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“What can we do for this sick cat. We never give up on any case

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2 “What can we do for this sick cat. We never give up on any case
“What can we do for this sick cat? We never give up on any case. Let’s try this new method for healing.”

3 Tong Ren Definition Developed by Tom Tam, and an integral part of the Tom Tam Healing System, Tong Ren releases blockages of the natural healing energy, often called Chi, which is just as necessary for health as oxygen, glucose, protein and other nutrients. Tong Ren is based on a belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages in the body's natural flow of chi, neural bio-electricity, blood or hormones. Tong Ren seeks to remove these blockages, restoring the body's natural ability to heal itself, even when illnesses are chronic, debilitating or otherwise untreatable. Tong Ren calms the mind and is very relaxing. Tong Ren incorporates Western anatomy and physiology with Eastern wisdom, but is not simply the sum of two sciences. It’s healing power grows a quantum leap by harnessing another natural tendency we have all observed in nature: Synchronicity.

4 In Tong Ren Therapy we tap into this vast reserve of healthy bioelectrical patterns and health-sustaining energy. We then use the natural tendency toward synchronicity to bring diseased organs back into harmony with the healthy bioelectric patterns of Tong Ren practitioners, and even more importantly into entrainment with the more powerful Global Brain. Drawing on the Jungian theory of the "collective unconscious," Tong Ren is believed to access energy from this universal source and direct it to the patient. Because no physical contact is involved or necessary, Tong Ren is often practiced as distance healing.

5 Brainwave entrainment (the phenomenon whereby energy systems tend to become harmonic while in close proximity) requires brainwaves to be in a synchronized condition. Our collective unconscious with Tong Ren allows people to have an easy healing experience because the collective unconscious puts the brainwaves into a synchronized condition. Our healing collective unconsciousness is formed from past experiences of Tong Ren Healing, which is formed from our belief, which is based on the healing results. Without good results, the belief cannot be sustained. The healing results of Tong Ren Therapy are stored in the brain as a subconscious experience. This memory will last and become a lifetime experience. When more people experience positive healing results from Tong Ren Therapy, more people would believe in Tong Ren Therapy. This forms a collective unconsciousness which becomes more and more powerful. If Tong Ren's healing rate were low, its popularity in the collective unconscious would fade out.

6 We can also use the collective unconscious and brainwave entrainment theories to explain faith healing, religious healing or energy healing. Yet, Tong Ren Healing is different from other healing modalities. In Tong Ren Healing, we believe that there is a blockage for each disease. To heal the illness, one must open, or unblock the blockage, which is the root of the problem. When we find out the root of the problem, we may know how to treat the problem. Each energy healing system has its own way to explain how energy is formed. In Tong Ren healing, we believe that energy is from the unconscious, which is connected to the collective unconscious. When Tong Ren practitioners heal others, they also heal themselves because the practitioner and the patient are both within the same collective unconscious. The more therapists practice Tong Ren, the more energy they gather.

7 In a typical therapy session, the Tong Ren practitioner uses a small human anatomical model as an energetic representation of the patient, tapping on targeted points on the model with a lightweight magnetic hammer. The practitioner directs chi to blockage points corresponding to the patient's condition, breaking down resistance at these points. As blood flow, neural transmission and hormone reception are restored, the body is then able to heal.

Language empowers the Chi. Tom Tam Think of a Tong Ren practitioner as a police officer in a crowded downtown intersection, giving directions to move traffic through the intersection in a smooth, orderly fashion. In Tong Ren, we are attempting to clear out any traffic jams in the internal circulation in the body. We want to create more green lights, and help the blood, lymph and electrical signals find unimpeded pathways. We are using the language of anatomy as well as symbols that refer to acupuncture meridian points. When we say, for example, “Open the pituitary gland....” We are directing the chi to move past the resistance point at the pituitary gland in the brain. We can direct the chi, the energy anywhere we choose. Bones are porous, and the chi can easily penetrate the cranium and move to any internal brain location. We are, in effect, supercharging the pituitary gland with energy to enhance the arterial circulation to it and the venous circulation away from it. GV 22 is our Tong Ren “code” for the pituitary gland.


10 “Are you just walking out of the medical jungle. Yes
“Are you just walking out of the medical jungle? Yes. Yet many people are are still stuck there.”

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