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FREE WRITE SCENARIO One day you notice a huge ring of students jostling and pushing. As you get closer, you hear some of the students yelling, “Fight!”

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Presentation on theme: "FREE WRITE SCENARIO One day you notice a huge ring of students jostling and pushing. As you get closer, you hear some of the students yelling, “Fight!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 FREE WRITE SCENARIO One day you notice a huge ring of students jostling and pushing. As you get closer, you hear some of the students yelling, “Fight!” Like the rest, you want to see what is happening. Finally finding a vantage point, you see two students threatening one another. One is a good friend because you have a lot in common with them; the other is not your friend because you two disagree a lot.

2 FREE WRITE QUESTIONS Which of the options below would you choose, and why? 1. Turn away and leave because the fight does not concern you, and getting involved will only mean trouble for you. 2. Help your friend with advice and supplies (brass knuckles, etc), but don’t fight yourself. 3. Convince a couple of your other friends to help your friend win by fighting. 4. Start a new fight on your own against someone you want something from (lunch money, food, iPhone, etc).

3 How and why did U.S. foreign policy change during the run-up to WWII?
Isolationism to War How and why did U.S. foreign policy change during the run-up to WWII?

4 Foreign Policy Spectrum

5 Turn away and leave because the fight does not concern you, and getting involved will only mean trouble for you. Isolationism Advancement of one’s country’s interests by remaining at peace and avoiding foreign alliances, wars, etc.

6 Helping one side win without fighting.
Help your friend with advice and supplies (brass knuckles, etc), but don’t fight yourself. Biased Isolationism Helping one side win without fighting.

7 Convince a couple of your other friends to help your friend win by fighting.
Intervention With Allies Intervening with allies, usually through force, in the affairs of another nation to promote world and national security.

8 Start a new fight on your own against someone you want something from (lunch money, food, iPhone, etc). Unilateral Intervention Fighting alone, possibly starting the war yourself.

9 Foreign Policy Spectrum
Isolationism Intervention with allies Unilateral intervention Biased Isolationism

10 DIPLOMACY!!!! Negotiating and mediating disputes between countries through talking and not fighting.

11 How and why did U.S. foreign policy change during the run-up to WWII?
Isolationism to War How and why did U.S. foreign policy change during the run-up to WWII?

12 Review Steps to War

13 Europe Goes to War Europe Goes to War

14 North April 1940 – Germany attacks Denmark & Norway
May 1940 – German blitzkrieig attack on the Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg Won in 5 days, 3 weeks, and 1 day (respectively)

15 War in the West Continued
June Germany moved south through France forcing a surrender Germany gained control of Northern France Vichy France

16 The Battle of Britain August 1940 – Bombing of London – The Blitz
Month-long bombing campaign 1,000 planes bombing Britain Bombing of London – The Blitz Continued until May 1941

17 Japan joins September 1940 – Japan, Germany & Italy sign tripartite pact, become formal allies

18 Operation Barbarossa June 1941 – Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union 4 million soldiers – largest invasion ever

19 Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941 Surprise attack America declares war on Japan the next day On Germany, Italy Dec. 11

20 Pearl Harbor

21 Pearl Harbor Attack Attack comes as complete surprise
2,403 Americans killed More than 1,000 wounded 180 Japanese fighter planes Pushes U.S. into WWII Leads to Japan’s defeat and defeat of Hitler

22 Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
Read the article Fill out your graphic organizer with brief notes

23 Results 2,403 Americans were killed 1,178 wounded
21 ships sunk or damaged, including 8 battleships But most aircraft carriers survived

24 How Simultaneous attacks on the US islands of Wake, Guam; British Malaya, Burma, and Hong Kong; Dutch East Indies, and the American Philippines Surprise essential (radio silence)

Pearl Harbor 1941

















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