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Student Graduate Profiles 2015

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1 Student Graduate Profiles 2015

2 University College London to study Applied Medical Science
Prim Phucharoenyos University College London to study Applied Medical Science A Levels Studies Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Mathematics IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, Further Pure Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Geography, History, First language Thai, Biology, Art and Design, Economics, Chemistry

3 Titiporn Monthakarntivong (Great) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
Monash University to study Bachelor of Biomedical Science A Levels Studied: Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Psychology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, Business Studies, First Language English, First Language Thai, Statistics, Business and Communication Systems, ICT

4 (Joined Harrow in Year 2 )
Prima Yontrarak (Pat) Stanford University (Joined Harrow in Year 2 ) A Levels Studied: Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry IGCSEs Studied: Mathematic, Economics, First Language English,, English Literature, Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, First Language Thai, Mathematics (Further Pure), Additional Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology,, Business And Communication Systems

5 Vanessa Cannon IGCSEs Studied:
University of California, Berkeley studying in the College of Natural Resources A Levels Studied: Biology, Geography Mathematics, English Literature (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, First Language English, English Literature Geography, Physics, First Language Thai, Mandarin

6 Imperial College London to study Biochemistry
A Levels Studied: Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First language English, Economics, Geography, Biology Chemistry, Art and Design, First Language Thai Slynn Dusdeesurapoj

7 Panawat Pornkul (Pan) IGCSEs Studied:
Monash University to study Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of Surgery A Levels Studied: Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geography (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English language, English Literature, Business Studies, Geography, First Language Thai Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education

8 Thammasart University to study Industrial Engineering
Pasin Sangsukiam (Pruek) Thammasart University to study Industrial Engineering A Levels Studied: Chemistry, Physics, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Psychology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature First Language English, First Language Thai, Biology, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies

9 Chawanya Jatupitpornchan (Toon) IGCSEs Studied:
London School of Economics to study Economic History and Economics A Levels Studied: Mathematics, History, Geography, Economics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Literature English, First Language English, Economics, Geography, History, First Language Thai, Biology, Religious Studies

10 Thanh Tuan To (Tom) IGCSEs Studied:
University of British Columbia to study Electrical and Computer Engineering A Levels Studied: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Media Studies(AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English as a Second Language, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Physics, Art and Design, Business and Communication Systems, Information and Communication Technology

11 University of Westminster to study Real Estate
Chantarat Chantrakul (Ploy) University of Westminster to study Real Estate A Levels Studied: Art and Design, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English as a Second Language, Business Studies, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

12 Loughborough University to study Mechanical Engineering
Mathus Thongkerd (Mac) Loughborough University to study Mechanical Engineering A Levels Studies Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, First Language English, Additional Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education, Art and Design, First Language Thai, Design and Technology, Information and Communication,

13 Jirasiri (Numhom) Techalapanarasme Yale-NUS to study Liberal Arts
A Levels Studies Art and Design, English Literature, Mathematics, Physics (AS) IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, First Language English, English Literature, Art and Design, Biology, History, Physics, Chemistry, First Language Thai, Performing Arts, Drama

14 King’s College London to study Digital Culture
Pimchanok Chenaphun (Vicky) King’s College London to study Digital Culture A Levels Studied: Mathematics, Geography, Psychology, Economics (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Geography, Art and Design, First Language Thai, Business Studies, Biology, Music

15 University of Bristol to study mechanical engineering
Paraporn Chotitawan (Kenneth) University of Bristol to study mechanical engineering A Levels Studied: Physics, Economics, Further Mathematics, Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, English First Language, Economics, Geography, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry, Physics,

16 Patadon Kongsoonthorn (Peak) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
University of Pennsylvania to study Engineering A Levels Studied: Physics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language English, English Literature, Business Communications Systems, Further Pure Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, ICT,

17 Yifei Liang (Sabrina) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
University College London to study Statistics, Economics and Finance A Levels Studied: Economics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Psychology, Chinese IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Art and Design, Economics, First Language English, Chemistry, Physics, Business and Communication, ICT, Chinese

18 NUS in Singapore to study Economics Singapore GCE ‘O’ Levels Studied:
Arisa Otsuka (Arisa) NUS in Singapore to study Economics A Levels Studied: Physics, Economics, Chemistry, Chinese, Mathematics Singapore GCE ‘O’ Levels Studied: Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, English Language Biology, Chemistry, Chinese, Combined Humanities,Physics

19 University of Edinburgh to study International Relations
Tatsu Kato University of Edinburgh to study International Relations A Levels Studied: Psychology, Mathematics, Japanese, Geography (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language Japanese, English as a Second Language, Chemistry, Drama, Physical Education,

20 Wellesley College to study Liberal Arts
Praewa Wattanavrangkul Wellesley College to study Liberal Arts A Levels Studies Business Studies, History, Art and Design, Mathematics (AS) IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Geography, History, Art and Design, First Language Thai, Physics, Economics

21 University College London to study Biomedical Engineering
Sarita Meekul Ply-Fah University College London to study Biomedical Engineering A Levels Studies Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Art and Design, Geography, Literature English, First Language English, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry

22 King’s College London to study Law
Varinthorn Vamasiri (Sand) King’s College London to study Law A Levels Studies Economics, Mathematic, Further Mathematics, History (AS), Chinese (AS) IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, First language English, English Literature, Economics, Geography, History, Foreign language Mandarin Chinese, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, ICT,, Art and Design

23 York University, Canada to study Bachelor of Arts
Liana Shaw York University, Canada to study Bachelor of Arts A Levels Studied: Biology, Media Studies, Psychology, History (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Performing Arts, Drama, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French

