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Developing a Full Business Case for C2 Funding

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Presentation on theme: "Developing a Full Business Case for C2 Funding"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing a Full Business Case for C2 Funding
June 27, 2018 July 13, 2018

2 Training Agenda Big picture Developing your project business case
Submission instructions

3 Big Picture

4 Business Case Basics What constitutes an IT project?*
Purchase, replacement, development or modification of hardware or software system Important undertaking with discernible beginning and end Major change or upgrade in technology, change in work processes or products for substantial portion of agency business personnel, and/or changes in work processes or products that serve the public Who uses IT business cases? Department of Information Technology Department of Finance and Administration Legislative Finance Committee WIIFM? Your opportunity to compete for IT project funding Your opportunity to tell your project story, internally and externally *Reference: DoIT Act

5 Tips Tell a story Tie request to a business driver
Focus on outcomes, impacts and results Get to the point Answer the question; follow the instructions Consider your audience Write the executive summary LAST FLUFF

6 Common Issues Executive summary Business problem or opportunity
Doesn’t concisely present key points to tell full story Doesn’t state request Not treated as standalone section Business problem or opportunity Doesn’t explain business need or opportunity Doesn’t explain outcomes, impact or results to be delivered Doesn’t explain current environment to set stage for project Doesn’t clearly describe proposed project Doesn’t correlate proposed project to business need or current shortcomings Doesn’t address possibility of phased approach Doesn’t meaningfully address impact of not obtaining funding Project objectives and performance metrics Not related to business need and targeted outcomes, impact or results Not measurable Not meaningful

7 More Common Issues Alternatives analysis and planned approach
No alternatives presented Meaningful alternatives not presented No objective evaluation and comparison of alternatives Project risks Actual risk not defined Gratuitous risks vs. those that are critical to project definition, approach, success Mitigation plan not related to stated risk OR falls within range of normal project management Total cost of ownership Cost information not complete Assumptions not documented Information presented for alternatives other than proposed approach Incorrect math Information doesn’t correlate to current state OR to proposed project approach, as described in other sections

8 Reviewer Focus Clear narrative thread Appropriate to audience
Addresses ALL requirements from instructions Clarity Substance Accuracy Appropriate candidate for C2 funding – really IS an IT project

Focus group provided feedback on template and process Minimized template changes Added table for alternatives analysis Revised TCO tables Added instructions for C2 form Posted tables, with formulas, on DoIT web page Added training on business case preparation Continuing… 1-line submission of planned project in July Draft business case submission and review in August Final business case submission along with agency IT strategic plans Submission of draft and final C2 presentations C2 presentations to panel in October

10 Developing Your Project Business Case

11 Introductory Content & Tips
Cover page Use YOUR agency logo on cover page – or an alternative graphic Replace text in [brackets] with YOUR information Generate a correct table of contents after drafting business case TIP: Verify that you introduced EVERY acronym with full term before using acronym alone TIP: Verify that you used no technology jargon or unexplained agency/program-specific terminology TIP: Lay out thoughts in bullet form BEFORE you begin to write

12 Section I: Business Problem or Opportunity
Most critical section of business case; all other content flows from here Understand basis for project… Problem: impedes agency from efficiently meeting stated purpose Opportunity: enhances agency ability to fulfill its mission or enables agency to provide greater value to State and/or New Mexico citizens Be VERY clear about concrete outcomes, results, impacts TIP: No filler; no extraneous content; don’t copy content from other documents or old business cases TIP: Business case based upon technology alone is not competitive FLUFF

13 Section I: Essential Content
Business rationale Agency and mission Business unit or program and purpose Opportunity or problem Targeted results, impact, outcome Technology rationale Technology used today, if any Shortcomings or need – tie to opportunity or problem, ability to deliver results Project snapshot Technology profile Resource requirements Intended approach and timeline Participants (cross-agency collaboration or impact) Statutory or other compliance drivers Impact of not receiving funding – opportunity cost

14 Section II: Project Objectives and Performance Metrics
Meaningful objectives: Relate directly to targeted outcomes, results, impacts Answer the question “why?” Are measurable Are NOT functional or technical requirements Identify KEY objectives that help justify project and funding request TIP: Quality trumps quantity NO. OBJECTIVE PERFORMANCE METRIC(S) 1 [Brief statement of objective] [Performance measure 1.1] 2 [Performance measure 2.1] [Performance measure 2.2] 3 [Performance measure 3.1]

15 Section III: Alternatives Analysis and Planned Approach
Explains rationale leading to planned project approach Demonstrates due diligence Presented for STATUS QUO (mandatory) and EACH ALTERNATIVE considered ALTERNATIVE PROS CONS RATIONALE 1 – Maintain Status Quo [pro] [con] NOT SELECTED due [fill in]. 2 – [Alternative 1 Name] X – [Alternative X Name] RECOMMENDED. This solution is recommended [for what reasons?].

