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Ionic Generation of Electrical Signals

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Presentation on theme: "Ionic Generation of Electrical Signals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ionic Generation of Electrical Signals
AMPA Receptor

2 Types of Electrical Signals

3 The Remarkable Giant Nerve Cells of a Squid

4 Recording Passive and Active Electrical Signals in a Nerve Cell

5 Ionic Movements Across Neuronal Membranes

6 Electrochemical Equilibrium


8 Extracellular and Intracellular Ion Concentrations

9 Resting and Action Potentials Entail Permeabilities to Different Ions

10 Depolarization Increases Na+ and K+ Conductances of the Squid Giant Axon

11 Mathematical Reconstruction of the Action Potential

12 Feedback Cycles Responsible for Membrane Potential Changes

13 Passive Current Flow in an Axon

14 Propagation of an Action Potential Affects Voltage Changes

15 Voltage-Gated Na+ and K+ Channels

16 Mathematical Reconstruction of the Action Potential

17 Action Potential Conduction

18 Saltatory Action Potential Conduction Along a Myelinated Axon

19 Speed of Action Potential Conduction in Unmyelinated Versus Myelinated Axons


21 Different Forms of Action Potentials
A Squid B Frog motor neuron - axon C Frog motor neuron – cell body D Inferior olive cell body E Purkinje neuron cell body

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