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HSCN Migration Programme

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Presentation on theme: "HSCN Migration Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 HSCN Migration Programme
Customer Readiness Presented by Doug Howe & John Wilson

2 Contents Published Materials – Details of documents that have been made available to CNSPs (via the HSCN Deployment SharePoint) to support migration activities. Customer Readiness – Further information on activities the programme are undertaken to engage Customers, prepare them for migrations and improve our chances of success. Includes: HSCN Migration programme structure and interactions Migration journey and hurdles Customer readiness Lessons learned so far Discussion 1: Customer readiness Discussion 2: Customer communications

3 HSCN Migration: Published Materials
Supplier Briefing 26th April 2018

4 Published Materials The following documentation has been published on the HSCN Deployment SharePoint for use by CNSPs: Document Purpose HSCN CNSP Migration Guidance Document describing the end-to-end migration processes (as per Migration Addendum). HSCN Migration Checklist Document listing customer actions required to raise replacement orders, organise installations and prepare for/perform migrations. HSCN Migration Clarifications Document containing clarifications on process and data reporting requirements (based upon frequently asked questions and lessons learned). CNSP Information Pack Document describing the TACO migration processes. BT TACO Transfer of Service to CNSP Document detailing the information that BT TACO shall provide to CNSPs to enable the migration of Continuing Order services to a CNSP HSCN service. TACO Engagement Template Template to be populated by a CNSP prior to engaging the BT TACO Programme. TACO Portal Access Request Template Template to be populated by a CNSP prior to obtaining access to the BT TACO Migration Request Portal (used to raise migration requests). Legacy Catalogue Document listing the legacy access connectivity services that Customers may currently be using. TN Inventory Snapshot of the Transition Network inventory listing legacy services (with SIN, ODS and site details). ODS Codes Document listing ODS codes that are held centrally by the NHS Digital ODS code. Data Reporting Folder containing CNSP Data Reporting Requirements (as per Migration Addendum), sample data reports and accompanying notes.

5 HSCN Migration: Customer Readiness
Supplier Briefing 26th April 2018

6 Management of Migration
Field Force Deployment Office Procurement tracking/ execution: Procurement guidance Migration guidance Funding guidance Procurement and migration planning Requirements gathering Procurement support and execution Customer engagement: Customer FAQ Call-off order tracking Migration checklist Escalation management Technical support Field Force Migration tracking: Migration forecasting Inventory management Migration reporting TACO management Process improvement SharePoint maintenance Mailbox management CNSP engagement: CNSP onboarding CNSP routine engagement CNSP reporting Escalation management Trouble-shooting Deployment Office Sharing of Intelligence Escalation Management CNSP Reporting / Routine Engagement TACO Governance Supporting Customers Customer Liaison CNSP Management TACO Liaison Ordering and Planning Planning and Scheduling Parties involved in the migration

7 Migration Journey & Hurdles
Summary of the migration journey and the main hurdles: Customer Focussed Supplier Focussed Customer Migration Readiness CNSP Order Lifecycle Procurement Launch Service Award Order Received (Call-Off) Order Confirmed Migration Scheduled Migration Complete Service Ceased 1 2 3 4 5 Customer delays raising orders Supplier hurdles Legacy services not being ceased Aggregated, Collaborative and Independent procurements underway

8 Migration Journey & Hurdles
Summary of the migration journey and the main hurdles: Customer Focussed Supplier Focussed Field Force Award / Call-Off Tracking Cease Tracking Migration Checklist / Escalation Management (Customer Delay) Deployment Office Migration Order, Schedule and Implementation Tracking. Escalation Management (CNSP Delay) Service Award Order Received (Call-Off) Order Confirmed Migration Scheduled Migration Complete Service Ceased Procurement Launch Customer Migration Readiness CNSP Order Lifecycle 1 2 3 4 5 Aggregated, Collaborative and Independent procurements underway Customer delays raising orders Supplier Hurdles Legacy services not being ceased

