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Project Readiness Assessment Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Project Readiness Assessment Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Readiness Assessment Workshop
Gregory Kiefer, President & CEO Doug Robbins, Senior PM

2 Quick Workshop Overview
Short Presentation on Project Readiness Break into 5 groups of 10 Facilitate case study discussions with each team (15 minutes) Short presentation by each team (<5 minutes each) Wrap up

3 Thank You Workshop Facilitators Kenny Moore, CDPH Chi Emodi, FI$Cal
Fresh Air Consortium Case study Chi Emodi, FI$Cal City of Drones Hali Reyes, Executive Director, CalWIN/WCDS Oregon Oversight Agency Jenny Kennedy, Data Processing Manager, Information Services, DOF Retire Rich Tomorrow Corporation Doug Robbins & Greg Kiefer Hoosier Lottery

4 Agenda Advertisement Project Readiness Assessment Workshop
Steps for participants Case studies Conduct review with team Team Presentations

5 Kiefer Overview California based company that delivers award winning innovative solutions for our customers.

6 Technology Expertise SharePoint, Site Core & Office 365
Mobile Development Power BI Nintex – Advanced Workflow & Forms

7 Project Readiness Assessment
Risk Management PMBOK Risk Definition: A PMBOK Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the project’s objectives.

8 Project Readiness Assessment
Risk Management A PM’s epiphany

9 Project Readiness Assessment
Purpose for assessing the client’s readiness to begin work: is to ensure that the project team will have the best opportunity to achieve project success by performing an informal risk assessment prior to kickoff.

10 Establishing a Process
It is important to establish and complete processes to ensure project success. Why is this type of an assessment an important step? Kenny Moore CDPH ITSD Planning and Project Management Branch

11 Project Readiness Assessment
Project Delivery Summit 2015 Project Readiness Assessment PRA Topics List contains prompts, often phrased as questions, to guide the client conversation. They are organized into the following categories: Project success Scope Business and political environment Business Processes Client Responsibilities Internal Factors People Kiefer Consulting, Inc.

12 Project Readiness Assessment
Project Success (200 Points) Prompt Response How do we know when we are done? What does done look like? Sponsor and Steering committee: Who will be involved and how often? Resistance to change: Are there influential people who are not supporting the projects objectives? When was the last time you implemented a project/technology that required organizational change? How was it received? Mutual risk and mutual benefit. How committed is your organization to making this a win/win? We estimated the work effort to deliver the solution is x duration, how will you work with us to ensure that we stay within that budget? How would you define a successful ‘partnership’?

13 Project Readiness Assessment
Summary Category Assessment Points Maximum Possible Project success 200 Scope 100 Business and political environment Business Processes Client Responsibilities Internal Factors People Total Points 900 Success Probability (Assessment/Maximum Points) %

14 Project Readiness Assessment
Success Probability Success Probability Project Manager to Client Conversation 100% Go >80% 75%-79% 60%-74% <60%

15 Case Studies Fresh Air Consortium City of Drones
Oregon Oversight Agency Retire Rich Tomorrow Corporation Hoosier Lottery

16 Project Readiness Assessment
PRA WORKSHOP 5 TEAMS Identify a spokesperson Identify a scribe Will Provide handouts A Facilitator will be assigned to your team (15 minutes) Complete your Assessment Prepare brief summary Present findings to the audience (5 min max per team)

17 Project Readiness Assessment

18 Project Readiness Assessment

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