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Department of Higher Education and Training
Performance Report on predetermined objectives and budget (2017/18 Financial Year ) 2nd Quarter Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 8 November 2017
Presentation Outline 1. Background Performance per Programme
Administration Planning, Policy and Strategy University Education Technical and Vocational Education and Training Skills Development Community Education and Training 3. Budget Performance
Background For the 2017/18 financial year the Department has 86 Targets (covering the direct outputs of the budget programmes of the Department e.g Steering mechanisms development, Student support services etc.) In addition, there are 34 systemic targets encompassing Universities, TVET colleges, CET colleges , as well as SETAs These are monitored by the respective delivery programmes of the Department and reported periodically (mainly during the 3rd quarter) In the 1st Quarter, the Department achieved 25 (76%) of the 33 targets planned for that quarter. All 8 targets that were not achieved during the 1st quarter, have subsequently been completed In the 2nd Quarter, there were 40 planned targets/outputs shared amongst budget programmes. 37 (93%) of the outputs have been achieved. The Department has improved by 17% in this quarter when compared to the 1st quarter.
Programme 1: Administration
The purpose of the Programme is to provide overall management and administration of the Department. 2017/18 Strategic Objectives: To ensure effective human resources management within the Department To ensure effective financial management practices To improve ICT services Number of targets for 2017/18 financial year: 12 Number of targets for the 2nd quarter: 4 Number of targets achieved for the quarter: 3
Programme 1: Administration
Targets achieved: A plan to improve HR recruitment and selection process was developed and approved by the Director-General on 29 September 2017 A draft plan to reduce the number of days to resolve disciplinary cases consulted This plan seeks to improve efficiency of the recruitment and selection process within the department It will enable the Department to fill advertised positions within 180 days (from the date of advertisement until appointment is made) The draft plan was developed during the first quarter It has now been consulted on with colleges in nine Provinces on - Consultation workshops held
Programme 1: Administration
Targets achieved ..continue: Remedial plan on audit findings in the previous financial year was developed and approved by the Director-General on 27 September 2017 Targets not achieved during the quarter under review: Development of ICT strategy and system implementation for approval by the Director-General by 30 September 2017 The plan contains all the departmental action plans to address the findings of the Auditor General. The implementation of the action plans is monitored on a quarterly basis until they are completed. Reason for not achieving the target: The approval of the submission for the strategy was delayed due to engagements with the National Skills Fund on the requisite funding for implementation
Programme 1: Administration
Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter: Development of a system for tracking invoices from creditors in order to pay them within 30 Days Current status: The Director-General approved the appointment of a service provider for the development of the system on 24 August 2017
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
The purpose of the programme is to provide strategic direction in the development, implementation and monitoring of Departmental policies and the human resource development strategy for South Africa. 2017/18 Strategic Objectives: To develop appropriate steering mechanisms for PSET system To ensure effective oversight of PSET system To develop and implement teaching and learning support plan To provide student support services To provide management information statistics
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
Number of targets for the 2017/18 financial year: 12 Number of targets for the quarter: 11 Number of targets achieved: 11 (100%) Targets achieved: The development of a list of occupations in high demand which is due by 31 March 2018 The target for the quarter was to finalise the Concept Note (Business Plan) for occupations in high demand after peer review as planned The Concept Note was peer reviewed and finalised as planned The concept note outlines the activities and responsibilities of stakeholders in compiling the list of occupations in high demand Once finalised, the list will inform skills planning in the country to support the DHET’s planning processes with respect to, Enrolment planning, Resource allocations, Career advice and qualifications development
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
The development of a Policy Framework on Disability is due for completion and approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 The annual report on the implementation of social inclusion in PSET due for completion and approval by 31 March 2018 Ministerial Report: Framework on Disability Gazetted for public comment on 18 Nov 2016 for public comments and has been discussed at Social Cluster during September (completed) Preparations are underway for final gazetting by Cabinet. The 2nd quarterly report on implementation of social inclusion in PSET has been compiled as planned The report covers three universities (Mangosuthu University of Technology, Nelson Mandela University of Technology and University of the Free State) and 8 TVET colleges There has been a positive feedback prompted by the DG’s request from TVET Colleges in terms of reporting on the implementation of the policy on the calendar on significant days which also promoted collaboration between institutions and other government department at local level.
