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Alcohol 11/10/2018.

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1 Alcohol 11/10/2018

2 Think/Pair/Share Why do people drink alcohol?

3 Alcohol Is it a problem??? Snowball

4 Do You Agree Answer the following questions???
Where do you get your information on alcohol? How do you know if this information is accurate?

5 Alcohol What do we know Facts vs. Fiction

6 Alcohol Intoxication-State in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance Impairs CNS causing it slow down leading to Slowed reaction time, impaired vision, diminished judgment -Liver is responsible for the breakdown of alcohol in the body 11/10/2018

7 Types of Alcohol Examples????

8 Types of Alcohol Beer Liquor Wine What gives it this classification???

9 What is a Drink??? Alcohol can be broken down into 3 categories
Beer Liquor 3. Wine What makes them different???? Is it the amount of alcohol? Effect from drinking? Concentration or Serving Size???

10 EXPERIMENT 1 can of beer v.s. 1 glass of wine v.s 1 shot

11 Conclusion Type of Drink Serving Size in Ounces
Conc. of alcohol as a % Conc. of alcohol as a decimal Total amt of alcohol in ounces Beer 12 5 0.05 0.6 Wine 0.12 Liquor 1.5 40 0.40 SAME AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL

12 Question 1. Which contains more alcohol, a 12-ounce bottle of beer that is 5 percent alcohol or 1 ounce of whiskey that is 50 percent alcohol?

13 Answer The serving of beer contains more alcohol then the whiskey.
Beer: 12 ounces x 0.05 (that is, 5% alcohol) = 0.6 ounce alcohol Whiskey: 1 ounce x 0.50 (that is, 50% alcohol) = 0.5 ounce alcohol WHY…. Because the serving size for beer in this case is12 oz. and 1 oz. for the shot of whiskey. Many times you can get double shots, tall beers etc which will vary the percent of alcohol. It is not the type of drink but rather the amount of alcohol consumed that determines the extent to which an individual is affected by drinking.

14 What is alcoholic proof?
Proof tells you what percentage of alcohol makes up the drink Proof = Double the amount of alcohol For example: A beer that has 5% alcoholic volume has a proof of 10 Wine that has 10% alcoholic volume has a proof of 20 Liquor that has a 30% alcoholic volume has a proof of 60

15 Excessive Alcohol Use Causes
Depression (slowing) of body systems Shallow Respiration Puffiness of Face Cold, Clammy Skin Irregular Heart Beat Dehydration Redness of Eyes Disorientation Nausea Blurred Vision High Blood Pressure

16 Frequent Use Cirrhosis of Liver Brain Disorders Malnutrition
Heart Disease Cancer of Stomach Birth Defects Pancreatitis Vitamin Deficiencies Cancer of Mouth Cancer of Liver Ulcers

17 Changes to the brain Developmental changes Slowed memory
Altered judgment Impaired coordination Increased risk of stroke for young people 11/10/2018

18 Cardiovascular changes
Decreased heart rate Decreased blood pressure Irregular heart beat Drop in body temperature 11/10/2018

19 Other problems Liver- toxic chemicals are released scarring the tissue and can cause liver failure Kidneys- Increase in urine output which can cause dehydration Stomach- Increased acid production causing nausea and vomiting Pancreas- Consuming large amounts alcohol can cause pancreatitis resulting in severe pain 11/10/2018

20 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
A set pattern of birth defects including permanent mental and physical retardation Facial abnormalities

21 Binge Drinking Alcohol
Consumption of 5 drinks in one sitting

22 KEG PARTY Choose 1 of the characters from the movie (Langston, David, Gary, Lauren) and write a 1 page response on the following Describe the persons behavior when you first met them and then the changes you noticed as the party went on, including physical, emotional, behavioral changes How did the story end for your character and what could be repercussions they could face as a result of their actions What was your overall reaction to “Keg Party” 11/10/2018

23 Alcohol Poisoning A condition in which a toxic amount of alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol) has been drunk, usually in a short period of time Signs of Alcohol Poisoning Unconscious or semiconscious Vomiting or seizures Slow Respiration (less then 8 breath per minutes or 10 seconds between breaths) Cold, clammy skin, pale or blush skin tone DEATH

24 Alcohol Poisoning Action
Call 911 Turn intoxicated person on his/her side to prevent choking Stay with person until medical help arrives If person appears to be sleeping it off stay with them….Why

25 BAC Blood Alcohol Content The amount of alcohol in the blood
Measured in a %

26 Can you be intoxicated and not feel drunk???
Absolutely Each sip of alcohol increases BAC BAC is bodies ability to process alcohol regardless of whether or not you feel the effects

27 Factors that contribute to BAC
1.Alcohol Content/How much you drink It’s not how many drinks but the alcohol in each drink 2. Emotions Mood can effect how you will react to alcohol

28 Factors 3. Body Weight/Type
Generally the less you way the more alcohol will affect you 4. Fatigue If you are tired the alcohol will be stronger

29 Factors 5. Food The less food in the stomach the more alcohol will affect you 6. Gender Females have less of the enzyme dehydrogenase (which breaks down alcohol) in then men Males absorb alcohol quicker

30 Factors 7. Drinking Time The more time you take to consume one drink, and the time you allow between drinks the less you will be affected because of metabolism 8. Medication/Illegal drugs May increase alcohols effect on body

31 Alcoholism Alcoholism is the physical and psychological addiction to alcohol Someone who has been drinking for years is said to have built of a “tolerance” to alcohol and therefore the effects take longer then someone who is not a regular drinker 11/10/2018

32 How Long Does Alcohol take to leave body
One “Drink” of alcohol generally takes 1-2 hours to be fully metabolized by the body and removed from blood

33 Think before you drink and drive…

34 Blood Alcohol Concentration
BAC – amount of alcohol in a person’s blood The legal limit to drive is This means your blood contains 8% alcohol. What happens if you drive over the .08 limit?

35 DUI Driving Under the Influence is illegal!!!
For those under 21, .02 is the limit Consequences: Injuries/Death Arrest, jail time, police record Severely restricted driving privileges





40 What caused this family to become dysfunctional???
Check off on your notes which causes fit the profile. Alcoholic – stop at 7:55

41 HEALTH PARTY!!!! We will be planning a party
We need the following committees: Drinks Games Music Food Decoration Our goal is to have fun WITHOUT ALOCHOL!!!

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