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Interpreting Your USFWS Depredation Permit

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1 Interpreting Your USFWS Depredation Permit
Mr. Jason Gibbons AFCEC/CZOW-Travis ISS 27 Mar 2018

2 Overview Species List Emergency Situations Methods of Take
Standard Conditions

3 Species List Each USFWS Region provides a list of species authorized to take, possess and transport. The following may be lethally taken: (a) 200 of each: Laughing gulls; (b) of each: Ring-billed, Herring, and Great black-backed gulls; Canada geese. Snow geese and Mallard; (c) 50 of each: Black duck and Mourning dove; (d) 20 of each: Killdeer (e) 10 of each: Cattle egret, Osprey; (f) 5 of each: Turkey vulture, Great blue heron, Common loon, American coot, Common moorhen, and Common merganser. (2) The following may be live-trapped and relocated: 5 each: Red-tailed hawk and Northern harrier. Alternatively authorized to kill these birds, when relocation is not permitted.

4 Species List Each USFWS Region provides a list of species authorized to take, possess and transport The following active nests (including eggs) may be destroyed: 50 nests of Mallards, 3 Osprey nests, 3 Killdeer nests. Is your list complete? Is there a common or seasonal species that is harassed or nests, but is NOT on the permit?

5 Take, Possess and Transport
Be aware of State ‘recommendations’ and ‘restrictions’, and seek clarification when unsure of the intent: The following may be lethally taken: For Birds of Conservation Concern or California Bird Species of Special Concern - we recommend attempting trapping and relocation prior to implementing lethal control unless there is an immediate threat to human safety. State restrictions: Peregrine Falcons are listed as Endangered by Maryland State law and therefore may not be taken. Other bird species are protected under Maryland State Endangered Species law and may not be taken in accordance with State law.

6 Emergency Situations Every USFWS Region is consistent: Things to Note:
You are authorized in emergency situations only to take, trap, or relocate any migratory birds, nests and eggs, including species that are not listed in Condition D (except bald eagles, golden eagles, or endangered or threatened species) when the migratory birds, nests, or eggs are posing a direct threat to human safety. A direct threat to human safety is one which involves a threat of serious bodily injury or a risk to human life. Things to Note: Establish a checklist and/or SOP for EMERGENCY SITUATIONS – communication is critical You may NOT use ANY method of take; it’s limited Emergency Take must be reported within 72hrs

7 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
H. You may use the following methods of take: (1) shotguns; (2) nets; (3) registered animal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), pesticides and repellents; (4) falconry abatement; (5) legal lethal & live traps (excluding pole traps). Birds caught live maybe euthanized or transported and relocated to another site approved by the appropriate State wildlife agency, if required. When using firearms, you may use rifles or air rifles to shoot any bird when you determine that the use of a shotgun is inadequate to resolve the injurious situation. The use of any of the above techniques is at your discretion for each situation. Region 5

8 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
H. You may use the following methods of take: (1) shotguns; (2) nets; (3) registered animal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), pesticides and repellents; (4) falconry abatement; and (5) legal lethal and live traps (excluding pole traps). Birds caught live may be euthanized or transported and relocated to another site approved by the appropriate State wildlife agency, if required. When using firearms, you may use rifles or air rifles to shoot any bird when you determine that the use of a shotgun is inadequate to resolve the injurious situation. You may use paint ball guns to haze birds or deter birds only when other methods of hazing are ineffective. Region 5

9 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
H. You may use the following methods of take: (1) firearms (permittee may use lead shot when nontoxic shot is not available); (2) nets; (3) registered animal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), pesticides and repellents; (4) falconry abatement; and (5) legal lethal and live traps (excluding pole traps). Birds caught live may be euthanized or transported and relocated to another site approved by the appropriate State wildlife agency, if required. When using firearms, you may use rifles or air rifles to shoot any bird when you determine that the use of a shotgun is inadequate to resolve the injurious situation. You may use paint ball guns to haze birds or deter birds only when other methods of hazing are ineffective. Anyone who takes migratory birds under the authority of this permit must follow the American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia when euthanization of a bird is necessary ( Region 4

10 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
H. You may use the following methods of take: (1) firearms; (2) nets; (3) registered animal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), pesticides and repellents; (4) falconry abatement; and (5) legal lethal and live traps (excluding pole traps). Birds caught live may be euthanized or transported and relocated to another site approved by the appropriate State wildlife agency, if required. When using firearms, you may use rifles or air rifles to shoot any bird when you determine that the use of a shotgun is inadequate to resolve the injurious situation. You may use paint ball guns to haze birds or deter birds only when other methods of hazing are ineffective. Anyone who takes migratory birds under the authority of this permit must follow the American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia when euthanization of a bird is necessary ( Region 3

11 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
E. You may use the following methods of take: (1) shotgun (non-toxic shot); (2) air-rifle (non-toxic pellets); (3) rifle (non-toxic ammunition); (4) nets; (5) registered animal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), pesticides and repellents; (6) falconry abatement; and (7) any appropriate and humane lethal and live traps. Birds caught live may be euthanized or transported and relocated to another site approved by the appropriate State wildlife agency, if required. Anyone who takes migratory birds under the authority of this permit must follow the American Veterinary Medical Association Guidelines on Euthanasia when euthanization of a bird is necessary ( _ welfare/euthanasia. pdf). Region 8

12 Methods of Take Every USFWS Region is slightly different:
Are you required to ALWAYS use non-toxic ammo? Are the methods used by the Pest Shop and others listed (i.e., paint ball guns)? Some permits require that a "No Feeding Policy" must be in place at all times. Be sure that all currently used methods are listed and add those that are deemed necessary

13 Methods of Take Know which methods are allowed
Ensure the information is widely disseminated Follow the SOP for Emergency Situations

14 Standard Conditions USFWS Regions can issue additional requirements above & beyond the ‘Standard’, but it is not common: Example Region 3 3 pages total 2 pages with Standard Conditions list Last page is the NEPA (categorical exclusion)

15 Standard Conditions USFWS Regions can issue additional requirements above & beyond the ‘Standard’, but it is not common: Example Region 4 2 pages total 2 pages with Standard Conditions list

16 Standard Conditions USFWS Regions can issue additional requirements above & beyond the ‘Standard’, but it is not common: Example Region 5 2 pages total 2 pages with Standard Conditions list

17 Standard Conditions USFWS Regions can issue additional requirements above & beyond the ‘Standard’, but it is not common: Example Region 8 17 pages total 2 pages with Standard Conditions list 2 pages Guidance for Avian Predator Trapping & Relocation 2 pages Expanded Permit Conditions: Understanding the requirement and intent of your permit conditions 7 pages, Recommendations for Avian Predator Trapping and Relocation (by species) 4 pages Trapping and Relocation of Peregrine Falcons for the Protection of Human Safety at Airports

18 Questions?

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