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Religion, Family, Tribalism SS7G4

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1 Religion, Family, Tribalism SS7G4
Africa: Religion, Family, Tribalism SS7G4

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FAMILIES African belief: “A man or woman without kin is as good as dead”. Africans are strongly tied to families, much more so than Americans. 11/10/2018 copyright

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MARRIAGE Traditionally arranged by parents of female. This is how it generally works today: Boy meets girl; boy asks girl’s father if he can marry her. Girl leaves family to live with husband’s family. Husband (and family) pay girl’s family a “bride’s price” or a “dowry” to compensate losing her. 11/10/2018 copyright

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POLYGAMY Definition: having more than one wife. Only about 1 in 10 African men have more than one wife. WHY?? Number of children is a status symbol The more kids you have, the cooler you are! more workers for field/farm 11/10/2018 copyright

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EXTENDED FAMILY Several generations of a family will live under one roof. Provides for “social security”. No need for “nursing homes”, “assisted living”, or orphanages. Family can be relied on during famine, illness, and to provide education. 11/10/2018 copyright

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FAMILIES IN CITIES Similar to a traditional American family. Very little polygamy. Usually “nuclear”. Father, Mother, and Children Marriages usually NOT arranged. 11/10/2018 copyright

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TRIBALISM Tribe: a group of people who share the same customs and language and who may believe that they descend from a common ancestor. Today, “tribes” are referred to as “nations”, “people groups”, or “ethnic groups”. Africa stresses importance of the group; America stresses importance of the individual. 11/10/2018 copyright

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TRIBALISM Tribal customs cover all of the important aspects of life from birth to death. Each member of the group must make a daily contribution. Children go through an initiation ritual to become members of the group. “Chief” is in charge and group must show him loyalty. 11/10/2018 copyright

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TRIBALISM Decisions for the group are made by Chief and Council of Elders. Typically the eldest members of the group. Typical punishment is to be thrown out of the group. 11/10/2018 copyright

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MODERN TRIBALISM To many, a person’s people group (“ethnic group”) is more important than their country. Europeans divided Africa and paid no attention to the ethnic groups. These new borders created conflict amongst rival ethnic groups who were forced to live together. Also created communication problems because these groups spoke different languages. 11/10/2018 copyright

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BELIEFS Most Africans are either Muslim or Christian, but some still believe in traditional African religions. 11/10/2018 copyright

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THE MEDICINE MAN Traditional Africans turn to a Medicine Man when something goes wrong. Believed to have special powers to see why something bad has happened. Usually, the “diagnosis” is that the person has neglected the ancestor spirit and they are being punished. YOU BETTER TALK TO YOUR DEAD GRANDMA!! 11/10/2018 copyright

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GOD AND SPIRITS Nearly all Africans believe in a “Supreme Being” who created everything. Believe God is distant and not involved in day-to-day life activities. Only seek God’s help in desperate circumstances. Drought, Famine, Illness, etc. Between people and God are lesser gods and spirits of ancestors. 11/10/2018 copyright

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MAGIC Sometimes hard to separate “magic” from “religion”. Many people carry a magic charm with them to protect them from danger. 11/10/2018 copyright

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ARAB RELIGIONS Islam: monotheistic religion that accepts Mohammed as the last prophet of God (“Allah”). Quran (Koran): Holy Book of Islam. Mecca: Holy pilgrimage site. Muslims must pray 5 times per day toward Mecca. 11/10/2018 copyright

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ASHANTI RELIGIONS Originated in central Ghana. 11/10/2018 copyright

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ASHANTI RELIGIONS Believe in all-powerful, all-knowing god called “Onyame”. He has removed himself from the world and has no direct contact with humans. Lesser gods are known as “Abosom”. Can have contact with Onyame and humans. 11/10/2018 copyright

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BANTU RELIGIONS Inhabit most of the land south of the Congo River. 11/10/2018 copyright

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BANTU RELIGIONS Believe that political leadership was accompanied by religious responsibility. A kingdom relied on the Chief/Monarch for political and spiritual survival. Supreme Deity created the world but does not interact with humans. 11/10/2018 copyright

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BANTU RELIGIONS Creation Myths: People came from a hole in the ground. People were plucked from a sea of reeds. Supreme Deity created humans out of dirt. Death comes due to human failures. 11/10/2018 copyright

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SWAHILI RELIGIONS Originated along the coast of Tanzania and Kenya. 11/10/2018 copyright

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SWAHILI RELIGIONS Swahili people are a branch of Bantu. Mostly very strict Sunni Muslims. Believe in spirits (“Djinns”). Men wear protective amulets around their necks with verses from the Koran. Only prophets and teachers of Islam may become Medicine Men. 11/10/2018 copyright

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