24 Patamanun (Tam) Pasaanunwut A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
University of British Columbia to study Bachelor of Applied Science A Levels Studied: Physics, Mathematics Chemistry, Further Mathematics (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Physics, Geography, First Language Thai, Economics, Chemistry, Statistics

25 University of Washington to study Engineering
Kollatat Somprakit (Timing) University of Washington to study Engineering A Levels Studied: Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics Chemistry (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Geography, History, First Language Thai

26 Benjarat Jungthongdee (Best)
University of Exeter to study Economics and Management A Levels Studied: Economics, Mathematics, Further Mathematic, Physics (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Economics, Geography, English as a Second language, First Language Thai, Chemistry, Physics, Business Com, ICT

27 University of British Columbia to study Bachelor of Arts
Erika Sukanjanajtee University of British Columbia to study Bachelor of Arts A Levels Studied: Economics, History, Japanese, Psychology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Geography, History, Biology, Chemistry, Japanese Second Language

28 Goldsmith- University of London to study Psychology
Caren Hon Goldsmith- University of London to study Psychology A Levels Studied: Mathematics, Chemistry, Psychology, Biology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, English as a first Language, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Business Studies, Art and Design, Mandarin, History

29 University of British Columbia to study Bachelor of Arts
Atiya (Grace) Livingston University of British Columbia to study Bachelor of Arts A Levels Studied: Art and Design, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language English, English Literature, Physical Education, Biology, Chemistry, Art and Design, Physics

30 Chalunthorn (Magic) Chinsirikul A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
University of Portsmouth to study Sport and Exercise Science A Levels Studied: Economics, Biology, Mathematics, Physical Education(AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Physics, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry, Business and Communication Systems, Physical Education

31 Rujokorn Lertvorapreecha (Lamp) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
Aston University to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering A Levels Studied: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language English, Economics, Geography, History, First Language Thai, Chemistry, Physics, Further Mathematics

32 Durham University to study Economics and Management
Yuki Matsumoto Durham University to study Economics and Management A Levels Studied: Mathematics, Japanese, Economics, Further Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English as a Second Language, Art and Design, First Language Japanese, Chemistry, Physics, Business and Communication System, ICT

33 Waseda University to study Liberal Arts
Alisa (May) Tangtermsirikul Waseda University to study Liberal Arts A Levels Studied: Art and Design, Japanese, Mathematics, Physics IGCSEs Studied: Art and Design, Geography, Literature(English) First Language English, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Japanese

34 University of Sussex to study Product Design
Xiao Lin Jia (Michaela) University of Sussex to study Product Design A Levels Studied: Art and Design, Economics, Mathematics, Mandarin, Geography (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English as a Second Language, Art and Design, Chemistry Geography, ICT

35 Kittipob Suphachalasai (Korpai) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
University of Tsukuba to study Environmental Science A Levels Studied: Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, Economics, Physics English as a Second Language, First Language Thai, Biology, Chemistry, Business and Communication Systems, Information and Communication Technology

36 Queen Mary, University of London to study Mathematics and Statistics
Ai Rui Wang (Erica) Queen Mary, University of London to study Mathematics and Statistics A Levels Studied: Chinese, Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English as a Second Language, First Language Chinese, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Information and Communication Technology

37 University of Sydney to study Computer Science
Paras Gathani University of Sydney to study Computer Science A Levels Studies Physics, Applied ICT, Mathematics, Chemistry (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language English, Chemistry, Physics, Business and Communication Systems, Economics, History, French,ICT

38 Pene Leelathanamongkol A Levels Studies IGCSEs Studied:
University of Bath to study Mechanical Engineering A Levels Studies Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Further Mathematics IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Additional Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, Chemistry, Physics

39 Kitsanin Thanyakulsaija (Bright) A Levels Studied: IGCSEs Studied:
Amsterdam University College in the Netherlands to study Liberal Arts A Levels Studied: Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Psychology (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, Biology, Physics Economics,Geography, First Language Thai, Chemistry

40 London School of Economics to study Economics and Economic History
Eden Budin (Din) London School of Economics to study Economics and Economic History A Levels Studies History, Economics, Mathematics, Physics (AS) IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, English Literature, First Language English, History, First Language Thai, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies, Business Communication

41 University of Warwick to study Modern Languages
Chloe Mason University of Warwick to study Modern Languages A Levels Studies History, English Literature, French, Spanish, Mathematics(AS) IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, English Literature, English First Language, History, Chemistry, French, Business Communication, Drama, Performing Arts, Music,

42 Kasetsart University to study Bachelor of Arts
A Levels Studied: Economics, Mathematics, Psychology IGCSEs Studied: Biology, Geography, First Language English, English Literature Economics, Physics, First Language Thai, Drama Attachai (Palm) Lertchaiphat

43 University of Edinburgh to study International Relations
Michiko Yasuhara University of Edinburgh to study International Relations A Levels Studies Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics, Japanese IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, English as a Second Language, Biology, Chemistry Geography, First Language Japanese, Business and Communication Systems

44 Thammasat University to study Management
Set Supasil (Guy) Thammasat University to study Management A Levels Studies Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics IGCSEs Studied English as a Second language, Art and Design, First Language Thai, Chemistry, Statistics, Business and Communication Systems,

45 Sawit Trisirisatayawong University of Michigan to study Mathematics
(Tan) University of Michigan to study Mathematics A Levels Studies Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics IGCSEs Studied Mathematics, First language English, English Literature, Chemistry, Physics,, Geography, History, Biology, First Language Thai

46 Pimmada Pathumcharoenwattana (Namsai) A Levels Studies IGCSEs Studied:
University of the Arts, London to study Art Foundation A Levels Studies Art and Design, Mathematics, Biology (AS), Chemistry (AS) IGCSEs Studied: Mathematics, First Language English, English Literature, Art and Design, Physics, Biology First Language Thai, Business Communication

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