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Air: Mystery Matter! Bell Ringer:

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1 Air: Mystery Matter! Bell Ringer:
What do you already know about air? Spend 5 minutes completing the first 2 columns of a K-W-L chart for today’s lesson. **Complete at least 5 bullets under What I Know, and 5 questions under Wonder

2 1. The lower the atmosphere pressure, the ________________ you are on land or sky. 2. The ________ layer is responsible for the weather, rain or snow. 3. The Troposphere is _______________km thick. 4. What would happen if the Earth has no atmosphere, as in no air? 5. Why do your ears always pop on an airplane? 6. The atmosphere protects Earth from ______________ and _________________. 7. It is mainly from the _________ that our atmosphere was formed. 8. Why are mountain tops colder than the temperature in the city? 9. The 5 layers of the atmosphere are: 10. When the atmosphere keeps Earth warm, it is called the _________________ effect. 11. The higher you go in the atmosphere, the _LESS_ air there is available to breathe.

3 Weather Magic: Can you solve these magic tricks?
Let me share with you some amazing magic tricks that air can do! Your job is to figure out why or how they happened. Remember: Nature likes to stay balanced!

4 The Magic Can How can I crush the can without stepping on it? Let’s hear your problem solving!

5 One More Time! Nature wants air pressure to be balanced!
Barrel of Pressure Tanker Implosion

6 The Magic Candle How can I get water to leave the plate and go inside the cup? Be Innovative!

7 Nature wants to be Balanced!

8 Atmosphere Basics Air has mass. Air takes up space. Air has density.
Air can move. Air pressure is the weight of a column of air pressing down on an area. Low and High Pressure want to be balanced!

9 Atmosphere Pressure Atmosphere is held in place by gravity
Air Pressure is strongest at surface-more air above you (You carry a column of air that is 700 km high on top of you every day!

10 As altitude increases, air pressure decreases
Stack of books (Denver Broncos)

11 Air Pressure As Air Pressure decreases, so does density.


13 Characteristics of Atmosphere
Atmosphere: a mixture of gases that surrounds Earth; acts like a blanket Protects us from sun’s damaging rays Contains mostly nitrogen 78% & then oxygen 21% Also has solids and liquids, what are they? ( dust, water vapor, dirt, volcanic ash, smoke) You can see them at night when you turn on a flashlight!

14 The most abundant gas in the air we breathe?
Draw Me!

15 Layers of the Atmosphere
Troposphere- we live here, weather happens here. Densest layer b/c it has 90% of the atmosphere’s mass! Almost all of the Earth’s CO2, H2O Vapor, clouds, air pollution, and life-forms live here. Stratosphere: ozone layer- protects life by absorbing harmful UV rays. Gases are layered here, do not mix much. Very thin, little moisture. Mesosphere: “middle layer”, coldest

16 Ion o Sphere

17 The ionosphere: Upper meso and lower thermo, absorbs harmful solar energy. (auroras exist here- SS connection!) Thermosphere: satellites, Although it has very high temps, it does not feel hot b/c it is less dense and air particles move fast- no transfer of thermal energy

18 Mnemonic Device: Earth: Everything Took Monster Science The

19 Atmosphere

20 Let’s Review! Answer the following questions in your IAN.
Why does air in the atmosphere have pressure? How does altitude affect air pressure? Name one thing found in the Stratosphere Mesosphere Troposphere Atmosphere Brainpop

21 Bell Ringer: Please take out your IAN and open to your Atmosphere Unit notes. Write down this phrase, “Nature wants to be balanced!” Write 2 sentences explaining what this means based on yesterday’s Weather Magic! Please take out your Lab Data sheets from your blue tub when you are done.

22 The Weather Channel One More: How air pressure eggzactly works!!!
Now it’s your turn! 4 unique qualities of air to problem solve. Describe what you are seeing and describe why you think it can happen! The first 3 I will demo for you! You will rotate through the rest.

23 Ch. 15.1 Air Pressure: “Mystery Matter” Stations! Collaborate Communicate Innovate Be Flexible!

24 Just a little more magic! 
Let’s discuss each fact and how they relate to our stations! Balloon in a bottle Just a little more magic! 

25 Station #1 A How Does Air Motion Affect Objects?
What changes did you observe as you watched the balloon? What might have caused the changes you observed? Draw what happened! Before: During:

26 Station #1 B – Does Air Have Mass?
Did you observe a change in mass? If so, why? (2 sentences) BALLOON TYPE MASS (in grams) Empty Air-Filled

27 Station #2– Shrinking or Expanding Air?
Why do you think the pressure varied (was different) for each action? (2 sentences) ACTION OBSERVATIONS PRESSURE IS HIGHER…. (inside the heated balloon or inside the cooled balloon) Heated balloon with hot water Cooled balloon with ice water

28 Station #3 – Does Air Take Up Space?
Describe what happened to the cork. What happened to the water level inside the glass container as you pushed the container towards the bottom of the bowl? What happened to the water level outside the glass container as you pushed the container towards the bottom of the bowl? In summary, what caused the results that you observed to occur?


30 But First… Survivor Island Who Wins???

31 Review: Egg in a Bottle Fire warmed up air inside, molecules escaped before egg was put on top and then egg wobbled. When fire went out, temperature cooled, molecules condensed, changing air pressure. Since the pressure outside bottle was higher, the higher pressure tried to get in the bottle. Since the egg is squeezable, it got pushed into the bottle by the air.

32 TICKET OUT THE DOOR You are sitting on an airplane on the ground. The pilot announces take off and the plane begins to climb higher in the atmosphere. You notice that your head feels like it is getting clogged. Suddenly, you swallow and you hear a popping noise in your ear. Explain what happened.

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