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Smart Choice Level 3 Unit 2 Grammar.

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1 Smart Choice Level 3 Unit 2 Grammar

2 Adjectives (형용사) with –ed / -ing
Grammar Adjectives (형용사) with –ed / -ing -ed is used for: 1. feelings or emotions I am tired. / I feel tired.

3 Adjectives with –ed / -ing 2. Only people and animals
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing -ed is used for: 2. Only people and animals I am tired. The horse is tired.

4 Adjectives with –ed / -ing Do the practice questions on the worksheet.
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing Do the practice questions on the worksheet.

5 Adjectives with –ed / -ing 1. the cause of feelings or emotions (WHY?)
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing -ing is used for: 1. the cause of feelings or emotions (WHY?) A: Why are you tired? (=feeling) B: Because of hiking. (So, hiking is tiring.) (Why?)

6 Adjectives with –ed / -ing
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing -ing is used for: 2. anything

7 Adjectives with –ed / -ing
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing place: Seoul is tiring, but also exciting. thing: This book is really amazing. action: Watching horror movies is frightening. people: The professor is very interesting. animal: The dog is very frightening.

8 Adjectives with –ed / -ing Do the practice on the worksheet.
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing Do the practice on the worksheet.

9 Adjectives with –ing / -ed
Grammar Adjectives with –ing / -ed tired tiring

10 Adjectives with –ing / -ed
Grammar Adjectives with –ing / -ed relaxing relaxed

11 Adjectives with –ing / -ed
Grammar Adjectives with –ing / -ed boring bored

12 Adjectives with –ing / -ed
Grammar Adjectives with –ing / -ed shocked shocking

13 Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing
After some –ed adjectives we can use a preposition (at, by, with, in, about, of)

14 Adjectives with –ed / -ing
Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing -ed adjective preposition amazed at bored by/with disappointed in/with excited about/by frightened of/by interested in surprised by/at terrified of/at tired of

15 Now Practice! 1. A: How was the movie?
B: It was OK, but I was (boring / bored) for the first hour. 2. A: How was your sailing trip? B: It was (frightening / frightened). I almost fell in the water. 3. A: Do you want to go out tonight? B: I don’t think so. I feel really (tiring / tired). 4. A: How was the party? B: It was really (disappointing / disappointed). Only a few people came. 5. A: Did you enjoy your vacation? B: Absolutely. It was (amazing / amazed).

16 Now Practice! 1. Do you ever get tired _____ watching movies?
2. What are you interested ______ doing this weekend? 3. Do you ever get excited ______ doing your homework? 4. What are most people terrified _____? 5. Do you get bored _____ listening to classical music? 6. Why are some people frightened ______ airplanes? of in about of by of

17 Grammar Adjectives with –ed / -ing X Converting from –ing to –ed:
I think horror movies are frightening. I’m frightened by horror movies. X

18 Convert the following sentences from –ing to –ed.
1. I think novels are interesting. 2. He thinks sunsets are amazing. 3. We think English is tiring. 4. I think traveling is exciting. 5. She thinks rap music is boring. 6. She thought the concert was disappointing. 7. They think spiders are frightening. 8. I thought the pianist was amazing. 9. I think tests are terrifying. 10. He thought his test scores were surprising.

19 Convert the following sentences from –ing to –ed.
1. I’m interested in novels. 2. He’s amazed at sunsets. 3. We are tired of English. 4. I’m excited by traveling. 5. She is bored by rap music. 6. She was disappointed with the concert. 7. They are frightened of spiders. 8. I was amazed at the pianist. 9. I’m terrified of tests. 10. He was surprised at his test scores.

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