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Wafer bonding

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1 Wafer bonding

2 Introduction Bonding means attaching two objects together with a seal (often permanently) Microtechnology involves various types of bonding processes Wafer bonding Wire bonding Flip chip bonding Used in IC packaging and printed circuit board assembly. Will not be covered in this lecture.

3 Wafer bonding 1: as a way to make advanced starting wafers (SOI)
2: as a way to create complex 3D structures and cavities which create device functionality (chambers, channels, nozzles...) 3: as a packaging method to create closed environments (vacuum packages for resonators, mirrors and IR devices)


5 SOI applications

6 Bonding for wafers: GaN on SOI
J Lemettinen et al 2017 Semicond. Sci. Technol

7 J Lemettinen et al 2017 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 32 045003

8 III-V on silicon by bonding
oxide <InP> <InGaAs> <InGaAS> selective etch in two steps

9 Smart-cut:

10 SOD: silicon on diamond
hydrogen implanted region split and flip oxide Si diamond poly No bonding involved. Uses same technique as Smart-cut SOI: Ion implanted region inside silicon is weaker, and can be detached controllably.

11 D-SOI J. Micromech. Microeng. 22 (2012)

12 Bonding for 3D structures
Silicon-to-silicon bonding 5 wafers stacked alignment ±1 µm D. Epstein, MIT C.-C. Lin and M. Schmidt of MIT.

13 Bonding for packaging

14 RF switch example wafers, 3 bonding processes:
Fusion bonding to make SOI wafer Anodic silicon to glass Glass frit to attach cover lid oxide gold glass frit glass <Si>

15 SOI cap wafer Torunbalci, Alper, Akin: JMEMS 2015

16 Torunbalci, Alper, Akin: JMEMS 2015

17 Bonding requirements smooth surfaces (on nm-scale)
flat wafers (on cm-scale) no particles (voids larger than particles) matching CTEs (otherwise stresses) suitable surface chemistry (hydrophilic) intimate contact

18 Wafer bonding procedure
-particle removal -surface chemistry modification -(optional) vacuum pumping -(optional) wafer alignment -room temperature joining -application of force/heat/voltage -(optional) wafer thinning

19 Bonding methods direct bonding = fusion bonding
(Si/Si; glass/glass; SiO2/Si )  anodic bonding (AB) Si/glass, glass/Si/glass thermo-compression bonding (TCB) Eutectic/TLP bonding Si/glass frit bonding adhesive bonding limited by “glue” properties No intermediate layer Metallic intermediate layer Insulating intermediate layer (or conducting glue)

20 Bonding considerations
Bond properties What are the chemical bonds that will bond ? Exist naturally or formed by treatment? Bond strength ? Permanent vs. temporary ?

21 Bonding: materials Chemical compatibility Temperature tolerance
Bond formation temperature Device operation temperature CTE (coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch between materials Surface quality (roughness; waviness) Surface particles

22 Bonding: productivity considerations
Availability of equipment (production tools have automated, cassette to cassette operation) Process compatibility (IC compatibility: temperature & contamination) Process yield Throughput Cost Maturity

23 Thermo-Compression Bonding apply enough heat & pressure
Double Sided Heating: Contact Force: Bonding Atmosphere: up to 550°C N 1E mbar

24 Adhesive bonding surface cleaning spin coating of polymer
initial curing (solvent bake) evacuate vacuum (optional) join the wafers final curing pressure and/or heat

25 Adhesive bonding benefits
temperatures around 100oC (>Tg) tolerant to (some) particle contamination structured wafers can be bonded low cost, simple process

26 Anodic bonding Relies on mobile Na+ and oxygen ions in glass
glass Na+ Na+ Na+ O O2- O2- <Si> anode heater block Relies on mobile Na+ and oxygen ions in glass Temperature raises ion mobility in glass Voltage attracts oxygen ions to interface Si + 2 O2- ==> SiO2 + 4 e- reaction at glass-silicon interface

27 Anodic bonding Anodic bonding (AB) = Field-assisted thermal bonding
Glass and metals bonded Various glass types Corning 7740 Pyrex glass most common for anodic bonding CTE close to that of Si Annealing the glass before of after bonding can reduce stresses due to CTE mismatch

28 Thermal matching Coefficients of thermal expansion of silicon and glass must be matching, otherwise cracking upon cooling  only certain glasses suitable for anodic bonding: Pyrex, Borofloat

29 Anodic bonding Double Sided Heating: Contact Force:
High Voltage Supply: Bonding Atmosphere: up to 550°C N V / mA 1E mbar

