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HIV Response Funding Trends 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

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Presentation on theme: "HIV Response Funding Trends 10:30 am to 12:00 pm"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV Response Funding Trends 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
Moderator: Jose-Antonio Izazola-Licea, UNAIDS Funding the NSP in South Africa: Assessing alignment of partners’ support to the National Strategy through past expenditure trend analysis, Nthabiseng Khoza, National Department of Health Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the HIV test and treat program in Zimbabwe, Shepherd Nyamhuno, University of South Africa The end of the golden age of HIV/AIDS funding? Trends in HIV/AIDS spending by financing source and spending category in 188 countries, , Miranda Tao, IHME Advocating for Government Financing of Transitioning HIV Services in Indonesia through Improved Subnational Resource Needs Estimates, Lyubov Teplitskaya, HP+ The Impact of dolutegravir in first-line adult ART on HIV transmission and cost of HIV in South Africa, Sithabiso Masuku, HERO

2 HIV Response Funding Trends
10th International AIDS Economics Network Preconference Sustainable AIDS Response: Results in the Era of Shrinking Donor Funding HIV Response Funding Trends Introduction: Global HIV financing Jose-Antonio Izazola-Licea Special Adviser, HIV Financing, UNAIDS

3 Donor disbursements: KFF/UNAIDS annual report
Donor disbursements through multilateral channels require adjustments to estimate the in-country resource availability

4 HIV Domestic Resource Availability
Domestic (public and private) share of the HIV funding in low and middle income countries in 2017 = 57% 2006 to 2017 increase of all domestic (public and private) resources: 129% 2006 to 2017 increase of domestic public resources: 214%

5 HIV Domestic public spending by income level of countries and per capita by region
Estimated domestic (public and private) resource availability by income level of countries (2016 constant dollars) Low Income: $  971 Lower Middle Income: $ 1,942 Upper Middle Income: $ 8,650 Domestic public expenditure per income level of countries and table with per capita domestic public spending by region and by income level

6 A modest increase in financial resources from 2016 to 2017

7 Middle East and North Africa Latin America Eastern and southern Africa
Western and central Africa Asia and the Pacific Caribbean Eastern Europe and central Asia

8 AIDS-related deaths the lowest this century

9 Little change in new HIV infections outside of sub-Saharan Africa


11 Insufficient investment and impact in several regions



14 Varying investment in prevention: 5 pillars and all other

15 Moving towards global targets: ART

16 UNAIDS data 2018 Data Book

17 Repository of databases with HIV financing country data, and related variables
The repository can be accessed via the following links:

18 Target Setting, Impact and Resource Needs Estimates for 2020 to 2030
UNAIDS has estimated HIV resource needs several times since 2001 The last estimates (Fast Track approach) in 2014 with an update $26.2 billion by 2020 (2016 dollars) assuming significant efficiency gains, increased programme effectiveness and front-loading Policy questions have changed over time New estimation process 3-year process > 8 Technical consultations Alignment between Investment Cases (NSP) and global processes of target setting, Impact and Resource Needs Estimates




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