get our attention and make us want to read the story (and buy the paper!) Consider this important information you need to get across: Who, what, when, where, how, and why. Which of these needs to be in your lead? All of them? Some of them? Choose...

6 Feature Journalism: Personality Profile. Today we practice.
People in transition make good feature journalism. Births, deaths, milestones, and achievements are all interesting. Overcoming obstacles to achieve goals is inspiring. Today we’re going to finish practicing this by interviewing each other and writing a practice piece. Only 150 words! Practice interview skills: ask open-ended questions; listen carefully, take accurate notes; who, what, when, where, how, why.

7 2/6 Assignment - due Mon. 2/13 50 points
Feature Journalism: Personality Profile. (500 words.) People in transition make good feature journalism. Births, deaths, milestones, and achievements are all interesting. Overcoming obstacles to achieve goals is inspiring. Write your piece about a coach, a neighbor, a relative, even another student. Who, what, when, where, how, why.

8 Write your practice piece. About 150 words.
Remember: your readers might buy the paper or they might walk by. You have to catch their interest right away. Put the most important information first: Who are you writing about? What’s interesting about their story? Or new? Or changed? What’s been accomplished or overcome? Where do they live or where are they from? When has all this happened? How does it happen, or how did it happen? Why is it interesting?

9 he's I'd I'll I'm I've isn't let's she'd she'll she's shouldn't that's aren't can't couldn't didn't doesn't don't hadn't hasn't haven't he'd he'll

10 he's he is I'd I had; I would I'll I willl I'm I am I've I have isn't is not let's let us she'd she had she'll she will she's she is shouldn't should not that's that is; that has aren't are not can't cannot couldn't could not didn't did not doesn't does not don't do not hadn't had not hasn't has not haven't have not he'd he had he'll he willl

11 Feature Journalism: Personality Profile. Today we practice.
People in transition make good feature journalism. Births, deaths, milestones, and achievements are all interesting. Overcoming obstacles to achieve goals is inspiring. This week your assignment will be to write a 500 word personality profile. Today we’re going to practice this by Preparing to interview each other in class by first making notes about ourselves - at least 5 entries - about our own transition events, for example: FFA, sports, new accomplisments with hobbys, hunting, music, church, school; Practicing interview skills: ask open-ended questions; listen carefully, take accurate notes; who, what, when, where, how, why Practice writing: 150 words about your interview subject.

12 Personality Profile: Kaden Madden John Day -
EXAMPLE: Personality Profile: Kaden Madden John Day - Kaden, at 15, has been a deer hunter since he was 12. In a sit-down with this interviewer he talked about how he has been hunting since he was, “Oh, 11, or 12, I think.” He said his parents taught him to hunt, and that all of his extended family hunt. The John Day resident, when asked about choice of weapons, talked about using multiple firearms - and bows - for deer hunting. Asked about hunting, Madden said he could field dress deer; asked about what he did with the game, he said, “Eat them.” When questioned further the young hunter admitted he liked steaks, medium rare. Hunting is deeply embedded in the culture of the John Day basin. For this interviewer however, it is still surprising to hear a middle-school student - girl or boy - come to school excited about a successful hunting expedition.

13 investigative reporting
byline Name of the reporter who wrote the story, placed atop the published article. feature Story emphasizing the human or entertaining aspects of a situation. A news story or other material differentiated from straight news. hard news Straight news, spot news; live and current news in contrast to features. investigative reporting Technique use to unearth information that sources often want hidden. lead First paragraph in a news story. masthead Formal statement of newspaper’s name, officers, place of publication and other descriptive information, usually on the editorial page. morgue Newspaper library. banner Headline across or near the top of all or most of a newspaper page. Also called a line, ribbon, streamer, screamer. beat Area assigned to a reporter for regular coverage. break When a news development becomes known and available. photojournalism To communicate news through pictures

14 Journalism vocab spelling quiz, clear your desks, paper and pencil/pen out; proper heading;
Title it: Journalism vocabulary Quiz 1 (When we finish, hold your quiz, we’ll correct it together - THEN hand it in) NEXT: get out your Apostrophes and review. WE WILL REVIEW TOGETHER THEN HAND IN

15 Journalism Assignment 1. Due Thurs.2/2. 30 points
Name ___________________ Per ___________ Date ___________ Journalism Assignment 1. Due Thurs.2/ points ANALYZE THE CONTENT IN THE BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE Count the total pages in this week’s Blue Mountain Eagle, including all advertising; How many pages of news, sports, information, and features are there (be sure and count weather, TV listings, Police report, Senior news, this day in history)? ___________________ How many national news stories are there? _________ How many pages (or partial pages) do they use? _____,________ How many Oregon, or Pacific Northwest news stories are there? How many pages (or partial pages) do they use? _____________ How many Grant County news stories are there? _________ How many pages (or partial pages) of advertising, including inserts and booklets? _______________ The Blue Mountain Eagle is a business. What can you tell about its sources of revenue by looking at the paper? ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Similarly, the Blue Mountain Eagle has two different kinds of customers, and they are both buying something different from the paper. One set of customers is buying _______________________; and the other is buying ____________________________________.

