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Ecology Notes Populations

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Notes Populations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Notes Populations

2 Essential Question What are limiting factors of population growth and their graphing relationships?

3 Using the above website, record the:
Current world population:____________ Current U.S. population:_____________ 3 Highest populated countries: 1)_________2)__________3)__________

4 Population Ecology Habitat: place where an organism lives
Niche: role and effects a species has in a community Species can occupy ONE niche at a time

5 Limiting Factors Any factor that controls the size of a population
Density Dependent Factors: Limiting factors that depend on population size Ex: Predators, Disease, Competition, Overcrowding, Territory, and/or Food

6 Density Independent Factors: Limiting factors that affect all populations in almost the same way, regardless of size. Ex: Weather, Natural disasters

7 Population Growth Carrying capacity:
maximum number of organisms an area can sustain

8 Population Growth Population Changes: Growth:
birth rates > death rates Stability: birth rates = death rates Decline: birth rates < death rates

9 Population Changes: Immigration: individuals into a population Emigration: individuals out of a population

10 Population Growth Graphs
Exponential (J Curve) Plenty of resources and few predators or diseases

11 Population Growth Graphs
Logistic (S Curve) Growth slows as resources become limited

12 Population Growth Graphs
Saw-tooth Curve Cyclical relationship between organisms (one increases, other increases and vice versa)

13 Graphing Relationships
Positive Relationship- both variables increase at the same time

14 Negative Relationship (Inverse)- one variable increases while the other variable decreases

15 No relationship- there is no correlation between the variables

16 Write 2 higher level questions on the left margin of each page of notes.
Write a 3 sentence summary at the end of your notes to answer the essential question. Anchor all of your papers and your notes in your folder and bring up to Mrs. Caryl (2 students at a time) Complete Predator-Prey Relationships Turn in to basket.

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