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THE PSC in Portugal Practical solution

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1 THE PSC in Portugal Practical solution
Ana Camossa Neto Adviser of the Secretary of State for Administrative Modernisation nd Jamboree Meeting on PSC 4 th June 2009

2 Agenda The portuguese strategy The Licenses Catalogue 1.0
Work in progress-The services Directive PSC (the licenses Catalogue 2.0)

3 Principles Proportionality to risk: culture of trust
Eliminating unnecessary procedures Eliminating double control and information requests Providing prompt responses Transparency, information, predictability Monitoring, assessment and correction One stop shop; multichannel approach control only when the risk of the activity demands Eliminating procedures that don´t make any more sense Do not ask information that the government already has Reducing the time for the provision of services

4 The legal deadline for the decision is 10 days
REAI The legal deadline for the decision is 10 days When restructuring the delivery of public services, one of the guidelines of the simplex programme is to create single contact points that follow the demands’ logic Here you can find some examples An integrated service for renewing documents that allows citizens to submit at a single counter what would normally require going to several services Allows citizens to complete at a single counter all the procedures related to the purchase or sale of their home:Paying the taxes; drafting and signing the contract; seeking for municipal tax exemption; registering the property with all the relevant authorities

5 Service Provider Comunication Channel Points of Contact Multichannel approach Para melhorar a posição de Portugal em termos de clima empresarial foi definida uma abordagem multi-canal para a disponibilização dos serviços públicos 5

6 Internet Common Service Framework (CSF) Central Component
Entrepreneur Authentication CITIZEN’s CARD Service 4 Service 5 Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Points of Single Contact Network Front Office Internet Web Services Common Service Framework (CSF) Central Component Multichannel strategy One of the key transformations on the provision of public services is the implementation of a multi-channel approach. In this slide you can find the architecture of this approach meaning that you can interact with the public : You can do it by internet, by phone or in physical contact points; It allows you to start a service on-line and finish it on the physical contact point XML Local toolkit A Local toolkit B Local toolkit C Local toolkit D Back Office Competent Authorities IRN/RNPC DGCI ITP authority

7 The WEB Channel: Business’s PORTAL
450 services from 78 public bodies The business Portal provides informational and transactional services covering the business lifecycle: Starting a business Managing business activities Expanding a business Closing or Selling a business Business Portal is an Internet Portal that provides all the information necessary to the entrepreneur, organized by the Business Life Cycle.- from start up to its end

8 Start up Management Expansion Closing Plan a Business Start a Business
Financing Human Resource Management Quality Standards and Certification Financial Support Tax payments Social security contributions Subsidies Management Expansion Internationalization Franchising Mergers & Acquisitions Closing Business closing Closure declaration for tax purposes Closure declaration for social security

9 This portal offers a version in English.
It is planned to provide some services online in English. For example, the Permanent Certificate., which is the commercial registry certificate is already translated to english

10 Agenda The portuguese strategy The Licenses Catalogue (PSC 1.0)
Work in progress-PSC 2.0

11 Licenses Catalogue- PSC
The PSC in the acception of article 8 will be placed on the License Catalogue, which is a catalogue available since 2008 with relevant information on the licenses that you need to start a business or to perform any other activity At the beginning, the catalogue contained only the main important information on licenses Since then It had several developments in order to comply with the services directive obligations regarding article 8 11

12 Useful information: legal information and other
License ID 1 Description 2 Useful information: legal information and other 3 Economic activity code 4 Statistics 5 Validity 6 Competent authority 7 Time for decision 8 Cost 9 Instruction 10 Reasons for Refusal /means of redress 11 Form (Link ) 12 Contacts We have developped a methodology to collect from all Ministries and competent authorities more detailed information on the licenses On the slide you can find the form that has been delivered to all competent authorities to collect information requested for compliaance The fileds contained on the form are the description of the license; legal information, competent authority, contacts, deadlines for decision, litigious means The catalogue is organised by life event in order to allow the user to search for the specific activity that will be needed Tha catalogue agregates information on each license. So each one of the catalogue has a common template of information. In the slide, You can see the draft template with the fields of the relevant information requested for each license: Description of the license, usefuk information such as regulation, statistics, documents requested for the instruction of the process, cost, time for decision of the competent aauthority, litigious means, contacts and of course the smart form; In this case it is planned to create links to the forms that are located on the competent authorities webpage

