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Comorbidity NASH/HCV and HCC

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1 Comorbidity NASH/HCV and HCC

2 History of Present Illness
67 y/o female with a PMHx of DM, HTN, obesity and HCV had elevated liver function tests (LFTs) on routine laboratory examination two years ago

3 History of Present Illness
Referred to GI for further evaluation LFTs were believed to be the result of NASH and/or HCV infection At that time, she declined a liver biopsy

4 History of Present Illness
Remained well until 2 months ago when she experienced abdominal distention and intermittent epigastric discomfort that radiated to her back Denied weight loss, N/V/D Abdominal CT: 4.5 cm mass, Rt lobe of liver, normal ovaries

5 Physical Exam Abdomen: Distended, obese, tender, +rebound, +fluid, no palpable liver or spleen Extremeties: +2 pitting edema. –cyanosis, -clubbing

6 Laboratory Data AST: 231 Albumin: 3.2 ALT: 288 Total Protein: 7.8
ALK Phos: Total Bilirubin: 2.1 Paracentesis yielded bloody ascitic fluid with cells suspicious for malignancy.

7 Laboratory Data Amylase 30 U/L Glucose 112 MG/DL LDH 324 U/L Total Protein 1.9G/DL Appearance BLOODY RBCs 89000/MM3 WBCs 200/MM3

8 Laboratory Data AFP: 7.8 ng/ml, within normal limits
Serum CA 125 was markedly elevated 1221 ng/ml

9 Images: Liver                                                          

10 Images: Lesion                                                          

11 Biopsy Results Biopsy: HCC
Referred for liver transplantation evaluation Successful orthotopic liver transplantion Repeat CA-125 was 120 two weeks after transplantation

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