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Presentation on theme: "Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review

2 1 What are uncontrollable & Controllable risk factors for disease?

3 2 What are causes of communicable disease?

4 3 What is a communicable disease? Name some communicable diseases?

5 4 What is a non-communicable? Name some non-communicable diseases?

6 5 What are types of pathogens?

7 6 What is the S.T.O.P technique?

8 7 Vaccinations are used for what?

9 8 What are possible problems of long term alcohol use?

10 9 What are examples of short-term alcohol use?

11 10 Name the part of the central Nervous system responsible for:
Heart rate- Language- Physical Movement-

12 11 What is the purpose of the circulatory system?

13 12 Why would someone use the S.T.O.P technique?

14 List the main parts of the central nervous system?
13 List the main parts of the central nervous system?

15 14 What type of drug is alcohol? Stimulant Hallucinogen Depressant

16 15 List 3 habits that contribute to a healthy circulatory system?

17 16 Which food group from myplate should make up most of your plate?

18 Review ANSWERS

19 1 What are uncontrollable & Controllable risk factors for disease?
Uncontrollable- Risk factors that you can not control or change Age Heredity Gender Controllable- Risk factors you can control Diet Exercise Use of alcohol or other drugs

20 2 What are causes of communicable disease? Viruses Bacteria

21 3 What is a communicable disease? A disease that can be passed from person to person. Name some communicable diseases? HIV/AIDS Pneumonia STD’s Cold Flu

22 4 What is a non-communicable? A disease that can NOT be passed from person to person. Name some non-communicable diseases? Cancer Heart Disease Stroke Alzheimer’s Lung Disease

23 5 What are types of pathogens? Fungi Protozoa Virus Bacteria

24 6 What is the S.T.O.P technique? Say No! Tell why.
Offer other suggestions/ideas. Promptly leave.

25 7 Vaccinations are used for what?
To prevent viruses. Ex. Flu, Polio, Chicken Pox, Hebaitis B

26 8 What are possible problems of long term alcohol use? Ulcers
Memory Loss Cirrhosis Cancer

27 9 What are examples of short-term alcohol use? Reaction time
Lowering inhibitions Coordination Impaired speech

28 10 Name the part of the circulatory system responsible for:
Heart rate- Brain Stem Language- Cerebrum Physical Movement- Cerebellum

29 11 What is the purpose of the circulatory system?
Provide nutrients to all cells Provide Oxygen to the body Remove waste from all cells

30 12 Why would someone use the S.T.O.P technique?
To keep yourself safe and to stop from doing something that is illegal or wrong.

31 List the main parts of the central nervous system?
13 List the main parts of the central nervous system? Spinal cord Brain stem Cerebellum

32 14 What type of drug is alcohol? Stimulant Hallucinogen Depressant

33 15 List 3 habits that contribute to a healthy circulatory system?
60 min daily exercise Eating whole grains and vegetables Good sleep Drinking water Taking time to relax

34 16 Which food group from myplate should make up most of your plate?
Grains Vegetables

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