13 How do the competent authorities upload the information?
The Rede comum do conhecimento is an electronic plattform that allows to share best practices kand innovation between public servants. Tha network is also opened to universities, enterprises and citizens that work on this field and even to citizens that wish to contribute in that area. As a working tool it can be used to upload information.

14 Version 1.0 We also want to perform some changes on the search of the catalogue which so far is limited (you can find a license by its economic activity code and name of the license This is the version 1.0 , that needs some developments on some of the existing soluctions, such as the contents and search The licences catalogue O catálogo de licenças, disponível desde Dezembro de 2007, permite aceder a informação relativa a licenças e autorizações e efectuar pesquisas através da indicação da licença e da actividade. Possibilita o acesso a informação relevante e aos contactos necessários à obtenção de licenças e autorizações.

15 Version 1.0 The results on the collection of information of the licenses: The template you can find on the slide shows the fielsd of information on the license that were collected on the form Here you can find an example of a license (Touristic Animation activity) that has the fields of information already fulfilled. Actually it will be the first activity license You can see a field of description of the activity, useful informatio

16 Version 1.0 Version 1.0 Code of economic activity, statistics, documents, and so on It is still a non userfriendly version, but it is being developed in order to facilitate its use by the service providers Also the organisation of the catalogue should have an upgrade: we are ending the taxionomy of the catalogue which we want to be organised by life event in the case of the licenses of services means by service.

17 Agenda The portuguese strategy The Licences Catalogue 1.0
Work in progress-The services Directive PSC (Licenses Catalogue 2.0) As I said before there are some

18 VERSION 2.0 This is the prototype of the new catalogue which is now under construction You can search licenses for cathegories (the list is still not completed)

19 This is the prototype of the new catalogue which is now under construction
You can search licenses for cathegories (the list is still not completed)

20 Description of the license Aditional information for each municipality
Detailed information on the license This is the prototype of the new catalogue which is now under construction You can search licenses for cathegories (the list is still not completed) it has trade industry

21 Pilot PSC Tourist Entertainment activities
Recent change of legislation The law was published on the 15 th MAy on the at the council of Minister on the 5th February Dematerialisation work is almost concluded it is only waiting for the entrance into force of the law recently approved The dematerialised license to perform turistic animation activities

22 Physical network of PSC
CFE Extensão Porto Coimbra Covilhã Braga Setúbal Loulé Lisboa I Lisboa II Funchal Leiria Aveiro Viseu BFC Extention Physical network of PSC One of the simplex initiatives of 2009 includes In paralell to the electronic single contact point, the creation of a physical single contact point on the Loja da Empresa (a physical network of offices that provide technical support to staring or managing a business) that provides access to the formatlities needed to start a services activity in the acception of the directive Desenvolver a infra-estrutura necessária à criação de um balcão único presencial que possibilite o acesso às formalidades necessárias ao exercício de uma actividade de serviços, em cumprimento das obrigações decorrentes da Directiva de serviços. Fornecer serviços, end-to-end, quer seja presencialmente ou de forma desmaterializada, de uma forma simplificada e transparente para o cidadão, empresário e empresas; Alargar o âmbito e competências das Lojas da Empresa e do Cidadão, transformando-os em centros de excelência com valências internacionais, originado assim nos Pontos Únicos de Contacto. Garantir a interacção, sempre que necessário, com as Entidades Competentes. Public Offices providing information for entrepreneurs with the purpose of simplifying the procedures involved in creating, transforming, winding up and closing down companies and all the related formalities.

23 For more information:

Ana Camossa Neto Adviser of the Secretary of State for Administrative Modernisation 2nd Jamboree Meeting on PSC th June 2009

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