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Recruitment & Hiring Strategies

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1 Recruitment & Hiring Strategies
Good Day! This is your 30-Second Business Training: Recruitment & Hiring Strategies ENJOY Click here to begin 1

2 What is a State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, and how can they help me?
It’s an agency that can help an employer by offering on-the-job training for qualified individuals with employment barriers. They can provide a “Job Coach” to assist qualified job seekers or employees with employment barriers in overcoming those barriers to be effective on the job. They assist individuals who experience barriers to employment through a range of education and training services. All of the above

3 Good answer… While this resource is not used in every
case, On-the-Job Training (OJT) is provided by many State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies as a means of giving a job seeker with a disability practical experience on a job (in a paid position that is covered for the trial OJT period by the VR agency) without putting an extra expense on the employer. There’s a better answer, please try again!

4 This is correct, but there’s still more…
A State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency can pay the wages of a "coach/trainer" to help Individuals who learn best one-on-one and may require the development of some accommodation strategies. The employer advises the job coach about the job standards and then the job coach helps to train the employee. As the worker learns the job tasks, the coach's involvement gradually fades, but is available for follow up. The intent is to reduce the amount of time an employer will spend training a qualified candidate with an employment barrier, who might take longer to learn the required job tasks. There’s a better answer, please try again!

5 That’s correct! But there’s more…
A State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency offers access to a full range of services that may be needed by persons with employment barriers that are ready to return to work. Services may include: Training or education to prepare individuals for a new career Connections to local employers through contracted assistance from private community rehabilitation employment agencies On-the-Job training And much more! Try again!

6 CORRECT! You got it! Individuals with disabilities can get help from State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies for assistance in returning to work. This can be through access to education and training, job coaching, on-the-job training, and other necessary supports. Employers benefit by gaining access to a new source of talent interested in being recruited to fill current employer needs. For more information about State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies, and to find one in your state, visit the Job Accommodation Network for a listing of each state agency, by clicking here. This 30-Second Training has been developed using Federal funds from the Department of Labor under Contract No.: DOLJ131A The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations

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