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The Immune System the bad guys The good guys.

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1 The Immune System the bad guys The good guys

2 VIRUSES The essential design : A core of nucleic acid wrapped in a protein coat. Variation: due to the different proteins that make up the viral coat Not Alive: a virus lacks cell‘machinery’ therefore requires a host cells in order to make proteins, reproduce, etc.

3 Ex: BACTERIOPHAGE –attacks bacteria

4 Ex: HIV; INFLUENZA These have an additional layer - the envelope – surrounding the protein coat

5 Viral reproduction, v1 THE LYTIC CYCLE Virus enters host, destroying host DNA. Replicates self like mad, until cell bursts releasing 100’s of new viruses, ready to invade more host cells.

6 Virus enters cell, incorporates its DNA/RNA host DNA
Viral reproduction, v2 The LYSOGENIC CYCLE Virus enters cell, incorporates its DNA/RNA host DNA Host cells lives, producing more viral DNA/RNA as it divides Virus lives on in host for life with periodic outbreaks The original recombinant DNA!

7 A VIRUS CAN MOVE from the lysogenic to the lytic cycle
ex: Herpes viruses are for life, but only occasional outbreaks

8 Non-Specific (Innate) Immunity
DEFENDERS OF LIFE! Non-Specific (Innate) Immunity Always ready; immediate • 1st line of defense: barriers • 2nd line of defense: internal Specific/Acquired Response to a specific pathogen • 3rd line of defense: B cells, killer T cells, memory cells The good guys

9 Barriers to Entry • Skin outer layer dead cells oil/sweat glands
• Mucus & Cilia (hairs) traps pathogens induces cough, sneeze • Antiseptic Body Fluids Saliva, tears, stomach acid contain enzymes that breakdown pathogens non-functional pathogen enzyme

10 Second Line of Defense Once the pathogen gets in
Macrophages - white blood cells (WBC) ingest & kill pathogen via phagocytosis Video • Inflammatory Response Injured cells release histamines, causing capillaries to expand (red, hot, swollen) so WBC can fit through, engage pathogen/antigen Fever temperature increase is harmful to cells. But too hot and your cells are damaged too

11 Third Line of Defense: Acquired/Specific Immunity
Tailored to each pathogen Creates an immunological‘memory’ Two routes: Cell mediated & Humoral (antibody) intracellular pathogens i.e. most viruses extracellular pathogens i.e. bacteria, coated viruses

1. Pathogen enters cell • invades host cell simple virus • eaten by macrophage bacteria/ coated virus IDENTIFY, DISABLE, and PRESENT 2. Cell enzymes break down pathogen host cell/macrophage displays bits (antigens) on cell surface 3. Helper T cells identify and bind to antigens signal additional immune system cells 3. 1. 2.

Cell-mediated response Helper T Humoral (antibody) Response Killer (cytotoxic) T cells B cells plasma cell produces memory antibodies cells made memory cells made seek & destroy Antibodies?

14 ANTIBODIES? Proteins produced to disable extracellular pathogen (bacteria, coated viruses antibodies /pathogen Ex: antibody response to the wrong blood type – it clumps! Antigen/antibody complex – clumps ‘em up!

15 SOURCES OF ANTIBODIES Non-specific specific

16 SINCE IT’S SPRING… DON’T CONFUSE… first exposure every time after
Antibodies and antigens with antibiotics (phew!) Antibiotics inhibit essential cellular functions a pathogen needs to live or reproduce

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