16 Section III: Tips TIP: Make alternatives meaningful – consider spectrum of possibilities TIP: Do NOT include alternatives that are not even marginal contenders, just to make a list; this undermines argument instead of improving it TIP: Concisely, clearly define alternative – distinguishing characteristics TIP: FAIRLY list pros and cons – don’t weight this content to preconceived answer TIP: Clearly and plainly state rationale for elimination or selection

17 Section IV: Project Risks
Understand what a risk is… uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, may affect achievement of project objectives All projects have risks – recognizing them and addressing them is a sign of a well-conceived project, not a sign of failure List ONLY the KEY risks that affect project approach or definition State risk… IF X happens, then Y is impact on project Define meaningful, relevant mitigation plan – simply managing project is not a mitigation plan TIP: Demonstrate insight! RISK PROBABILITY & IMPACT MITIGATION PLAN /

18 Section V: Total Cost of Ownership
Presented for STATUS QUO and CHOSEN ALTERNATIVE Covers… Development costs: one-time costs for project initiation, planning and implementation M&O costs: recurring costs associated with sustaining status quo or chosen alternative Tables available on DoIT website: TIP: You MUST document assumptions for each line in table


20 Section VI: Funding Use same project name as used earlier in business case Rank C2 requests in priority order – only one request per priority Check “project type” IF you will use “other state funds”, you MUST identify source Ensure expenditures line up with TCO table content May request up to 2 years of funding – show project expenditures for complete project Ensure form is SIGNED in final business case Form is on DoIT website

21 Executive Summary Write this LAST Concisely cover key points
Tell your story Logically group ideas Close with clear statement of funding request (amount, years, project) TIP: Keep executive summary to 1 page TIP: Review critically – or ask someone else to do so; verify that any reader unfamiliar with your environment could follow argument TIP: Eliminate extraneous content TIP: Executive summary is NOT the introduction to your business case

22 Submission Instructions

23 Submission Requirements: Timeline
MONTH MILESTONES and DEADLINES JUNE 2018 June 14: SFY Agency IT Strategic Plan Guidebook published June 14: SFY 2020 Full Business Case Instructions and Template published June 22: Agency IT Strategic Plan training June 27: Agency IT Strategic Plan training, Agency C2 Funding Request training JULY 2018 July 10: Agency submissions of Planned SFY 2020 C2 Agency Funding Requests due July 13: Agency IT Strategic Plan training, Agency C2 Funding Request training AUGUST 2018 August 3: Agency submissions of draft SFY 2020 Full Business Case – with draft C2 form - due* August 6 – 24: DoIT review of draft SFY 2020 Full Business Case submissions and feedback to agencies SEPTEMBER 2018 September 4: Agency submissions of final SFY Agency IT Strategic Plans due* September 4: Agency submissions of final SFY 2020 Full Business Case(s) with final C2 form(s) due* September 5 – 30: DFA, LFC and DoIT/OCIO review agency strategic IT plans and C2 funding requests September 28: Agency draft SFY 2020 C2 Funding Request Presentations due OCTOBER 2018 October 1 – 5: DoIT review of draft SFY 2020 C2 Funding Request Presentations and feedback to agencies October 12: Agency final SFY 2020 C2 Funding Request Presentations due October 17-18: Agency presentations of SFY 2020 C2 funding requests NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2018 November 14: DoIT Secretary recommendations to DFA for SFY 2020 C2 funding November 21: DoIT/DFA recommendations to LFC for SFY 2020 C2 funding TBD: LFC recommendations for SFY 2020 C2 funding TBD: DFA prepares executive budget documents

24 Submission Requirements: Addresses & Contacts
Submit planned SFY 2020 C2 Agency Funding Requests to: Submit draft business cases and C2 forms to DoIT: Submit final business cases and C2 forms to: DoIT/OCIO: DFA: LFC: Questions? Contact: Susan Pentecost Managing Director, Office of the CIO DoIT Tim Elsbrock IT Investment Management Lead Office of the CIO Your DoIT OCIO Account Liaison

25 Planned SFY 2020 C2 Agency Funding Requests
AGENCY NAME: [Agency name and acronym] PROJECT NAME PROJECT PRIORITY BUSINESS NEED PROJECT DESCRIPTION TYPE PLANNED SFY 2020 C2 FUNDING REQUEST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Project Priority Rank and present planned C2 requests from highest to lowest, beginning with "1" as the highest priority Business Need Concise, 1-2 sentence statement of business requirement for project, business objective and/or benefit to State Project Description Concise, 1-2 sentence statement of WHAT project involves - e.g., replacing existing system, implementing new system, replacing/upgrading hardware, implementing new service Type "N" = new project; "C" = continuing project Planned Funding Request Amount you expect to request via your full business case for this project for SFY 2020

26 Thank you for attending

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