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Famous Physical Anthropologist

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1 Famous Physical Anthropologist
Chapter 13

2 Louis leakey – 1903 to 1972

3 Parents were ____________________ in ____________, Africa for the _________________________________
At ___________ found his 1st fossil in _____________ Graduate of ___________________ University in Anthropology and ______________________ Awarded a _________ for his academic work centered on _______________________________ discovered fossils at ____________ and ______________, Africa and claimed that they were the oldest true ancestors of ________________________

4 Louis Leakey in his mother's arms at the family's mud & thatch house

5 1934 – Wrote a book titled; __________________
1964 – Found & named a new species __________ ________________ with his wife established a research station in _____________ near __________ for the study of _____________ helped establish ____________________ in Kenya Responsible for initiating __________________ decades-long field study of ___________________ in the wild, and the similar projects of _______________________ (for ________________)


7 Mary Leakey – 1913 to 1996

8 began auditing archaeology and __________ university courses, and she worked on __________________________________ and as a scientific ______________________ primarily worked as an _______________________ rather than a ___________________ anthropologist met ______________________& married in _________ Discovered first fossil _________of the extinct Miocene _____________________ Proconsul. _____________ in a ________________

9 1959 - found the “____________________” Man (Australopithecus boisei) fossil - _____________________
indicated that human ancestors originated in ______________ _________________________ stretched back farther than had previously been imagined.

10 found huge numbers of animal _____________________that had been fossilized in ________ deposited by a _________________ found what would be her greatest discovery, ___________________________ tracks that had been left by two _____________________ “______________________” footstep she had never earned a _________________, by the end of her life she had received many ____________________ degrees and other awards

11 Laetoli footsteps ________ million years old
Trail _________ feet long preserved in _______________ volcanic ash made by some of the first _______________-walking hominids show that these early humans was “_________________" (the heel of the foot hits first) followed by “______________" (the toes push off at the end of the stride)—the way _____________ humans walk

12 Olduvai Gorge, Africa most famous ____________________________ location in East Africa steep sided ravine, part of the ____________________, which stretches along eastern Africa some of the earliest remains of _____________ hominids have been found here Fossils found here also include… Homo habilis “_________________” Zinjanthropus “_____________________” Homo erectus Australopithecus Boisei ancient ________________, elephants, __________, etc. __________________ made by early hominids


14 The Leakeys found _____________ different kinds of hominid, showing a gradual increases in _________________ size and in the complexity of their _________________ at this location First skull of Zinjanthropus, commonly known as ‘________________’ who lived about ______millions years ago, was found here by the Leakeys ________________________ sites have been preserved for ________________________ and work continues during the _____________ seasons

15 1935 Olduvai, turned up elephant fossils
1935 Olduvai, turned up elephant fossils. Louis & Mary Leakey before marriage.

16 Dian Fossey – 1932 TO 1985

17 1932 - born in ______________________, California
Majored in __________________________ & got a degree from ________________ State College 1963 – 1st trip to Africa & met __________________ Her mission was to _______________, protect and study the _____________________________ 1966 – Returned to Africa to do a long-term study of the mountain gorillas in ____________________________________________(then _______________________) moved to __________________________ due to political upheaval & established the _______________________________ Research Center


19 1974 – received a ________ in _________________ at _________________ College, Cambridge
1983 – published her manuscript ______________________________________ 1985 – _________________ in her cabin at Karisoke™ 1988 – Her ___________ was made into a _________ Dian Fossey ____________ Fund ___________________ - Originally named the _________________ Fund dedicated to the ________________________ and protection of ______________________ and their _______________________ in Africa.

20 Fossey with Digit, her favorite gorilla

21 Jane Goodall – 1934 to present

22 British primatologist, ________________________, anthropologist, and _______________________of Peace
world's foremost expert on ________________________ _________-year study of ________________ and family interactions of ____________ chimpanzees in ________________________________ National Park, ______________________________ founder of the _________________________ Institute From an early age, she dreamed of traveling to _________________to observe _________________ animals in their natural habitats.



25 Met _____________________, who then hired her to work on a dig site in ______________________
He then hired her to conduct a _______________ study of the chimpanzees’ _________________ to gain important _____________________________ information. Many experts objected to Leakey's selection of Goodall because she had ____________________ scientific ________________________ and lacked even a general _________________ degree.


27 established a camp on the shore of _____________________________ in the Gombe Stream Reserve
After _________ years of seeing her every day, they showed no fear and often came to her She gained trust by doing a systematic __________________ routine she called the “__________________________”

28 Was in ___________________with The ____________ & discovered the
following behaviors, none of which had been ________________ before her… complex ___________________ _________________ behaviors ________________________ methods eating ____________________ insects, ______________, baby baboons & small ___________________ using and making ______________ throw ____________ as weapons use _________ and embraces to ___________ develop long-term ______________ bonds _________plays no active role in ____________ “_____________" system places the dominant ____________ at the top


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