30 Anodic bonding parameters
Current decreases when bonding proceeds It is considered that when current is below 10% of its maximum, the bonding is complete Alternatively, it is possible to limit the max current to a reasonably low level (e.g. 4 mA for 4” wafers) (Dziuban 2006)

31 Bond alignment Many applications will work even with very coarse alignment by wafer edges Many bonding tools utilize separate alignment apparatus where the wafers are fixed to a bond chuck that is then moved to a separate bonding chamber (Niklaus 2006)

32 Cavities in anodic bonding
Anodic bonding generates outgassing of oxygen in particular Pressure level is not dependent on pattern density as in silicon fusion bonding Glass is permeable to He With Pyrex He partial pressure increases from 10−14 to 10−4 Pa in 30 days Getters are applicable, but better initial vacuum can be obtained with other bonding methods (Dziuban 2006)

33 Anodic bonding with thin films
Anodic bonding can be done for thin-film covered silicon wafers Suitable dielectrics: SiO2 (up to 0.6 µm), Si3N4, Al2O3, SiC Suitable metals: Al, Ti, Ta A glass thin film can be deposited and used for anodic bonding Various glass types: borosilicate, borate, sodium glass Different deposition methods: sputtering, spin-on coating Glass thickness from sub-µm to a few µm Si3N4 film can be used as Na+ diffusion barrier to protect semiconductor devices from contamination (Dziuban 2006)

34 Fusion/direct/thermal bonding
Identical materials bonded No CTE problems Bonds naturally available Apply heat/pressure to enhance bonding Si-Si Glass-glass Polymer-polymer

35 Polymer thermal bonding
Raise temperature above Tg  softening  intimate contact (hold long enough) cool down below Tg Bond interface indistinguishable from bulk materials (because same bonds !)

36 Polymer bonding (2) Softening by solvent surface treatment
 Intimate contact (hold long enough) Bonding of different polymers, too! In theory a room temperature process In practise difficult to control the thickness of the softened layer

37 (Ville Saarela, unpublished)
Glass fusion bonding Heat above glass softening temperature, e.g. 650 °C works for Pyrex 7740 Intimate contact Danger: the stack of wafers can be distorted if temperature too high (Ville Saarela, unpublished) Isotropically wet etched channel in glass with fusion bonded glass channel.

38 Bonded SOI (Silicon On Insulator)
Thermally oxidized wafer is joined to a silicon wafer. After bond improvement anneal and thinning, the resulting 3-layer structure can be processed as any silicon wafer. Oxide layer thickness 100 nm – 1 µm (4 µm available as an expensive option) Top silicon thickness anything, but 5-50 µm typical in MEMS RCA-1 clean RT joining HT anneal thinning edge conditioning

39 Alternatively: oxide-oxide

40 Hydrophilic wafer Christiansen, Singh, and Gösele, Proc. IEEE 2006

41 Chemistry of Si-Si bonding (1)
Water removal and siloxane bond formation at oC; wafers drawn close together Bonding of hydrophilic silicon surfaces via weak hydrogen bonds; large distance between wafers Tong, Q.-Y. & U. Gösele: Semiconductor Wafer Bonding, John Wiley & Sons (1999)

42 Chemistry of Si-Si bonding (2)
Si-OH + HO-Si ==> Si – O – Si + H2O annealing improves bond strength Bond strength of Si-O-Si is so high that the bonded wafer breaks inside silicon; not at the bond interface Tong, Q.-Y. & U. Gösele: Semiconductor Wafer Bonding, John Wiley & Sons (1999)

43 HRTEM showing thin amorphous oxide between two single crystal silicon layers

44 Hydrophobic Si-Si bonding
Silicon native oxide is removed in HF or ammonium fluoride  H-termination H-terminated surface adsorbs hydrocarbon contamination  quick ! Initially, hydrogen bonds are very weak → more sensitive to defects Bonding and annealing will result in direct Si-Si covalent bond H2 has no place to go except edges  H2 bubbles form at interface (Christiansen et al. 2006)

45 Bond energy vs. temperature

46 Silicon fusion bonding: valve
(P.W. Barth, Stanford)

47 Epi + SOI p++ etch stop epi device layer epi bond and etch

48 Fusion bonding equipment
In direct wafer bonding, pressure is applied at the middle of one wafer to create a single point of contact between the pieces. Retracting the mechanical spacers creates a bonding wave that propagates from the middle of the samples toward the periphery. Surface cleanliness and roughness have a strong influence on the quality of the bond.

