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Silicone, Cork, Silica Glass Fibers

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2 Silicone, Cork, Silica Glass Fibers
Previous Missions Mission Entry Speed (km/s) Max Temp (C) Material Galileo 47.38 15500 Carbon-Phenolic Apollo 11.17 2760 Phenolic Epoxy Resin Pathfinder 4.47 1650 Silicone, Cork, Silica Glass Fibers AGA 11.54 2250 Location Dependant 4/08/2003

3 Material Properties 4/08/2003

4 Design Factors Heating Duration  10-20 minutes Large Area  4x8m
Heat Soak Increases Thickness of Ablator Large Area  4x8m Large Volume of TPS Weight Limits 4/08/2003

5 Design Algorithm Caclulate heating history for several points of aeroshell Choose materials for each point Size depth of TPS for each point Calculate TPS Volume  Mass Hand Mass over to Structures 4/08/2003

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