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Commonly Used Prepositions

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Presentation on theme: "Commonly Used Prepositions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonly Used Prepositions
Shows the relationship (location, timing, direction) of a noun or pronoun (object of the preposition) to another word. The puppy is on the floor. We drove around the parking lot. Commonly Used Prepositions about beneath in through above beside inside throughout across besides into to after between like toward against beyond near under along of underneath among off until around by Example one—shows directionally where the puppy is (the puppy connect to floor); the floor is called the object of the preposition Example two—shows directionally where we drove; the parking lot is the object of the preposition

2 Coordinating Conjunction
Joins words or word groups that are used in the same way. -We found a bat and a glove. FANBOYS For And Nor But Or Yet So

3 Correlative Conjunction
Pairs of conjunctions that join words or word groups that are used in the same way. Both athletes and singers must train for long hours. Correlative Conjunction both…and either…or neither…nor not only…but (also) whether…or

4 Subordinating Conjunction
Begins a subordinate clause (dependent) and connects it to an independent clause We arrived late because our train was delayed. Subordinating Conjunction after because since when although before so that whenever as even though than where as if how that wherever make sure to pay attention to how the word is being used…some may be used as a prep. while others as a conjunction. EX—After the basketball game, we celebrated VS. After we wonf the basketball game, we celebrated.

5 Interjection Expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. EX: ah hey oops uh-oh whew aha oh ouch well wow Ouch! That hurts Charlie! Well, I think you should apologize to her.

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