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Presentation on theme: "UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Divisions in America 2 LAST UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience Sectionalism Civil War Reconstruction 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... how the Civil War started, the significant individuals and events associated with the Civil War, along with Lincoln’s efforts to preserve the union by Paragraph about Causes Event Illustration Primary Source Study Explaining analyzing Important People Key events of the War Analyzing Identifying Key Documents of the Era Key Battles Timeline and paragraph Primary source study- DBQ Vocab: Secede, Confederation, States’ rights How did Jefferson Davis justify the secession of the southern states? How do the key documents show the changes and differences of the country? What battle was the turning point of the Civil War and why was is this battle considered the turning point of the war? How did the physical geography of the North and South affect the Civil War? Explain Describe Analyze Compare Summarize 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7

2 Key Documents of the Era
The Unit Organizer NAME DATE Civil War CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP how the Civil War started, the significant individuals and events associated with the Civil War, along with Lincoln’s efforts to preserve the union by Is about… analyzing Important People Explaining Key events of the War Abraham Lincoln - President of the United States Jefferson Davis - President of the Confederate States of America Robert E Lee - command the Army of Northern Virginia. His battle strategies are admired to this day, but he was criticized for having a narrow strategy centered on his native Virginia. Ulysses S Grant - commander of the Union army; He created an overall plan concentrated on Sherman’s march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate army in Virginia. William Carney – first African American Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Stonewall Jackson - Confederate General in the Civil War; gifted tactical commander Lincoln’s election – 1860 South Carolina seceded in December - Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,Texas, Louisiana,  Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined them to form the Confederate States of America Causes of the War Slavery Sectionalism States Rights-Nullification Crisis Analyzing Identifying Key Battles Key Documents of the Era Fort Sumter –, a federal fort in Charleston Harbor, was fired upon by rebel forces to begin the Civil war (April, 1861). Antietam - bloodiest one-day battle in American history (23,000 casualties); Union victory when Lee withdrew to Virginia; built Union confidence and led President Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg - turning point of the Civil War; Lee’s invasion of northern territory is repelled; South is no longer capable of an offensive into Union territory (July, 1863) Vicksburg - the North captured this stronghold to gain control of the Mississippi River and divided the Southern states. (May-July, 1863) Appomattox – leads to Lee’s surrender - brings the Civil War to a close as Lee surrenders the Confederate forces of Virginia to Grant. (April, 1865). Lincoln’s 1st Inaugural Address - Equality – promised he had no intent to abolish slavery The Union – argued for the preservation of the Union The Government – stated it was against the law to secede from the Union Emancipation Proclamation – set free slaves in rebelling states – changed the focus of the war to one against slavery Gettysburg Address - Equality – all enslaved people in the Confederate states would be free The Union – stated that the country was worth fighting for The Government – “The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall be preserved.” Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address - Equality – stated that slavery perpetuated the war and denounced slavery The Union – fought for restoration of peace and the Union The Government – Lincoln stated that there were people trying to destroy the government, with or without war Jefferson Davis’ Inaugural Address- The Union- Breaking away is necessity, not choice The Government-Similar to US Government. Fast creation of branches for foreign affairs, finance, military, and post office

The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT: 3 Sectionalism Reconstruction 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... how the Civil War started, the significant individuals and events associated with the Civil War, along with Lincoln’s efforts to preserve the union by Explaining analyzing Analyzing Identifying Vocab: Secede, Confederation, States’ rights How did Jefferson Davis justify the ___________of the southern states? How do the ___________________ show the changes and differences of the country? What battle was the ________________ of the Civil War and why was is this battle considered the turning point of the war? How did the ____________________of the North and South affect the Civil War? Explain Describe Analyze Compare Summarize 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7

4 The Unit Organizer Civil War
NAME DATE Civil War CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP how the Civil War started, the significant individuals and events associated with the Civil War, along with Lincolns efforts to preserve the union by Is about… analyzing Explaining Analyzing Identifying


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