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Mining What is it? Why do we do it? What does it do to the Earth?

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Presentation on theme: "Mining What is it? Why do we do it? What does it do to the Earth?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mining What is it? Why do we do it? What does it do to the Earth?
How can we be more sustainable?

2 Mineral Resources Naturally occurring in earth’s crust
Must be extracted, processed Examples Energy (oil, coal, natural gas, uranium) Metallic minerals (aluminum, iron, copper, gold) Nonmetallic minerals - Aggregate: sand, gravel Fertilizers: potash, phosphorous Evaporites: gypsum, halite (salt) Building Materials: limestone, marble Nonrenewable!

3 Ores A rock that contains a mineral. Must contain profitable amount
High grade = large amount of desired mineral Low grade = smaller amount of desired mineral

4 Mineral Resources Magma (Igneous): Sedimentary Processes Weathering
Cooling process causes mineral containing rocks to form Gold, silver, lead, mercury, copper (found in veins of quartz) Hydrothermal Copper, lead, zinc, silver, gold, sulfur Manganese nodules (sea floor deposits) Steel processing Sedimentary Processes Placer Deposits (river gravels) gold Evaporites Halite, gypsum, borax (soap) Weathering Bauxite (aluminum), Fe oxides (pigments)


6 Mineral Resources Identified Reserves Undiscovered
Known location, quantity and quality based on direct evidence Reserves Identified resources that can be extracted profitably Undiscovered Potential supplies that are assumed to exist



9 How do we use minerals? Gold Aluminum Steel (alloy containing iron)
Electronics, jewelry Aluminum Packaging, cars, airplanes Steel (alloy containing iron) Buildings, vehicles Sand Glass, bricks, concrete Limestone Cement, concrete, road rock, building materials


11 The life cycle of a metal resource
Key terms: Overburden: the soil & rock that lies above the economically important rock. Gangue: worthless minerals/material that surrounds ore Smelting: using heat & chemicals to turn ore into useable mineral Tailings: piles of waste left behind after extraction, contains gangue Overburden: the soil and rock that lies above the economically important rock. Gangue: worthless minerals/material that surrounds ore Smelting: using heat and chemicals to turn ore into useable mineral Tailings: piles of waste left behind after extraction, contains gangue

12 Mining: the good and the bad
Advantages Disadvantages Income! Revenues for cities, states and countries Employment Progress – buildings, cars, electronics Uses lots of energy Disturbs land Erodes soil Produces a lot of waste Pollutes air, water, soil

13 Mining Methods Surface mining Subsurface mining
Removal of shallow deposits Overburden removed Rock/soil on top of deposit Discarded as “spoils” Used in 90% of non-fuel mineral/rock resources Used in 60% of coal mined in U.S. Removal of deep deposits Often used for coal and metal ores Deep vertical shaft is dug Tunnels must be blasted Machinery used to reach deposits

14 Examples of Mining Methods
Surface Subsurface Open Pit Strip Mountaintop Removal Placer Hydraulic Dredging Drift Slope Shaft Hard Rock Borehole Fracking



17 Specific kinds of surface mining
Open-pit mining Strip mining Holes are dug Ores are removed Iron, copper, gold, sand, gravel, stone Used for horizontal beds of minerals Area strip mining: flat land Contour strip mining: hills Coal (70%)

18 Contour Strip Mining Used on hilly or mountainous terrain.
Unless the land is restored, a wall of dirt is left in front of a highly erodible bank called a highwall. Figure 15-13

19 Surface mining method: mountain-top removal
Mountain top removed Exposes deposits Prominent in Appalachian mountains Ex. Coal

20 Eureka! Gold Mining Placer Deposits (gravity separation)
Panning Sluicing Dredging Hard Rock Deposits Open pit Hydraulic mining (sometimes with Hg) Subsurface - S. Africa 12, 800 feet underground Cyanide is used to extract gold In comparison - Mt Baldy is ft

21 Harmful Environmental Effects of Mining
Scarring/disruption of land Overburden/Spoils left behind, vegetation can’t grow well H2SO4 – acid runoff Sediment, erosion, loss of topsoil Subsidence, cave-ins (sink holes), explosions Left: December 12, Center: July 27, Right: November 2, Gold mining has been an important industry in California for more than 200 years. The Mesquite Mine, established in 1957, was expanded in 1986 as gold prices climbed and is now one of the largest gold mines in the country. Geologists anticipated that the gold would be exhausted by 1999, but improved extraction methods have kept the mine in production. The Mesquite is in the Mojave Desert, surrounded by a frail ecosystem, so the extraction methods — which use cyanide washes — are carefully monitored. Plans are underway for a major landfill to be installed next to the mine operation, increasing the need to monitor the land-use change

22 Harmful environmental effects of mining
Processing involves many chemicals (sulfuric acid, mercury, cyanide) Creates toxic waste during processing Tailings: Often stored in valleys – As, Hg, CN, H2SO4 Can collapse and get into ecosystem Streams/Groundwater polluted with waste material Tailings: H2SO4, Hg, CN (Cyanide) Overburden: Sediment Overburden: H2SO4 – leaches heavy metals such as As, Cd, Pb, Zn Air pollution from processing Highest industrial air polluter of toxic emissions!


24 Harmful effects, cont’d
Forests removed Loss of Biodiversity Increased Erosion Disease (subsurface) COPD – chronic bronchitis, emphysema Black lung disease

25 Tailings:

26 How do we fix this? Clean up and restore mining sites
500,000 surface sites in U.S. $70 billion to clean up Subsurface disturbs <1/10 the land that surface mining disturbs Produces less waste But…causes cave ins, explosions, fires, diseases, deaths

27 1872 U.S. General Mining Law Designed to encourage mineral exploration on U.S. public lands and populate the West Individuals could “claim” land Must spend $500 to improve land Could pay $6-12 for land owned by all U.S. citizens Could build, sell, lease, use it for whatever Frozen in 1995 Some land still being transferred at 1872 prices! 1992 modification: must post bonds to cover clean up cost in case of bankruptcy Mining companies trying to weaken

 Established a program for regulating surface coal mining and reclamation activities Established mandatory uniform standards for these activities on state and federal lands requirement that adverse impacts on fish, wildlife and related environmental values be minimized reclamation of land after mining was completed Created an Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund for use in reclaiming and restoring land and water resources adversely affected by coal mining practices. Standards of Performance. SMCRA and its implementing regulations set environmental standards that mines must follow while operating, and achieve when reclaiming mined land. Permitting. SMCRA requires that companies obtain permits before conducting surface mining. Permit applications must describe what the premining environmental conditions and land use are, what the proposed mining and reclamation will be, how the mine will meet the SMCRA performance standards, and how the land will be used after reclamation is complete. This information is intended to help the government determine whether to allow the mine and set requirements in the permit that will protect the environment. Bonding. SMCRA requires that mining companies post a bond sufficient to cover the cost of reclaiming the site. This is meant to ensure that the mining site will be reclaimed even if the company goes out of business or fails to clean up the land for some other reason. The bond is not released until the mining site has been fully reclaimed and the government has (after five years in the East and ten years in the West) found the that the reclamation was successful. Inspection and Enforcement. SMCRA gives government regulators the authority to inspect mining operations, and to punish companies that violate SMCRA or an equivalent state statute. Inspectors can issue "notices of violation," which require operators to correct problems within a certain amount of time; levy fines; or order that mining cease. Land Restrictions. SMCRA prohibits surface mining altogether on certain lands, such as in National Parks and wilderness areas. It also allows citizens to challenge proposed surface mining operations on the ground that they will cause too much environmental harm.

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