9 Customer Readiness Customer Migration Readiness (led by NHS Digital Field Force) Customer Migration Readiness (led by NHS Digital Field Force Pre-Ordering Checklist Ordering Checklist Pre-Installation Pre-Migration Migration Activities to collate information required for raising an order (or latter stages). Activities to raise a complete order with a CNSP (post contract award). Activities to support and facilitate installations of new HSCN services. Activities to prepare for a migration to HSCN. Activities to be performed during the scheduled migration window. Service Award Order Received (Call-Off) Order Confirmed Migration Scheduled Migration Complete Service Live Customer Migration Readiness (led by NHS Digital Field Force Service Transition Preparation (led by CNSP) Initial engagement meetings: Initiate projects Understand requirements Order pre-requisites Obtain the required information for order. Support Customer in raising order. Complete due diligence/ etc. with Customer. Provide communications (include reporting delays). Prepare customer for services installation. Complete circuit delivery (working with Carrier) and customer site installation and testing. Prepare customer for migration. Agree and schedule migration with Customer (adhering to change governance). Execute migration. Perform post-migration testing. Obtain customer sign-off.

10 Customer Readiness: Lessons Learnt
Identification of overlays – Migrations have been delayed (and requests rejected) as consumer overlays have been missed. Check for these early on. Customer preparations – Issues have been encountered due to basics being missed: site access, router location etc. for install (for service install) and users lined up for cut-over activities (for migration). Pre-emptive: Submit your reports so we know what’s coming (as well as underpins processes). Migrations require space for legacy and new CPE, ensure customers have space for both. If a booked migration can’t take place, cancel and reschedule as soon as possible.

11 HSCN Migration: Discussion Points
Supplier Briefing 26th April 2018

12 Discussion 1: Customer Readiness
What are the problems you’ve encountered to date? How do we jointly ensure the basics are dealt with? If customer requirements can be satisfied by different services/solutions, how can we steer them to those that are quicker to deliver and migrate too?

13 Discussion 2: Customer Communications
What communications are you providing Customers? What communications can we provide that add-value and avoid confusion?

14 HSCN Migration: Customer Readiness
Appendix: Migration Checklist Contents

15 Migration Checklist     
The migration checklist contains six elements that are relevant to the following stages of the migration journey: Pre-Ordering Checklist Ordering & Contacts Pre-Installation Checklist Pre-Migration Checklist Migration Post-Migration Checklist Award Procurement Lifecycle Order Placement “Calling-Off” Facilitate Site Survey Facilitate Service Installation Support / Test Migration Cease Legacy Service Order Forecasting Receive Order Due Diligence / Site Survey Order Lifecycle Service Installation Perform Migration Ongoing Service Raise Migration Request Schedule / Book Migration