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
The annual report on the implementation of Open Learning Policy in PSET due for completion and approval by 31 March 2018 The annual report on the implementation of Career Development Services due for completion and approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The quarterly report on the implementation of Open learning Policy in PSET has been compiled as planned. Some of the activities covered by the report include: First workshop of the Subject Expert Group to develop curriculum content for professional programmes TVET college lecturers was held from 30 August to 1 September 2017 Inputs were also received at a Research Colloquium held on 12 October 2017. Open Learning staff contributed to the commission on Open Learning which formed part of the DHET Colloquium on enhancing the implementation of the SA NQF, on 13 September 2017 The quarterly report on the implementation of Career Development Services has been compiled as planned.
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
Status report on International Relations implementation plan approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The development of a Post-School Education and Training investment report for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Draft status report on International Relation implementation plan was compiled as planned and shows international activities during the quarter under review. Data on investment trends and tables has been collected and compiled as planned The intention is to provide an analysis of historical, current and future funding needs for the PSET system as well as expenditure trends
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
The institutionalisation and implementation of career development for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The development of a communication strategy for student support services for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Career development has been institutionalised, and a draft implementation report was compiled as planned Three structures have been established namely, Interdepartmental Career Development Committee, National Career Development System Coordinating Structure, and National Career Development Forum Draft communication strategy for student support services was compiled as planned The strategy outlines activities to attract students to use Career Development Services instruments The implementation of the strategy will be phased-in from 2018/19 financial year onwards
Programme 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy
The design of Management Information System for Public Community Colleges for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The publication of an Annual Statistics on Post-School Education and Training for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The initial work for the design of the management information system for public community colleges is proceeding well. During the quarter under review, the draft design of the database has been developed as planned. The Information Standards Committee has approved the specifications for the system for further approval by the Director General. The collation of the statistical data for the compilation of the Statistics Report has been initiated as planned in line with the approved project plan that was developed during the first quarter.
Programme 3: University Education
The purpose of the programme is to develop and coordinate policy and regulatory frameworks for an effective and efficient university education system and it provides financial support to universities, the NSFAS and the NIHE. 2017/18 Strategic Objectives To develop appropriate steering mechanisms for university education To ensure integrated planning within PSET sub-systems To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of the university education sector To provide management information and statistics on the performance of higher education institutions
Programme 3: University Education
Number of targets for the 2017/18 financial year: 20 Number of targets for the 2nd quarter: 6 Number of targets achieved for the quarter: 5 (83%) Number of targets not achieved for the quarter: 1 (17%) Achievements: The development of a Central Application Services Policy was due for completion and approval by the Minister by 30 September 2017 The policy has been developed and approved by the Minister for publication during the 1st quarter (on the 23 May 2017). It provides for students application process when applying to multiple institutions in the entire PSET system
Programme 3: University Education
Development of an Amended NSFAS Act which is for completion and approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Development of a National Plan for PSET for approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 The draft amendments for NSFAS Act were consulted as planned Key areas of the NSFAS act to be amended have been identified A process for finalising the review and developing the draft for public will follow in earnest The process for the development of the National Plan for PSET is at an advanced stage The draft National Plan for PSET has been consulted with stakeholders as planned
Programme 3: University Education
A report on HEAIDS programme for the 2016/17 has been developed and approved by the Director-General during the quarter as planned The development of an updated cohort study report on higher education including the 2016 audited data for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 This report was due for completion and approval by the Director-General by 30 September 2017 and it is one of the 15 oversight reports planned for the 2017/18 financial year Audited data from universities has been received as planned for the quarter under review
Programme 3: University Education
