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On the Hazards of Mining

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1 On the Hazards of Mining
Giancarlo Racanelli

2 ½ of world’s salmon Footprint of 37-57km2 Calculated threats Dam failure Truck accident Pipeline failure

3 Mining in the Ancient world
Electrum (Strabo ) When this is boiled down--it is a mixture of silver and gold flexible and stone-like use of chaff to separate it

4 “Up to this time no gold, silver, copper, or iron of such quality has been discovered anywhere in the world (Strabo )” Abandoned mines in Attica due to lack of profits

5 Strabon of Amaseia 64 BC- 24 AD Geographer Broad descriptions of sites
Rome, Alexandria, Nusa, Athens 17 book work on the Oikomene Broad descriptions of sites Topographical, botanical, zoological

6 Methods Pliny the Elder (Natural History 33.66-78)
Placer Deposits (talutium) Shaft mines (channel or trench) Archimedes Screw (Diodorus- History ) Hollowed mountains (arrugia) Multiple support arches Problem of flint Quarries Dredging

7 Gold mining ants of India
animals no smaller than foxes that dig in the ground in winter and pile it up at the mouths- Strabo Tanuki Pika Fennec Fox Himalayan Marmot Asian mole shrew

8 Hazards Rock falls Overworking Suffocation Poisonous fumes
“more than 200 workmen are continually used up by disease and death” (Strabo ) Suffocation Fire setting in mines (Theophrastus -concerning fire 70) Poisonous fumes Pliny (natural history 31.49): Burning lamps to test for Sulphur or alum fumes Ventilation through digging additional shafts/ linen cloths

9 Ecological impacts: Habitat loss Bioaccumulation -biomagnification
“silver furnaces are built high, so that the smoke from the ore is removed high into the air, for it is heavy and deadly” -Strabo Ecological impacts: Habitat loss Bioaccumulation -biomagnification Pollution Erosion Acid rain

10 References Diodorus- History 3.12-13.1 Strabo 3.2.8-10
Pliny the Elder -Natural History Natural History 31.49 Theophrastus -concerning fire 70 “Sulfur Dioxide Basics.” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 16 Aug. 2016, “What is Acid Rain?” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 1 Mar. 2017,

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