16 Checklist: Pre-Ordering
Ref Item Description of requirement Guidance to Customer PO01 Service Identification Number (SIN) If you have a pre-existing connection (Continuing Order), you should know your Service Identification Number (SIN). This will be required by your new CNSP for the ordering, forecasting and migration processes. If you connecting to HSCN for the first time, you will not require a SIN. Note that this is the 'Circuit ID' on your Continuing Order Invoice sent by BT. Please contact your Regional Migration Manager for further information. Full list on the NHS Digital website: PO02 Organisation Data Service (ODS) Code If you are new to HSCN and/or do not have a Organisation Data Service (ODS) code, you must obtain an ODS Code to identify yourselves prior to completing the other pre-requisite activities below. If you already have an ODS code you should check that they are valid for each site you wish to have a HSCN connection installed. Note that this is the SBS billing address on your Invoice sent by BT. ODS Codes can be requested or verified via your named contact (OC1) if you have one (Health organisations) or by contacting the ODS Team. Further information on ODS Codes and contacts can be found on the NHS Digital website: allocation PO03 Connection Agreement You must obtain a valid Connection Agreement prior to connecting to HSCN. Network Service Providers may request a copy of your Connection Agreement prior to processing a new order so it should be obtained as soon as possible (once you have an ODS code as per PO1). Note that organisations with an existing N3 connection should already have been contacted by NHS Digital to complete a HSCN Connection Agreement. Further information on the HSCN Connection Agreement and how to obtain one can be found on the NHS Digital website: Agreement PO04 Pre-existing Inventory Information If you wish to confirm which current N3 services you are using please contact BT as your current service provider or alternatively the HSCN Programme for information. For those involved in Aggregated Procurements, please note that this information will be collated and validated with you prior to launch. Please contact your Continuing Order point of contact (directly or via the BT CRM). Alternatively, please contact your Regional Migration Manager for further information. Full list on the NHS Digital website: PO05 Business Approval Governance Prior to ordering, you may need business approval for purchasing replacement HSCN services. You should validate this within your organisation and make preparations to ensure you can complete any necessary governance steps. For those involved in Aggregated Procurements, a call-off contract is required within six weeks of supplier award notification and you should plan obtaining approval and ordering within this timeframe. Please consult your organisation to confirm business approval governance that you are required to comply with. Schedule this to occur between contract award and call-off to avoid delays. PO06 Clinical Safety Assessment You should consider your current status of clinical safety assessment ahead of migrating to HSCN. This should be initiated now as may take some time but only needs to be completed ahead of migration (it should not delay placing an order). Please see the NHS Digital website for further information: PO07 National Application Requirements You should consider your current access requirements for all the national applications (as well as other applications) as these may be affected by your move to HSCN. Please consult your organisation to confirm application usage. Once known, this should be passed onto prospective Suppliers who can advise accordingly (as per OC06 below).

17 Checklist: Ordering Ref Item Description of requirement
Guidance to Customer OC01 Order Pre-Requisite Information You should collate the following information prior to placing an order for a new circuit. This information is needed by the CNSP to process your order. Collate the following standard information as well as additional information required by your CNSP: Organisation ODS Code / Unique Site ID (ODS site code) / Site Name - Full Postal Address / Postcode / Primary' organisation / Site Contact Names (1, 2 etc) / Site Contact Numbers / Site Contact s / Technical Contact Name / Technical Contact Number / Technical Contact / Comms room location (where routers and circuit terminating equipment will be located) / Number of free ‘U’ in the rack(s) / Number of free power outlets for the rack(s) / Room Number / Floor / Building Name / Duct location and state or repair / Way Leave Notice (for any work on private land) / If you have an intended location for new equipment: Cabinet / Rack (optional) / Tile (optional) / Rack Position (optional) / For site survey visits (as per PI02 and PRM02): Site points of contact / Parking facilities OC02 Complete Order Form You should complete and check your order form (specific to your chosen procurement route) for information you need to prepare in advance. It is important this is completed promptly to ensure your order progresses. This can be shared with the HSCN programme for visibility. Order forms should be submitted by the appropriate route for the procurement. For aggregated procurements, completed orders should be shared with your Regional Migration Manager for completeness. OC03 IP Retention Request If you wish to retain your existing IP address, you must obtain approval from the NHS Digital IP Address Management (IPAM) team. This process must take place once the new CNSP is known. If you are connecting to HSCN for the first time, you will need to contact the NHS Digital IP Address Management (IPAM) team to advise them of your new addresses. Please contact the NHS Digital IP Address Management (IPAM) team. Further information can be found on the HSCN website: OC04 Pre-existing Configuration Information If you require router configuration, you should request this by contacting BT (your current service provider). Note that your new CNSP will be able to obtain this information at a later date if required. Please contact your Continuing Order point of contact to request this information. OC05 Overlays You should notify your CNSP if you have any BT N3 Overlay services such as Voice, Video conferencing, VPNs or remote access. They will need this information when planning the migration. Voice and video services will need to be migrated prior to terminating your existing connectivity service. Please inform your CNSP of the overlays used at each site so they can advise you accordingly. OC06 National Application Access You should notify your CNSP if your organisation accesses any Regional or National applications. If your are migrating from a legacy connection and choose to retain your IP addresses, this access should be unaffected. Please inform your CNSP of the application used at each site so they can advise you accordingly. If necessary, they will notify NHS Digital of new IP ranges to ensure they are configured for National application access.