Targets not achieved during the quarter under review Development of a Policy Framework on Collaboration between professional bodies, Government departments, and quality councils which is due for approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Reasons for not achieving the target For the quarter under review, the target was to implement some aspects of the policy development process inline with the project plan. For instance the incorporation of the Colloquium report in the initial drafting of the policy Whilst work is underway this is only being undertaken during the 3rd quarter
Programme 3: University Education
Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter : Project Plan for the Development of a Policy Framework on Collaboration between professional bodies, Government departments, and quality councils which is due for approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Current status: The Project plan has been developed
Programme 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training
The purpose of the programme is to plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, Programmes, assessment practices and systems for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). 2017/18 Strategic Objectives To develop and review TVET steering mechanisms To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of the TVET sector To provide TVET teaching and learning support plans To develop infrastructure for TVET colleges To ensure a strong TVET stakeholder network
Programme 4: TVET Number of targets for the 2017/18 financial year: 28
Number of targets for the quarter: 11 Number of targets achieved: 11 (100%) Achievements: The development of the performance reporting policy for TVET Colleges for approval by the Director-General by 31 December 2017 The 1st draft policy of performance reporting for Colleges was developed and consulted with colleges during the 2nd quarter Following consultation, the 2nd draft was developed and approved by the Director General on 26 September 2017 as planned The policy outlines reporting procedures on finance, provisioning, governance, planning and reporting for input by Colleges. This has already been communicated to colleges.
Programme 4: TVET Development of the policy for TVET College finance for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Development of a policy for SAIVCET for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 A draft policy on TVET College finance has been developed as planned The first draft of the SAIVCET policy was develop in the first quarter Consultation with stakeholders on the first draft was conducted during the quarter under review as planned The purpose of the establishment of SAIVCET is to provide support and coordination to TVET and Community Colleges ; and Provide greater coherence and expert advice on matters related to VCET
Programme 4: TVET Development of the policy for administration/management of student admissions for TVET Colleges for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Development of the reviewed funding framework for TVET Colleges due for approval by the Director-General by 31 September 2017 The first draft policy was developed during the second quarter and consulted with colleges. Following consultation with colleges, the second draft policy was developed as planned The policy seeks to standardise student admission processes for all the TVET Colleges The reviewed funding framework has been approved by the Director General on 26 September 2017 as planned The Reviewed framework has been published for public comments, and comments are being incorporated into the framework for the Minister’s approval
Programme 4: TVET Development of a reviewed Departmental policy framework on TVET qualifications for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Consultation with stakeholders on the first draft policy was conducted during the first quarter The second draft policy has been developed during the second quarter as planned The policy seeks to review the TVET qualifications/ programmes to align them with the emerging labour market demands.
Programme 4: TVET Three oversight reports were due for completion and approval by the Director-General by 30 September 2017 A report on the conduct of public TVET College examination centres during national examinations and assessments for the 2016 academic year has been approved by the Director-General by 31 July 2017 The report evaluates the credibility and integrity of the conduct of examinations at TVET colleges A total of 154 public TVET examination centres participated in the April national examinations cycle 275 irregularities were detected and reported A report on certification backlog eradication has been approved by the Director-General by 31 July 2017 Substantial progress has been made in eradicating the backlog, however the three month lead time for issuing of certificates is yet to be achieved for both NC( V) and Report 190/1 qualifications A monitoring and evaluation report for colleges performance has been approved by the Director-General by 31 September 2017
Programme 4: TVET Development of a Plan for TVET College lecturer development for approval by the Director-General by March 2018 Engagements and consultations with colleges on the development of a first draft were conducted The first draft on TVET College lecturer development was developed during the quarter under review as planned The draft plan outlines the lecturer development areas in view of the policy and curriculum changes
Programme 4: TVET The development of a national infrastructure asset management framework for TVET Colleges due for completion by 31 March 2018 Consultations on the draft infrastructure asset management framework has been conducted with Colleges as planned The Framework will standardise the planning and maintenance of assets for all 50 TVET Colleges (including 264 campuses).
