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SchoolNet Uganda By Charles Musisi & Baker Ntambi

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1 SchoolNet Uganda By Charles Musisi & Baker Ntambi
AfNOG2001 – 12th May 2001 Accra, Ghana 11/10/2018

2 History Started in 1996 as School-to School Initiative
1997 re named -- World Links for Development – WorLD, and now: SchoolNet - Uganda 11/10/2018

3 3 Themes Computer Labs & Connectivity Training & Ongoing Support
Pedagogical Issues & Telecollaboration 11/10/2018

4 Computer labs Typically: 10 PCs Networked – CAT5 & Hub Stable power
Productivity software Internet Access 11/10/2018

5 Connectivity: HF Radio
HF Radio – 2400 baud - only - choice of last resort - initial capital investment very high - has no recurrent costs 11/10/2018

6 Connectivity: GSM Dial-up
GSM – 9600 baud - & limited surfing - Stable, though expensive - Only possible where GSM Network exists 11/10/2018

7 Connectivity: Dial-up Land lines
Dial-up over Land lines - & Internet access - Not cost effective as number grows - Service congested and at times poor 11/10/2018

8 Connectivity: ISM 2.4 Ghz - Offers unmetered access
- serves large community fairly well - band getting congested - for full benefits, requires some skills to properly configure servers, system admin tasks etc.. 11/10/2018

9 Connectivity: VSat - Covers a large foot print
- Together with ISM 2.4Ghz provides access to a large community of schools - High capital costs - High recurrent costs 11/10/2018

10 Training & Ongoing Support
Workshops Site visits Mailing lists Internet chat Peer support by students 11/10/2018

11 Training System Admin tasks - Linux/FreeBSD(?) installation
- System maintenance – fsck - Simple database systems with MySQL - Managing the Apache Webserver 11/10/2018

12 Training: Web design Introduction to HTML Managing own web site

13 Training: Professional development
- Introduction to Internet and Teacher learning - Introduction to Telecollaboration learning and projects - Curriculum and technology Integration - Diffusion of ICT Innovations - Planning for School based Telecentres 11/10/2018

14 Pedagogical Issues New School Computer Curriculum 11/10/2018

15 Number of Schools Started with 3 Schools in 1996
Expanded to 10 in 1997 Present: 50 Schools connected to the Internet, student & staff use Most Schools have own school domain, server communities of upto 1000 at most sites 11/10/2018

16 Expansion to 100 sites - 70 sites, 11 Vsat sites
- Equipped with 10 PCs LAN Each Vsat School is expected to serve 10 others - New and old sites to become Community Telecentres 11/10/2018

17 Expectations 50000 Student & Staff by first quarter of 2002
Will connecting to Upcoming IxP 11/10/2018

18 Other relevant Issues Main University now has a wireless backbone, soon will have a fibre ring Uganda has ~ 10 ISPs each with own Internet Gateway Total bandwidth ~ 6MB Internet Exchange will soon be setup 11/10/2018

19 Others Issues Estimated user base ~ 40,000 ~ 7000 dial-up
~ 20,0000 – Internet Cafes, Secondary & Primary Schools and growing ~ 10,000 University users. Will soon be over 25,000 ~ other access 11/10/2018

20 Acknowledgements Several Private sector players:
- CelTel Cellular, Uganda OnLine, Starcom, PanWorld Inssurance Donors: The WoLD Bank, IDRC, British Council, Government of Uganda, NSRC – Steve & Randy 11/10/2018

21 That’s It! Any Questions? Thank you 11/10/2018

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