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Daily Oral Language Week 1

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1 Daily Oral Language Week 1
Journey to Jo’Burg Daily Oral Language Week 1

2 Sentence 1 Circle the prepositions.
uncle joes house is across the street. its beside the green house. look under the mat and find the key

3 Sentence 2 Circle the prepositions.
when they returned with the water naledi called tiro to the back of the house. we must find mma in johannesburg she announced. we will go to the big road and well walk to the city

4 Sentence 3 Underline the prepositional phrases
Sentence 3 Underline the prepositional phrases. Circle the object of the preposition. poleng said wait here. she ran into the house and came back with some sweet potatoes. she brought water in a jar and biscuits in a cloth

5 Sentence 4 Underline the prepositional phrases
Sentence 4 Underline the prepositional phrases. Circle the object of the preposition. they walked for hours along the road under the hot sun. at last they were given a ride in an old truck. they leaned against sacks of oranges

6 Sentence 5 Underline the prepositional phrases
Sentence 5 Underline the prepositional phrases. Circle the object of the preposition. once she had asked mma why cant we live with you in the city. we could go to school there, couldnt we. mma had looked toward the horizon and replied the laws say you must live outside the city

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