18 Checklist: Pre-Installation (1 of 2)
Ref Item Description of requirement Guidance to Customer PI01 Schedule You should discuss and agree with your CNSP the dates for installation, commissioning and migration to HSCN. Migrations are scheduled to occur in working hours and should be booked as far in advance as possible to ensure your CNSP is able to book a slot at an appropriate date and time. Please consult your CNSP to develop an implementation and migration approach and plan. Your CNSP is responsible for agreeing a migration date and booking this with BT via the agreed migration processes. Please see the HSCN CNSP Migration Guide on the HSCN website for further information: migration documents PI02 Building Access You should ensure that any required site or building access is known and organised in advance. Site visits may be required to: - Perform site surveys; - Complete the installation; and - Perform the migration. Please consult your new CNSP to confirm what access they will required, when and agree this with your facilities management/site contacts as appropriate. This should include: - Checking if there are any site or building access restrictions (advanced notice, opening hours etc.); and - Checking if an escort for the supplier's CNSP is required and available. PI03 Works Risk Assessment You should check if a Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) is required for surveys and work on site and whether this has been completed. Please confirm within your organisation if any work permits and/or Risk Assessment and Method Statements are required. If so, facilitate the completion and return of these with your CNSP. PI04 Hardware & Rack Space You should confirm with your CNSP what Hardware will be provided and how it should be installed. This include confirming what rack space is needed. Please consult your new CNSP to hardware installation requirements. This should include confirming with your Suppliers: - The proposed Customer Premise Equiement (CPE) hardware; - How much rack space is required (number of units/'U'); - Termination; - Cooling requirements; - Connectivity requirements (including Failover); and - Will Network Termination Equipment (NTE) be rack mounted or terminated on wall and whether this needs to be co-Located with CPE. Note: If you intend to dual-run, you will need sufficient space for your new and existing equipment to be connected and powered-on.

19 Checklist: Pre-Installation (2 of 2)
Ref Item Description of requirement Guidance to Customer PI05 Power You should confirm with your CNSP what power requirements they have. Please consult your new CNSP to check power installation requirements. This should include: - Confirm how many power sockets are required; - Check sufficient power sockets are available near the installation location; - Confirm what type of power connection is required (such as UK standard mains plug or kettle lead); and - If sufficient power or space is not available, arrange for this to be provisioned before your HSCN installation date. Note: You will need to keep your existing Continuing Order CPE powered-on and connected until you issue notice and the cease is processed so it can be securely wiped by BT (see POMO2 below). PI06 Cables You should check with the CNSP what cables (RJ45/Fibre) are required for installation. In the case of Fibre cables it is crucial to understand the if multi-mode or single-mode fibre cables are required and that the correct lengths are ordered. Please liaise with your new CNSP to confirm what cabling is required and obtain this in advance of the installation and/or migration as required. Ensure any cabling is stored in a location that will be accessible during the installation and migration as required. PI07 Ports/Optics If the HSCN router is connecting into your LAN, you should ensure you have sufficient RJ45 or Fibre optic interfaces available. In the case of fibre do you have the correct optical gbics/sfp's in place. Please liaise with your new CNSP to confirm what ports/optics are required and check these on your local network devices. PI08 Test You should create a test plan to include a list of services you need to test as part of the HSCN migration and allocated resources. This should comprise local services, central services and Internet services based on your requirements. Please liaise within your organisation to understand which business applications are used at each site and develop an associated test plan. PI09 Change Management You should plan the local activities that need to take place prior to migration, such as arranging for approval at a local change control board. This should include scheduling and booking a migration with BT via your CNSP. Please liaise with your change management function to confirm any approval that needs to be obtained. Plan the migration to avoid change freezes and any major release cycles.

