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Industrialization Big Business.

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1 Industrialization Big Business

2 Big Business 19th century = the “heyday” of the big business
One of the 1st big businessmen = Andrew Carnegie Born in Scotland to penniless parents Got his start at the Pennsylvania Railroad Entered the steel business in 1873 1899 – Carnegie Steel Company was out- producing Britain His “rags to riches” story made him a model of American success

3 Carnegie’s Key to Success
New Business Strategies 1) Searched for ways to make better products more cheaply New machines, techniques etc. 2) Attracted talented people By offering stock in the company 3) Sought to control as much of the steel industry as he could Via vertical integration and horizontal integration


5 Carnegie’s Success Social Darwinism
Late 19th cent. philosophers said Carnegie’s success could be explained via Social Darwinism Social Darwinism Some species flourish & pass their traits to the next generation; some do not “Natural Selection” Social Darwinism when applied to business meant Success and failure in business were governed by natural law

6 Fewer Control More While Social Darwinism and “natural
law” were accepted in theory, in practice, businessmen wanted to “curve” their competition This meant Mergers Occurs when one company buys out the stock of another Can lead to monopolies A firm that bought out all of its competitors Complete control over an industry’s production, wages and prices Trusts Participants turned their stock over to a group of trustees – people who ran the separate company finances together In return, they received shares of profit earned by the trust

7 Fewer Control More John Rockefeller Established Standard Oil Company
Used a trust to gain total control of the oil industry 1880-Standard Oil controlled 90 % of the refining business Had a conflicting reputation as a “robber baron” and a philanthropist

8 Carnegie Steel Company
Fewer Control More By 1890, an estimated 10% of the population held 75% of the nation’s wealth The industrial tycoons below were some of that 10% John D Rockefeller Standard Oil $600 Billion Andrew Carnegie Carnegie Steel Company $200 Billion Cornelius Vanderbilt Railroads $143 Billion

9 Results of Big Business
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890-makes it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade Not easily enforced Business boom bypasses south South still recovering – unwilling to riskily invest South remains agricultural

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