49 Low temperature Si-Si direct bonding
Ultra high vacuum (UHV) bonding Hydrophilic wafers are put in UHV chamber Heating (e.g. 450 °C) to remove hydrogen from Si surface Very Si-Si strong bonds even at room temperature HF & NaOH bonding Bonding in liquid solution Plasma treatment just prior to contacting wafers can also provide strong bond without high temperature annealing Different explanations: Surface cleaning Chemical activation Increased roughness/porosity increases absorption of gasses at interface

50 Problems with particles
Voids created by particles are Silicon can conform only to very large compared to particles very small particles, < 100 nm themselves because silicon is rigid material

51 Flatness & microstructures
2h 2R t Only flat wafers can be bonded (=no long wavelength undulation) Shallow channels will be bonded if they are too wide Note: flatness is macroscopic measure; smoothness is local/atomic measure

52 Bonding with cavities J. Microelectromechanical Sys., vol. 9, pp. 474–477, 2000.

53 Gases at cavities

54 Gases at cavities (2) Outgassing of H2 at the bonding interface during annealing If there are cavities at the interface, H2 will be trapped The effect of cavity density to pressure inside cavity in hydrophilic silicon fusion bonding is shown in picture Sparse cavities will take in H2 from larger area → higher residual pressure Getter materials can be added in cavities to improve vacuum level and stability

55 Cavity-SOI Tommi Suni, Kimmo Henttinen, James Dekker
Hannu Luoto, Martin Kulawski, Jari Mäkinen, Risto Mutikainen, 2006

56 SEM images of various cavities with a 6–7 lm thick Si diaphragm.
The cavity length is 10 mm, and the depth of cavity is around 50 lm. The cavity widths are 50 um (a), 100 um (b), 250 um (c) and 750 um (d)

57 C-SOI MEMS Solid-State Electronics 51 (2007) 328–332

58 Notching in SOI DRIE

59 J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009) 035025
Notching effect

60 Piezoelectric length-extensional bar resonator on cavity-SOI
along BB’ along AA’ A A’ B B’ trench cavity Jaakkola, A. et al: Piezotransduced single-crystal silicon BAW resonators, IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2007, p. 1653

61 CMUT Huang, Ergun, Hæggström, Badi, Khuri-Yakub

62 Silicon on patterned insulator
J. Micromech. Microeng. 19 (2009)


64 C-SOI with nitride roof
Si with LPCVD nitride SOI JMEMS 2017 p 829

65 Deposited films need CMP
10 Å RMS roughness but many more spikes 7 Å RMS roughness OK

66 C-SOI assignment You are a SOI wafer manufacturer.
You would like to offer C-SOI wafers to your customers. This brings about many technical issues as each design unique: -SOI device layer thickness -BOX-thickness -cavity depths -chip size -film or no film at cavity bottom -what processes will be done afterwards ? -…

67 C-SOI commercial/contractual
You need to collaborate with the buyer more intimately: -share designs -share processing -ship wafers around -agree on inspections/quality -…

68 Develop a business model for C-SOI !
Output: A PowerPoint presentation that you will present to potential MEMS manufacturers, trying to presuade them to adopt C-SOI. Audience includes engineers and bosses.

69 Hermeticity and gettering

70 Hermeticity and gettering (2)

71 Visual/IR inspection Particle between anodically bonded silicon and glass wafers under optical microscope (5x) IR transmission of direct bonded silicon wafers. Voids are revealed by interference patterns. Surface damage to glass wafer during AB

72 Razor blade test Sharp blade is pushed to the bonding interface
Debonding takes place with a specific crack length that is proportional to the surface energy Surface energy for two identical wafers: Different substrates have more complex equations. See e.g. Vallin et al. 2005 (Christiansen et al. 2006)

73 Tensile test method Tensile test method is widely used to quantify bond strengh A test chip is glued to pull studs which are pulled apart and the force at which the chip breaks determines the bond strength Destructive method Several configurations (Vallin 2005)

74 Chevron test method Chevron test is a variation of tensile test which provides good accuracy Gradually increasing pulling force is applied perpendicular to the bond Fracture begins at the chevron notch tip (Vallin 2005)

75 Blister test method In blister test method a pressure is applied to a cavity No voids (leaks) allowed in the studies cavity (Vallin 2005) (Christiansen et al. 2006)

76 Scanning acoustic microscopy
Scanning acoustic microscopy provides information about voids with better accuracy compared to visual/IR inspection Voids change the way the probe resonates (Christiansen et al. 2006)

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