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How Hospital Consolidations Are Affecting the Cost of Health Care

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1 How Hospital Consolidations Are Affecting the Cost of Health Care
Dennis Laraway, Chief Financial Officer, Banner Health Chuck Lehn, President, Banner Health Network April 13, 2018

2 Market Consolidation / Convergence

3 Insurance in Arizona Trending Toward Government Coverage
Government and Employer pressures on price; curtail healthcare spending to slow-down consumption ~ 20% GDP Sources: Kaiser Family Foundation; Estimates based on the Census Bureau's March 2014, March 2015, and March 2016 Current Population Survey (CPS: Annual Social and Economic Supplements).

4 Banner Health – at a Glance

5 The Value of Integration, and Scale
Unit Costs Declining Imaging Care Delivery Home Care & Hospice Banner Del Webb

6 Banner Offers Urgent Care in its Major Markets
40+ current locations in Arizona Offering convenient care in our neighborhoods Patients with interest can be referred to a BHN PCP Direct access with Banner hospitals when needed Connected EMR Phoenix Locations

7 Enhanced Care Management Utilization Optimization
Banner Health – As a Payer: Premium Differentiation Behind a Performance Network 8 to15% premium savings Lower Unit Costs Enhanced Care Management Utilization Optimization 7

8 Measuring Value and Unit Price
Consolidation may affect unit price (troubled systems are often acquired) Unit price does not equal total cost of care Commercial experience Medicare experience Medicaid experience Market desires total value Total value requires scale VALUE PRICE

9 Examples of Investments that Drive Purchaser and Consumer Value
Replacing emergency room visits with lower cost of care More affordable insurance products Investing in home health to reduce institutional care Redesigning care to improve outcomes and lower costs – at an academic medical center, really?

10 Aetna Whole Health Commercial Results
24% decrease in avoidable surgical admissions/1000 5% improved monitoring of patients medication therapy after a heart attack RESULTS 4% more generic prescribing 11.5% overall reduction in medical costs vs. expected costs for the market 11% improved Intervention of pediatric patients with recurring ear infections $9.9M shared savings on Aetna Whole Health fully-insured membership over 3 years Medical cost-savings and quality performance measures based on Aetna Whole Health product and attribution data. January – September 2016. Medical cost-savings based on a comparison of Aetna Whole Health product to broad network Aetna plans

11 Executive Summary – Highlights
Strengths Opportunities TMC PPPM PI dropped from 0.99 to 0.97 OON Costs are 8% above the market Strong TMC Performance in both trend and comparison to the market Out-of-Network costs are above the market 5 quality measures missed by only a few successes Excellent improvement in Inpatient utilization and cost 5 Quality Measures missed by less than 9 success IP PPPM PI dropped from 0.99 to 0.96 Potentially avoidable ER visits are still elevated in relation to the market Showing progress in ER cost particularly in ACSC and Potentially Avoidable visits ER Cost per Visit PI dropped from 1.00 to 0.93 Potentially avoidable ER Visits per 1000 PI is 1.17 Advanced imaging remains favorable to the market Recommendations Review ED steerage strategy in the Banner-Cigna Workgroup with a focus on non-Banner Free Standing ERs. Explore opportunities to co-brand w/ Cigna outreach to ACS diagnoses customers.

12 BHN Pioneer Performance
PY1 2012 PY2 2013 PY3 2014 PY4 2015 PY5 2016 Providers 448 907 1413 1857 931 Beneficiaries Jan 1 50,505 55,483 61,241 86,704 63,024 Percent Savings & Aggregate Savings 4.0% $19,098,858 2.8% $15,148,274 5.0% $29,047,735 5.5% $35,113,328 $16,203,794 Quality Score 62.19% 81.18% 87.50% 95.23% 91.86% Shared Savings to BHN $13,369,201 $9,038,408 $18,698,004 $24,578,369 $10,940,821

13 Targeting Prevalent Conditions
Conservative Back Health Program Spine Center at Banner University Medical Center – Phoenix You’ll see a theme of member experience throughout all of our enhancements, from customer service, to care management to technology. We’ve put the member first in all aspects. LISA FRANK

14 Variation in the Management of Back Pain
Onset of uncomplicated back injury Patient makes appt with PCP, TIME ELAPSE: 2 days PCP visit occurs - Recommends 2 wks rest+meds, TIME ELAPSE: 14 days PCP follow-up visit - may order imaging, TIME ELAPSE: 5 days Specialist visit - may order imaging, TIME ELAPSE: 2 days Specialist follow up - Reviews imaging, prescribes physical therapy, TIME ELAPSE: 5 days Physical therapy treatment plan of care, TIME ELAPSE: 21 days Variation in the Management of Back Pain Traditional Management: Time Elapsed to initiation of therapy treatment: 28 days Results: Delayed initiation of care Lack of clear patient education High utilization rates of imaging + meds Delayed or lack of appropriate utilization of therapy services Increased patient stress, anxiety, fear, pain behavior Minimal provider to provider communication McDonald, Patricia, Mecklenburg, Robert, Martin, Lindsay. The Employer-Led Health Care Revolution. Harvard Business Review July-Aug

15 Standardized Management of Back Pain
Onset of uncomplicated back injury Patient makes appt with Back Health, TIME ELAPSE: 0 days Screening Q’s determine appropriate care pathway, TIME ELAPSE: 0 days Nurse Navigator provides education to patient & family re: expectations, TIME ELAPSE: CONCURRENT Physical therapy treatment plan of care, TIME ELAPSE: 21 days Specialist follow up if not improving as expected, TIME ELAPSE: 5 days Evaluation with PM&R and physical therapy occurs, therapy initiated upon 1st visit, TIME ELAPSE: days Coordinated Approach: Nurse Navigator provides education to patient & family re: expectations, TIME ELAPSE: CONCURRENT Time Elapsed to initiation of therapy treatment: 1-2 days

16 Banner Insurance Division Membership: Growth Results from Delivering Value to the Market

17 Summary All healthcare purchasers are requiring increased value Value and unit price are not always the same Creating value often requires scale and integration between payer & provider Industry seems to be rapidly consolidating to be better positioned for value creation

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