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British Airways Employer / Employee relations

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1 British Airways Employer / Employee relations

2 Would you work for nothing?
British Airways has asked 30,000 of its staff if they would be prepared to work for nothing for up to a month to help the airline survive the global economic meltdown.

3 What would you do? The airline has published its worst Losses ever!
Over the last few months BA management has been in negotiation with British Airway Pilots Association (BAPA) This month the Management & TU finally get together to see if they could come to some agreement…

4 Your role

5 You will be split into 3 groups
BAlPA BA plc You will be representing the Pilots and cabin crew staff You will be representing the company & shareholders ACAS You are the independent govt funded group that will provide Advise, Conciliate, Arbitrate services to both groups… and if necessary – can force a final decision to be made if both groups fail to agree!

6 Your role In your groups look at your resources
Logon to P drive BS & ec / A2 BS / BA role play.ppt to access your online info…. You have to agree on a spokesperson (s) in each group to represent your viewpoint and negotiate on behalf of the whole group.

7 Your time scale… You will be given 15 minutes to pull your ideas together. You then have 10 minutes to create a slideshow or a presentation of your response to the request ‘to work for nothing’. Be prepared to give a 2 minute presentation to put forward your demands. After both BAlPA & BA plc have put forward their views/demands – you have 10 mins to consider the proposals You then have 5 mins conciliation time - and come to an agreement ACAS – you have to be independent and decide what your Advise to prevent an escalation of events. If necessary, your decision is final! Be prepared to come to a conclusion….! 15 mins research time 10 min prep for presentation 5 mins max for both sides presentation…? 10 mins make a decision 5 mins conciliation time

8 Your teams…. BA plc Jess Fraser Luke Christie BAlPA Amy Brad James
Ben M ACAS Casi Ben T Rhys

9 BAlPA Read the links/articles opposite.
You have to be aware that BA plc may have to make some tough decisions BUT your role is to represent the needs and rights of all the workers involved. How do you want BA plc to ‘survive’ their losses and continue to operate? How can they ‘make savings’ or earn more money? - the background - Work for nothing! Pilot reaction AirFrance’s plight Previous Pilot strike threat BAlPA official comment General opinion

10 BA plc Read the links/articles opposite.
You represent the management & shareholder needs. Your company is obviously suffering and need to make cutbacks somehow? How do you want BA plc to ‘survive’ their losses and continue to operate? How can they ‘make savings’ or earn more money? Willie Walsh BA CEO - the background - Work for nothing! AirFrance’s plight Previous Pilot strike threat

11 ACAS You are the independent govt funded group that will provide Advise, Conciliate, Arbitrate Services to both groups… and if necessary – can force a final decision to be made if both groups fail to agree! It is your role to decide what your Advise would be to prevent an escalation of events. If necessary, your decision is final! Be prepared to come to a conclusion….! Look at all the issues involved and form some of your own decisions on what you think BA Plc should do….. Remember that you need to be seen to be fair & consider both points of view. You will have to give Advice to both groups. Your role is to listen in to both groups!

12 ACAS links General - the background AirFrance’s plight General opinion Previous Pilot strike threat BAlPA official comment Pilot reaction - Work for nothing!

13 Plenary What are the costs of negotiating with a TU group?
What are the costs of NOT negotiating with a TU group? Why is it important for a company to maintain employer/employee relations?

14 Homework Complete the following essay Q:
You will need to do some internet research to give real examples within your answer! This is your SUMMER TASK – due in Sept!

15 Essay Q In the summer of 2003, some of the staff of British Airways went on strike. Discuss the possible impact of an industrial dispute on an airline such as British Airways. (40 marks) Jan 2005

16 Further reading

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