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Action Potential.

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1 Action Potential

2 Resting State Polarization is established by maintaining an excess of sodium ions (Na+) on the outside and an excess of potassium ions (K+) on the inside. A certain amount of Na+ and K+ is always leaking across the membrane through leakage channels, but Na+/K+ pumps in the membrane actively restore the ions to the appropriate side.

3 Resting State Other ions, such as large, negatively charged proteins and nucleic acids, reside within the cell. It is these large, negatively charged ions that contribute to the overall negative charge on the inside of the cell membrane as compared to the outside.

4 Gated Channels In addition to crossing the membrane through leakage channels, ions may cross through gated channels. Gated channels open in response to neurotransmitters, changes in membrane potential, or other stimuli

5 Resting Potential Resting potential. The resting potential describes the unstimulated, polarized state of a neuron

6 Nerve Impulse Steps The following four steps describe the initiation of an impulse to the “resetting” of a neuron to prepare for a second stimulation: Action Potential Repolarization Hyperpolarization Refractory Period

7 Action Potential Na+ channels open in response to stimulus
Na+ rushes into membrane Membrane is now depolarized

8 Repolarization K+ channels open up in response to Na+ rushing in.
K+ exit at such a rate as to restore the polarization (more + on the outside)

9 Hyperpolarization There are much more K+ on the outside than were Na+ before so it is much more + than at the K+ belong on the inside of the membrane.

10 Refractory Period To reestablish the original distribution of these ions, the Na+ and K+ are returned to their resting potential location by Na+/K+ pumps in the cell membrane. Once these ions are completely returned to their resting potential location, the neuron is ready for another stimulus.


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