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Drug use and Risk – Day 1 Lesson 2 November 30th, 2010.

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1 Drug use and Risk – Day 1 Lesson 2 November 30th, 2010

2 Statistics Among Canadians 15 years and older, the prevalence of past-year cannabis use decreased from 14.1% in 2004 to 10.6% in 2009. The prevalence of past-year cannabis use decreased, among youth aged 15 to 24 years, from 37.0% in 2004 to 26.3% in 2009.

3 Statistics The rate of drug use by youth years of age remains much higher than that reported by adults 25 years and older: almost four times higher for cannabis use (26.3% versus 7.6%), and almost five times higher for past-year use of any drug excluding cannabis (6.3% versus 1.3%). The rates of psychoactive pharmaceutical use and abuse remains comparable to the rates reported in 2008: 25.0% of respondents aged 15 years and older indicated that they had used an opioid pain reliever, a stimulant, or a sedative or tranquilizer in the past year while 0.6% reported that they used any of these drugs to get high in the past year.

4 We live in a drug filled society
We live in a drug filled society. No matter how you are feeling we are constantly told that a drug can “fix” the problem. Every year 25 Billion is spent on pharmaceutical advertising and another 18 – 20 billion on alcohol advertising.

5 What is a drug? Drug – A substance that causes a physical or emotional change in a person. Drug abuse is the taking of a legal drug for a nonmedical reason, or an illegal drug for any reason at all.

6 Abusing drugs is dangerous for 3 main reasons
1. Social Risks Drugs lower inhibitions and affect users judgement might Do dangerous things they normally wouldn’t do Engage un unsafe sex that may lead to a unwanted pregnancy or a STI Drive while impaired – Or be a passenger of an impaired driver Take other drugs they normally wouldn’t try Can develop serious personal problems that can destroy relationships with family and friends.

7 2. Legal Risks Illegal drugs are subject to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and illegal unless a person has been authorized to carry out specific activities. It is illegal to import, export, manufacture, or traffic drugs. Drug related offenses can result in criminal conviction. Fine or imprisonment as well as a criminal record.

8 3. Physical Risks Drugs can be very hard on the body.
35% of all crimes committed in the USA are under the influence of illicit drugs. (Holt, 1999) Drugs can be classified into different categories based on how they affect the body.

9 Stimulants A drug that causes alertness and speeds up the activity of the body.

10 Caffeine Caffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant.
Caffeine is found in many drinks as well as medications Its effects can be felt within 30 minutes of use.

11 Caffeine In high doses, caffeine can make a person irritable, nervous and unable to sleep. Users can become physically dependent and experience withdrawal symptoms.

12 Cocaine and Crack Cocaine is derived from the leaves of the coca plant. It is very addictive Can lead to theft, prostitution as well as other criminal activity to pay for the habit. Can be snorted, injected, smoked (freebase and crack) or chewed (leaves)

13 Cocaine and Crack Cocaine affects the brain by interfering with the reabsorption of dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain associated with pleasure. Cocaine related deaths are usually the result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest. It causes severe physical and psychological dependence.

14 Cocaine and Crack Because the drug constricts the blood vessels and places stress on the heart. It can cause heart attacks. Users can also experience paranoia and hallucinations

15 Hallucinogens A drug that distorts a person’s senses
This can make it difficult to tell what is real and what is not.

16 LSD Made from a type of fungus usually sold in the form of tablets small paper squares. The effects will vary from person to person. It can be a stimulant or a depressant, lead to huge emotional swings as well as seeing and hearing things that are not really there.

17 LSD Flashbacks of bad trips are possible even years later
Some people have been so upset and scared they killed themselves while on the drug. Flashbacks of bad trips are possible even years later

18 PCP Usually sprayed on tobacco or marijuana and smoked.
Can cause severe mental disturbances that last from hours to weeks. Often causes people to act violently.

19 Mushrooms Can cause hallucinations, vomiting and cramping.

20 Designer Drugs Drugs made by altering the chemistry of already made drugs.

21 Ecstasy Close in chemical composition to amphetamines Causes physical and psychological dependence Users often experience blurred vision, nausea, faintness, chills and sweating. Affects usurers emotionally as well. Can cause feeling of happiness and relaxation while others feel confused, depressed, have sleep problems and severe anxiety.

22 Marijuana and Hashish Organic drugs that come from the cannabis plant

23 Marijuana and Hashish The drug is psychologically addictive. Users may experience loss of coordination, difficulty concentrating, feelings of anxiousness or paranoia. Marijuana contains toxins that can damage the lungs and reproductive system.

24 Inhalants Chemical vapours and gases that produce strong psychoactive effects when they are inhaled.

25 Inhalants Users will initially feel light headed and giddy Later the users will feel nausea, dizziness, and headache. Inhalants can kill on the first use as they are actually killing parts of the brain. Other side effects include; hearing loss, brain and nerve damage, and liver and kidney damage

26 Narcotics Drugs that have been derived, or made, from the opium poppy plant.

27 Morphine and Codeine are used to treat severe pain.
Narcotics are also among the most physically addictive drugs of abuse. Users become tolerant to the drug and must always increase their dose, which leaves users open to the possibility of overdose.

28 Heroin Heroin depresses the respiratory system which can lead to coma or death Sharing of needles presents the risk spreading diseases such as AIDS.

29 Sedative-Hypnotics Drugs that depress the body systems and cause sleepiness.

30 Sedative-Hypnotics Two major types
1. Barbiturates Used to treat seizures Highly addictive and are illegal to buy or sell 2. Benzodiazepines Used to treat depression and insomnia Both of these drugs are highly dangerous when mixed with alcohol as they alter ones judgement.

31 Questions: How could drug use in your teens, potential risk the chances of you getting a job later that requires a clean criminal record? I (1) What are some social risks that use of drugs could have on your life? I (1) How can drugs pose physical risks beyond what the drug itself does to the body? I (1) What makes addictive drugs particularly dangerous to use? I (1) In your opinion, do users realize the risks they are taking? If so, why do they do it? I (1)

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