16 2/1 Wednesday Journalism Study Guide
THESE NOTES ARE FOR YOU NOT ME - KEEP FOR TOMORROW’S QUIZZES AND MORE First: Get out the Journalism vocabulary list. Keep it out. Add this entry in the margin: Photojournalism To communicate news through pictures Next: go to your journalism notes. Make a new entry. Date it. Head it: BME Front page analysis (Write a subhead underneath): Vocabulary Next: list the vocabulary below, and fill in specific info for each story.. Refer to each story as: “Wyllie”, or “Locals” or “Emry” byline (for example): Wyllie - Angel Carpenter, feature hard news lead (summarize, or key words) banner Photojournalism (who took the pictures; summarize the content) LAST: Multiples of stories happened in Grant County in the middle of January, Snow and ice. The early weeks of a new President. The Blazers were blown out by Golden State. Why do you think the BME chose these three stories for its front page? Discuss with your neighbors; make notes. In each story, what is the most important information and where is it placed? Near the front? Near the end? Why do you think it’s arranged the way it is? Discuss with your neighbors; make notes.

17 Sorting out the front page… again, these are your notes… would something like this be more helpful?
Banner for the whole front page? Story/title Wyllie Locals Emry byline? Hard news? summarize the content Feature? summarize the content Mix of hard news and feature? summarize the content Lead? summarize Photojournalism (who took the pictures; summarize the content)

18 Aspects shared by both Locals and Emry:
Name __________ Per --- Date ______ 2/2 Journalism Assignment #2. Venn diagram. Homework, due Mon. 2/6 - Emry and Locals available on BME web edition Venn Diagram. BME Front Page stories, notes: Comparing aspects of hard news and feature news. What’s different? What’s the same? Locals with Emry. See how many you can find: Aspects shared by both Locals and Emry: Locals: different aspects than Emry: Emry: different aspects than Locals:

19 Stock up with fresh supplies:
new notebook, if necessary; new paper portfolio; Pen or pencil everyday Buy flashcards, high-lighters. Expect binder checks. Save all mechanics worksheets, save 13 academic words (Flashcards); save quizzes and tests.

20 Get out Mechanics: apostrophes (handed out yesterday)
We do pg. 208 in class together. Due complete Thurs. Let’s try something different and see if it works better: Complete the apostrophes worksheet on your own; some workshop time will be available Wednesday; turn it all in on Thurs., I’ll grade it over the weekend; return it Monday; then you can cut out the instructions/directions/examples section and put it in your notebook, and save it for quizzes.

21 Set up notes: Q: what is professionalism? Q: what are ethics?
More on professionalism and ethics in journalism: video from Marist College journalism program Set up notes: Q: what is professionalism? Q: what are ethics? In journalism, what are…? Plagiarism Fabrication Conflict of interest After video: workshop journalism, other assignments

22 What is modern American journalism. What is its value to our democracy
What is modern American journalism? What is its value to our democracy? How is it changing? Why is it worth looking at now? Bad press relations between President and national journalists: to 2:19

23 This quarter we examine journalism. Journalism is NEWS.
News is based on facts. It includes newspapers, news magazines, TV, radio, and internet news. We’ll focus on newspapers. Next week, you’ll start writing your own news stories. We’ll survey newspapers’ basic business model; the history of journalism; development of professional standards; historic successes and failures; current state of the industry. We start at home with a look at the business model of the Blue Mountain Eagle:, and look first at what it has for sale and who’s buying? Review paper content in class: analyze categories of NEWS, OTHER INFORMATION, FEATURES, ADVERTISING AND OTHER PAID CONTENT

24 Journalism Assignments:
Journalism Assignment 1. Due Thurs.2/ points ANALYZE THE CONTENT IN THE BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE Save the Journalism Vocabulary handout. Spelling quiz Thurs. 2/2 on the 1st 11 words only, (p. 1); 22 points. Also due Thurs.: Mechanics - Apostrophes

25 Count full page stories
Count ½ page stories Count 1/4 page stories

26 1/30 Mon. notes Print: 60 copies of Journalism vocab 60 copies BME analysis sheet Buy 30 copies, BME Buy bag of dum-dum suckers.


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