20 Checklist: Pre-Migration
Ref Item Description of requirement Guidance to Customer PRM01 Risk Assessment You should ensure any risk assessments required by your organisation are completed prior to migration. This should include concluding any Clinical Safety Assessments (as per PO06). Please consult your organisation to confirm risk assessments that need to be completed. PRM02 Building Access You should ensure access and an escort for the supplier's engineers is available on the commissioning date. (CNSP installing their managed routers and firewalls and testing the service). Please liaise with your CNSP to confirm access requirements and agree this with your facilities management/site contacts as appropriate (subject to your organisations Security Policy). PRM03 Migration Process You should ensure that you have agreed migration steps with your CNSP. This should include when the migration slot will occur, when the network will be unavailable, when to move connections to your new HSCN service, what to do if something goes wrong and other activities that your users may need to perform. A typical implementation plan may include the phases: site survey (if required); cable installation (if required); router delivery; commissioning of service - pre migration; and migration. Please consult your CNSP for full details on the migration. For further information on the migration processes, please see the HSCN CNSP Migration Guide on the NHS Digital website: migration documents PRM04 Circuit Handover You should check that the supplier completes their commissioning testing including a failover test (if a resilient service) and provides you with a commissioning test report. Please consult your CNSP to verify testing has been completed at the point of circuit handover. PRM05 Pre-Migration Testing You should plan and conduct your own local testing of the HSCN service prior to migration. Please perform testing of the new service as per your developed test plan(s). PRM06 Communications (Details known) You should ensure you have contact details agreed with your CNSP so all parties know who to communicate with during the migration process. This should have been organised in advance but checked they are all documented and known at this point. Please consult your CNSP to confirm contact details and circulate these within your organisation as appropriate.

21 Checklist: Migration Ref Item Description of requirement
Guidance to Customer MI01 Resourcing Available You should check all resource, including onsite access and those involved in the migration and testing, are available. This should include confirming if you need someone onsite to perform a roll back if issues are encountered during or post migration. N/A MI02 Communications (Available) You should ensure you have access to any points of contact or management control bridges (conference calls) at the start of the migration window to confirm they are reachable. MI03 Cabling You should ensure cabling is available to connect new router devices to your network. MI04 Migration Activities You should follow the migration steps and instructions provided by your CNSP to complete any activities you are required to. It is vital that you don't perform actions (such as unplugging devices) until instructed to do. MI05 Testing You should complete testing of all applications and services to ensure they are operating as per design and meet your success criteria. MI06 Rollback You should make sure you know what to do if any issues are experienced post migration.

22 Checklist: Post-Migration
Ref Item Description of requirement Guidance to Customer POM01 Operational Procedures You should ensure your local operational procedures are updated to reflect your new HSCN supplier. This should include changing Service Desk contacts for staff in the event they experience network connectivity issues. It may also include updates to: Contract Management; Asset Management; Service Management (service levels); Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity; and Security. Please consult your CNSP and operational management teams. This activity should be covered during the handover to live service. POM02 Legacy Customer Premise Equipement (CPE) You should not switch-off old equipment until instructed to do so by BT as part of the cease process. They require access to securely wipe the device. This is particularly important if you want to retain the option of roll-back for a short-period of time. Please leave old routers and other equipment powered-on until you are told it can be powered-off and BT during the cease process. POM03 Cessation Once the HSCN service is operational and the migration has completed successfully, you should raise an BT Continuing Order cease notice with BT to terminate your legacy services. This should not be initiated before migration has successfully been completed and soon after this point to avoid unnecessary dual running costs. Please request a cease to your existing services by raising a request on the BT Continuing Orders portal once migration has been successfully completed.

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