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Fiabilitatea datelor SAN – Backup - RAID

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Presentation on theme: "Fiabilitatea datelor SAN – Backup - RAID"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiabilitatea datelor SAN – Backup - RAID
Stefanescu Valentin

2 Fiabilitate: Integritatea sistemelor
Integritatea sistemelor de operare sau suport Integritatea bazelor de date

3 Integritate fizica Protectie la socuri electrice
Protectie socuri mecanice Protectie anti descarcari electrostatice Protectia cablurilor de retea si a fibrelor optice

4 Integritatea SO sau a suportului software
Monitorizare task-uri Monitorizare cpu load Protectii antivirus si anti-mallware (spy-ware, add-ware, etc) Firewalls NX-bit

5 Integritatea BD Diferite modalitati de backup
Solutii specifice producatorului Oracle Cybase MySQL Microsoft ODBC Siguranta foarte ridicata


7 SAN Ce este SAN? SAN, NAS, DAS
SAN = RAID+Fiber Optic switch+Admin Server(+Firewalls+Wireless connection+…)


9 Mai marii SAN-urilor IBM DELL Apple

10 Mere high end Software apple? DA. Hardware apple? Aproximantiv… Xsan2


12 DELL DELL Equalogic PS - SAS DELL PowerEdge Rack DELL PowerEdge Tower
DELL brocade 64 DELL Power Vault DL2000 DELL value tower

13 DELL Solutii pentru toate nivelele (low-high end) Tehnologie standard
Flexibilitate limitata

14 IBM La vremuri noi… tot noi IBM System Storage SAN768B
Cisco MDS 9513 for IBM System Storage IBM TotalStorage SAN256B IBM DS8000 series

15 IBM Solutii med to high end High performance servers Retelistica CISCO

16 Schema modul Blue Gene L
IBM Gene albastre Schema modul Blue Gene L Blue Gene P node card Cabinet Blue Gene L Blue Gene L node card

17 Software

18 The END

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