Programme 4: TVET Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter: Performance reporting policy for TVET Colleges developed and approved by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Policy for SAIVCET developed and approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2017 Current status: The target of developing the 1st Draft and consultations of performance reporting policy for TVET Colleges which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed. Following this, the second draft was developed. Current status: The target of developing the 1st Draft policy for SAIVCET which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed. The draft policy has been developed and has been consulted.
Programme 4: TVET Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter: Policy for administration/management of student admission for TVET Colleges developed and approved by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Reviewed funding framework for TVET Colleges developed and approved by the Director- General by 30 September 2017 Current status: The target of developing the 1st draft policy for administration/management of student admission for TVET Colleges which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed and consulted with colleges. Current status: The target of 1st draft funding framework for TVET Colleges which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed.
Programme 4: TVET Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter : Reviewed Departmental policy framework on TVET qualifications developed and approved by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Current status: The target of consulting on the 1st draft Departmental policy framework on TVET Colleges which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed A Colloquium was held on 12 September 2017 Revised draft was sent out to SAQA, Umalusi, QCTO and CHE for comments
Programme 5: Skills Development
The purpose of the programme is to promote and monitor the national skills development strategy. Develop a skills development policy and regulatory framework for an effective skills development system. 2017/18 Strategic Objectives To develop and review steering mechanisms for artisan development To ensure effective artisan development and assessment services To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of artisan development To develop infrastructure/facilities for artisan development
Programme 5: Skills Development
Number of targets for the 2017/18 financial year: 8 Number of targets for the quarter: 4 Number of targets achieved: 4 (100%) Achievements: Development of the reviewed National Skills Development Plan for approval by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The first draft of the Reviewed National Skills Development Plan was consulted at NEDLAC Consultation continued during the second quarter with the National Skills Authority as planned
Programme 5: Skills Development
A report on the implementation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) by SETAs due for completion and approval by the Director-General by 30 September 2017 The planned average lead time from qualifying trade test applications received until trade test is conducted is 100 days A report on the implementation of the National Development Strategy by SETA’s has been approved by the Director-General as planned The report provides progress status on the implementation of SETAs strategic and annual performance plans in terms of the signed Service Level Agreements with the Director- General. During the quarter under review, the process of conducting trade tests for qualifying applications received until trade test is conducted took 70.9 days on average - target exceeded
Programme 5: Skills Development
Approval of the report on the implementation of security infrastructure development plan at INDLELA by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 Quarterly meetings on the implementation of security infrastructure development plan was held and progress reports are being compiled as planned
Programme 6: Community Education and Training (CET)
The purpose of the programme is to plan, develop, implement, monitor, maintain and evaluate national policy, programme assessment practices and systems for community education and training. 2017/18 Strategic Objectives To develop and review CET steering mechanisms To ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of the CET sector
Programme 6: CET Number of targets for the 2017/18 financial year: 6
Number of targets for the 2nd quarter: 4 Number of targets achieved: 3 (75%) Number of targets not achieved: 1 (25%) Achievements: Development and approval of the CET Service Delivery Model by the Director-General by 30 September 2017 The Service Delivery Model for CET has ben developed and approved by the Director-General as planned The model will effectively describe CET programmes and beneficiaries and the funding model for infrastructure
Programme 6: CET Development of the reporting policy for CET Colleges for approval by the Minister by 31 March 2018 Approval of monitoring and evaluation report of CET Colleges by the Director-General by 31 March 2018 The draft reporting policy for CET Colleges has been gazetted for public comments as planned Monitoring and evaluation report of CET Colleges has ben approved by the Director-General on 24 September 2017 as planned The report covers information on Teaching and learning, lecture development and support, assessments and examinations and analysis of student performance
Programme 6: CET Targets not achieved during the quarter under review
Development of the Reviewed Funding Framework for CET Colleges for approval by the Minister by 30 September 2017 Reasons for not meeting the target The Ministerial Committee Report with the draft Funding Framework for CET was published for public on 1 September Public comments are being received and the final date of submissions was 25 October 2017.
