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© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved

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1 © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved
© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 

2 Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices
12 Integrated Marketing Communications and Media Choices © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. 

3 Marketing Framework

4 What Media Decisions Are Made?
How much to spend When to schedule the ads Which media to use

5 How Much to Spend Percentage of sales Competitive parity
Strategic advertising goal

6 How Much to Spend Reach Frequency GRPs

7 When to Schedule It costs more to get higher ratings
However, the relationship is not perfect

8 When to Schedule Continuous Occasional Seasonal

9 Which Media The choice of media outlet is difficult because…
There are more media outlets Audiences are fragmented across the many media and use technology to zip past ads

10 Which Media Integrated Marketing Communication
When advertising across media Consider the company’s overarching strategy Ensure a consistent message Play to each media’s strength

11 Which Media

12 Which Media Media comparisons TV ads Magazines Radio and newspapers
Billboards Online Direct mail

13 Which Media

14 Personal Selling Personal Selling
Is especially important for expensive, complicated products How many sales people do I need? Where do I deploy them? How do I compensate them?

15 Designing a Sales Force
Pull Direct promotional efforts to consumers Push Direct promotional efforts to channel Relies more on personal selling

16 Public Relations Public relations Constituencies include Publicity
Convey a positive image and educate a constituency about the company Constituencies include Customers, suppliers, stockholders, government, employees, general community Publicity

17 Public Relations PR people Issue press kits
Maintain company information on website Arrange events Handle negative publicity and encourage positive publicity

18 Other Promotional Tools
Product placement Event sponsorship Sales promotions

19 Promotional Choice Depends on Goals
Additional questions to consider: Should we schedule continuously, occasionally or seasonally? What is the consumer’s purchase cycle? What is the level of saturation desired? What life cycle stage is the product in? What can we afford? What is best for our target? What do we want the target to know?

20 Integrated Marketing Communications

21 Assessing Media Effectiveness
If goal is awareness, reach matters Measure viewership, readership, circulation numbers, traffic indices, etc. If goal is attitudinal, use surveys Online advertising Track click-thru rates, downloads, inquiries, purchases, returns, etc. and compare with cost per click, per download, per acquisition, etc.

22 Managerial Recap Decisions about expenditure and timing are integral to promotional campaigns Marketers must integrate marketing communications The effectiveness of advertising is measured using long-term and short-term measures

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