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PIMC Semiannual Report- Patient Experience July-December 2017

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1 PIMC Semiannual Report- Patient Experience July-December 2017

2 FISCAL YTD Patient Experience (7/1/17-12/31/17)
PIMC Target / Goal Description Less than or Greater than Target/Goal Baseline (FY2017 Year End) FY2018 Percent Rank FYTD Q1 Q2 FYTD Press Ganey Inpatient Overall composite mean score To achieve top quartile performance by 2020 91.1% 90.3% 92.8% 91.4% 92.1% 92 Press Ganey Inpatient Room section mean score 89.3% 88.0% 94.4% 90.4% 92.4% 96 HCAHPS WOULD YOU RECOMMEND 80% 77.8% 66.7% 90.0% 80.0% 74 HCAHPS RN Communication Dimension Top Box Score 85.8% 84.0% 96.3% 93.3% 99 HCAHPS Cleanliness Question Top Box Score 72.6% 69.2% 60.0% 68.4% 21 HCAHPS Discharge Information Domain Top Box Score. 82.8% 81.2% 88.9% 100.0% 95 RN Leader Rounding Percent of Patients that recall being visited by a Leader 77.0% 71.0% 22.0% 47.0% Hourly Rounding Percent of Patients that state they were checked on hourly during the day 54.0% 78.0% 78.7% Bedside Shift Report Percent of Patients that say Bedside Shift Report always happened 75.0% 50.0% n/a 38.0% Press Ganey ED Overall Composite Mean Score 95.8% 95.3% 96.7% 95.9% 98 Press Ganey ED Nurse Section Mean Score 99.0% 98.9% 97.3% 97.8% 97.4% Press Ganey ED Doctor Section Mean Score 96.1% 95.7% 96.2% Press Ganey Medical Practice Overall Composite Mean Score 91.9% 93.4% 92.6% 64 Press Ganey OAS Overall Composite Mean Score 96.0% 95.6% 90.5% 89.8% 89.4% 3 Inpatient Nsize 9 10 20 ED Nsize 119 86 235 PHMG Nsize 162 200 422 OAS Nsize 45 17 69

3 Emergency Department Overview (July-December 2017)
PIMC has been able to sustain it’s top box performance for several quarters. Scores are trending up even higher in Q1-Q2. In all of the Emergency Service Key Driver sections of care, PIMC remains above the 95th percentile for the nation. (This means that PIMC scores above and beyond 95% of hospitals in the nations on all the key indicators that make up the Emergency Department care experience. These totals are based on patient feedback on post Emergency Dept. visit surveys) ALL PG DB= All Emergency Services client surveys returned for all hospitals in the entire Press Ganey Database. n=Number of surveys returned Mean = Average

4 Inpatient Experience Overview (July-December 2017)
The biggest challenge in improving the care experience for admitted patients is that we don’t have a large enough admitted patient volume to be able to adequately measure how we are doing at providing care to our admitted patients. Between July 1st and December 31st we only received 19 inpatient surveys. We need at least 30 returned surveys to be able to validate the data as statistically significant. ALL PG DB= All Inpatient Hospital client surveys returned for all hospitals in the entire Press Ganey Database. n=Number of surveys returned Mean = Average

5 Outpatient Ambulatory Surgery (OAS) Overview (July-December 2017)
We began collecting OAS CAHPS official data as of 1/1/ FYTD Overall Rating Top Box CAHPS Scores is 82.6% which puts us in the 28th Percentile Rank. We did see a slight dip in scores over the past few quarters. Opportunities remain around our registration process and informing patients about delays and wait times. ALL PG DB= All OAS client surveys returned for all hospitals in the entire Press Ganey Database. n=Number of surveys returned Mean = Average

6 Kind & knowledgeable people.
Patient/Family Comments I had a very good experience at the ER in Friday Harbor. Hopefully I don't have to use it again, but if so, I'd feel very comfortable going there. The ER staff was exceptional & competent, kind, experienced and knowledgeable. Their focus on making me comfortable and giving me advice and information on how to deal with my back pain was much appreciated. After returning home I was able to request and quickly receive the spinal x-rays from the radiology dept. so my doctor and physical therapist could look at them. It mostly took awhile after visiting with the doctor. I waited in total about 1.5 hrs. That was the only negative. The Peace Island medical center is just a few minutes' drive from my home, which makes it VERY convenient when you live on an island. I felt that the nurses and doctor worked carefully and professionally with me before and during the procedure Excellent attention and care! *Dr. Lopez and the nurses were extra special - especially the home care nurse, she changed my wound vac twice - Kind & knowledgeable people. I was very thankful to them- They know their job well- I trust them. Without their treatment, I could have died in a few days. Kind & intelligent. Wonderfully anxiety reducing experience. So grateful for on N/S island care. A+ experience overall. I was very impressed with the team and the facility. I am so thankful to be able to have this service on island! I would describe the nurse care as a bit casual, not neglect (I was not dangerously ill) but not very attentive. I think the hospital should provide sleep masks for overnight stays if wanted by patient. I was hard to sleep! They were happy to make any thing they could for me. But with no kitchen it was limited. Excellent care by *Dr. Bill Gunderson. My husband was with me & the doctor let him know everything he needed to. Sorry about handwriting. Broken wrist.

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