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Astronomy QOTDs November, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy QOTDs November, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy QOTDs November, 2017

2 Astronomy QOTD 11/1/2017 Create a chart, and list the astronomers in order of their birth, from Eudoxus to Ptolemy, and give a short, one-sentence summary of each person’s contribution.

3 Astronomy QOTD 11/2/2017 Who is the oldest astronomer in your list you made yesterday? Meaning - which person was born FIRST?

4 Astronomy Learning Log 11/3/2017
No Learning Log today; instead, let’s take the whole period to complete your Historical Astronomers’ Timeline.

5 Astronomy QOTD 11/6/2017 Reminder: bring your notebook home tonight to study for your Quiz #4 tomorrow: Seasons, Planetary Configurations, Lascaux, Stonehenge, and Pythagoras - Ptolemy.

6 Astronomy QOTD 11/7/2017 No QOTD today. Instead, use the next 5 minutes to review for your Quiz #4.

7 Astronomy QOTD 11/8/2017 How do you think you did on your test? What do you suppose you could have done to get a higher score? Be specific!!

8 Astronomy Learning Log 11/9/2017
This week we started talking about Nicholas Copernicus, Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, along with their contributions to astronomy. What did you learn that was new or interesting to you? Do you have any questions?

9 Astronomy QOTD 11/13/2017 Hopefully you finished your C-Notes on Johannes Kepler. Find Kepler’s Three Laws of Planetary Motion in your notebook or in your textbook and list them for your QOTD today.

10 Astronomy QOTD 11/14/2017 Use your notes! What shape were the planet orbits in Copernican’ heliocentric system?

11 Astronomy QOTD 11/15/2017 No QOTD today - Write “No QOTD” in your Weekly Journal for today’s date, and get out your paper, instructions packet and string loop from yesterday’s model/lab.

12 Astronomy QOTD 11/16/2017 List three noticeable differences between a circle and an ellipse.

13 Astronomy Learning Log 11/17/2017
This week we talked about Johannes Kepler and his Three Laws of Planetary Motion. We also mathematically proved a circle vs. an ellipse. What did you learn that was new or interesting to you? Do you have any questions?

14 Astronomy QOTD 11/20/2017 We have a two-day week! What do you know about Galileo Galilei?

15 Astronomy QOTD 11/21/2017 Thanksgiving break homework: Take your notebook HOME! Update your Table of Contents and your pages. Complete Galileo’s Prezi Notes. Read Galileo’s DBQ and answer the questions on the worksheet.

16 Astronomy QOTD 11/27/2017 Welcome back! Remember the day before Thanksgiving and it was SO HOT. And now it’s back to normal for this time of year? What do we call this phenomenon, and how do we measure it?

17 Astronomy QOTD 11/28/2017 Sir Isaac Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. What question did he ask, and why was it important? (PS: Chapter 1 Test on Tuesday, 12/5/2017.)

18 Astronomy QOTD 11/29/2017 What do these terms refer to? Inertia Acceleration Action/Reaction

19 Astronomy QOTD 11/30/2017 Imagine you are driving or riding in a car. Describe an example when you would experience (1) inertia, (2) acceleration, and (3) action reaction.

20 Astronomy Learning Log 12/1/2017
This week we started talking about Newton’s Laws of Motion: inertia, acceleration and action/reaction. What did you learn that was new or interesting to you? Do you have any questions?

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