Programme 6: CET Status of targets not achieved during the 1st quarter : The review of the funding framework for CET Colleges for completion and approval by the Minister by 30 September 2017 Current status: The target of developing draft funding framework for CET colleges with amendments which was due in the 1st quarter has now been completed and submitted to Minister for approval.
Financial Information
2017/18: Second Quarterly Report
The overall spending rate by the second quarter was 67.11% (including Direct Charges) Average spending for normal operational activities including compensation of employees was 46.87% The spending rate on compensation of employees is 46.98% as follows: Personnel Expenditure: 46.16% Examiners and Moderators: 96.43% The high expenditure trend for examiners and moderators remains a concern and is carefully managed by the TVET Branch with Finance Transfer payments and subsidies were processed as planned in accordance with the approved payment schedules The expenditure on goods and services is high for this time of the year, especially taking into account commitments. This will be monitored closely to prevent over expenditure. The highest spending trend is within Programme 3. This is due to the subsidy payments to Universities and NSFAS Transfer payments is the spending item that reflects the highest trend The information per programme and economic classification is reflected in the following two slides
2017/18: Second Quarter – Spending per programme
Main Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure Variance % Spent 1: Administration 49.23% 2: Planning, Policy and Strategy 73 298 29 298 44 000 39.97% 3: University Education 79.95% 4: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 45.75% 5: Skills Development 49.27% 6: Community Education and Training 46.82% 7: Direct Charges (SETAs and NSF) 47.80% Total 67.11%
Quarter: Spending per Economic Classification Economic Classification
2017/18 First Quarter: Spending per Economic Classification Economic Classification Main Appropriation R’000 Actual Expenditure Balance % Spent Compensation of Employees Personnel Expenditure Examiners and Moderators 4 906 46.98% 46.16% 96.43% Goods and Services 44.92% Transfer Payments 70.09% Universities 73.64% Public Entities NSFAS Other - 100.00% 56.34% Commonwealth of Learning/IBSA/USAf (HEAids) 12 070 5 077 6 993 42.06% TVET Colleges 40.19% CET Colleges 53 077 50 821 51.09% Skills levy 47.80% Leave gratuities 10 164 (10 164) Capital Expenditure 9 139 2 956 6 183 32.34% Total 67.11%
Adjusted Estimates for 2017/18
The Department’s Adjusted Estimates amounts to R billion, reflecting a decrease of R million. The decrease results from the downward adjustment of the estimated skills levy collections by SARS by National Treasury . Funds to the amount of R135 million were shifted from Compensation of Employees to the subsidisation of TVET Colleges to ensure that Colleges receive the benefit of the estimated unspent funds that resulted from the initial earmarking of Compensation of Employees as agreed with National Treasury.
Status of Audit Action Plans
The Audit Committee reviewed the status of the Audit Action Plans of the various Branches on October 2017 The Audit Committee provided comments to the Accounting Officer and all Branch Heads A workshop took place on 6 November 2017 between the Auditor-General and all Branches to further refine planned actions in terms of the applicable root causes and planned actions to address internal control weaknesses The next progress report is due on 13 November 2017
Medium Term Budget Policy Statement
Education included as one of the key priority areas for funding. The evaluation of the implications of providing fee-free higher education is highlighted as a key risk and cost pressure to be taken into account. The 2018 Mandate Paper also highlights the requirement to expand student accommodation. Post-School Education and Training remains the function with the highest average nominal growth (8.2%) within Government over the period 2017/18 to 2010/21 (after debt service costs).
Medium Term Budget Policy Statement
The above table as reflected in the MTBPS reflects the anticipated shortfall for universities. The impact on TVET Colleges would require an additional estimated amount of R23.5 billion. With regard to the expansion of student accommodation, funding of R11.1 billion over the 2018 MTEF is proposed, although not yet allocated.
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